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Best Ratio's of MCSG


Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
Larry should be up in there, too bad he still hasn't gotten his 100th win :c


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
l3l. I think it's funny how you're accusing me of boosting, resetting my stats, and using alts to my advantage because I have never committed any of those crimes once!
lol no offense, but no one comes into mcsg and wins 500/686 games. Not huahwi, not gravey4rd, not anyone lol. Whats your story? lol

Aha, someone finally said this! I've been waiting to prove someone wrong about this. MattAldridge was my old main . I only had access to the MattAldridge account from June of 2013 to August of 2013. Then on September 1st, I bought my Mr_Smaha account (my current main) for the sole reason that my parents wanted me to get a new account, so I did. And also, I did not intend to obtain such a ratio on Mr_Smaha, I just won... A lot....

ahhh nevermind now I see lol. Alt accounts as I said... Anyone can get a good w/l ratio as an alt lol. So I was right, you are an alt account :p. You say you didn't boost.. but yet all your games played were on HIGH US and CA servers. Majority of them are on US 100+ lol. Totally not boosting tho xD.

Not saying you are a bad pvper or anything, I'm sure you are very skilled, but as far as earning those wins... I'd have to question that :p
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Jun 1, 2014
Reaction score
lol no offense, but no one comes into mcsg and wins 500/686 games. Not huahwi, not gravey4rd, not anyone lol. Whats your story? lol

ahhh nevermind now I see lol. Alt accounts as I said... Anyone can get a good w/l ratio as an alt lol. So I was right, you are an alt account :p. You say you didn't boost.. but yet all your games played were on HIGH US and CA servers. Majority of them are on US 100+ lol. Totally not boosting tho xD.

Not saying you are a bad pvper or anything, I'm sure you are very skilled, but as far as earning those wins... I'd have to question that :p
1) Alt is a wrong term to use in this situation. "New Main" would be a better term.
2) Even on his old main, he had a 59% ratio
3) These days, CA is much harder to win on compared to US.
4) I find little difference between high US and low US servers to be honest; they seem to be the same difficulty to win on.
5) He isn't donor; he probably can't get into the low numbered servers with all the donors.
6) He gets 60-90ms to US, which is much worse than many other players that live near the west coast.
7) He apparently also plays on EU fairly often, which he most likely gets worse ping, yet still manages to win.

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