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Best Person you have legit killed?


Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
So there I was on sg4... And I saw Bombashious. First, I pooped my pants, second I started to run, and lastly I turned around ready to fight. Charge straight at him, ready to duel! He places down fire, I jump back, he lunges at me and punches me in the face, I had no choice but to run. I started to dash, and I encountered his fire from, I pull back all my air from my lounges and blow, hard, real hard. The fire goes out, I did it. I really did it. I defeated bom's fire. I actually did it. I'm so proud of my self. Well later that match bom shoots me with his bow, but I am already so happy of my win over the fire that I don't care! I'm so proud of defeating bombs fire.


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, So I saw Egrodo in a game and I was all "Gasp, Egrowdowww" I knew I had to tell him that I was total fan y0. I told him and he said cool and we ended up teaming or something somehow and when there was about 10 people left, me and him met up. He had full iron and an iron sword, I had full iron and a stone sword. He told me that he wasn't sure about team with me so we decided to fought. My first instinct, being it against Egrodo and all, was to run. This is exactly what I did until I realized that one does not simply run from Egrodo, So I turned and fought him. I got the first 3 hits and he started running, Soon I caught up to him and he turned and we fought and I beat him with 1 heart left. After that I was sorting through his loot and @Tacoface1234 shoots me dead. GG.

I have also killed Gravey4rd and Blamph before. I was teamed with Grave and we 1v1d and I beat him, and the other one is that I got in deathmatch with Blamph and beat him with 6 hearts.


Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
First off, wasn't this thread necroed?

Anyways, i havent really killed anyone that good. I unfairly almost killed @soggypickle in Valleyside. I just surprised attacked him from behind then after hitting him like 4 times i realized it was him and backed off (i wanted him kill me).

Other than that i fought @JustAHotDog!!! That was amazing. He was all fishing roding me and stuff!! I kept on running away and stuff, at one points i hit him a couple times and lit him on fire. Then, HotDog was running from ME!!!!! I felt so proud!!!!!!!!
The fight eventually made it into the water where i was on a boat. I wanted to ridicule him so i circled around him in the boat fishing roding him. I was laughing the whole time on my end. At one point, he had his back to me so i came at him on the boat. Right when i got behind him to attack, he turned around and almost killed me. Im guessing he was in F5 mode so he could see me coming. Eventually it was dmatch. Just me and him (dont know what happened to the other guy). It started, HotDog came at me. I shot him with a couple of arrows, then accidentally lit myself on fire. That was the end of me. He came at me with his diamond sword and i was, as the kids say, "toast". He won, i got second. Sad face.

If you are reading this HotDog, why didn't you answer the chat? Do you even remember the game?
Lol, I remember that game. I usually don't answer chat just because. And ya, it's also pretty easy to use f5 in water


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
I killed Gravey4rd, and to those of you saying that he's not good, he is one of the best, and certainly better than the #1, by the way, where is he?


Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
I rarely get to have fair 1v1's, but I did have one against G33ke when the PMC servers were new. I am pretty sure he was having an off day because his fishing rod never hit. Still a good game though.

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