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Minecraft IGN:Airings
Type of skin(Human, dog, cat, etc):Human
Describe the skin(PM me this in more detail for better outcome):I'd just like a regular human skin, just surprise me!
Steve or Alex skin:Alex
Minecraft IGN: CrisisChaos
Type of skin(Human, dog, cat, etc): Huaman
Describe the skin(PM me this in more detail for better outcome): Half human half demon with a jacket and blue please
Steve or Alex skin: Steve
Minecraft IGN:Flqreon_
Type of skin(Human, dog, cat, etc)anda
Describe the skin(PM me this in more detail for better outcome):-
Steve or Alex skin:Steve
Minecraft IGN: _G0DZ
Type of skin(Human, dog, cat, etc):Human
Describe the skin(PM me this in more detail for better outcome): I Like Your skin style (if possible a skin like yours with like diffrent shirt and pants) Make it a girl cause they look better.
Steve or Alex skin: Steve
Minecraft IGN: Fuz3_
Type of skin(Human, dog, cat, etc): Maybedylan
Describe the skin(PM me this in more detail for better outcome): with white hair
Steve or Alex skin: alex
Minecraft IGN: MrRyuzaki
Type of skin(Human, dog, cat, etc): Human
Describe the skin(PM me this in more detail for better outcome): If you just look up goku on Google I would like it like that.
Steve or Alex skin: Steve please.
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