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Best MCSG Kill

Chosen One

Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
In one of my first games, I was playing on map 3. I didnt know where to go and randomly walked around for awhile. I got lucky and found a chest with a stone axe and some porkchops. I got ambushed by a team of two, who both had armor. One guy had a wooden sword and the other had a fishing rod. The guy with the sword apparently had worn it down alot, cause he hit me once and the sword disappeared. I killed him in 5 hits and took his leather chestplate(the other guy had leather pants). The other guy tried to hit me with his fishing rod but he kept missing. I chased him for 20 seconds or so, and then he got stuck in tree leaves and I killed him. I managed to make it all the way to the final 2 but I got killed by a guy with full iron armor and a diamond sword. I almost killed him, cause he said afterwards that he had like 1.5 hearts left when he killed me. Almost. :(


May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Killed a guy with full iron armor and an iron sword on map 1 with gold armor and a diamond sword. After that, a guy with a stone sword killed me because I had 2 hearts left after that.


Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Picture this if you will:

Late game. ~4 players left. I'm waiting out the night, when I see a pair of nameplates approaching. Turns out, it's the corn hoarders. Being that I only had my iron sword and leather armor, and my partner had died earlier, I essentially gave up. When the first hoarder charged into the room, I managed to trap him/her in a cobweb. Easy kill from that point. Second one charges in; dead in a matter of seconds by my newly acquired sword. Now I have two diamond swords and two sets of iron armor. Wat. If I remember correctly, I went on to win the match.


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Jumped off the parkour tower in map 4, pulled off an epic midair snipe and won the game. Like a boss.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
killed someone who had a diamond sword really early on in the game, then picked it up and ran away from his friend who chased me into the ocean. I threw him a diamond i had picked up to distract him, then i got to land, climbed up some vines, and after taking sufficient damage from his ally (who may have been hacking), i knocked him off a ledge and killed him, being fully decked out in iron with diamond sword after those 2 kills. Ended up owning the game, of course :D


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
I had another cool kill this morning. I was on map 1 and the chests had just refilled, I couldnt of taken spawn because there was a team there. I saw a guy coming down the hill, I hide, he runs in, I wait for him to realise that a team is there, he runs I follow the team while the team chases him, the guy with the diamond sword gets stuck in a cobweb and cant move while his teammate runs and kills the other while im sitting there killing the guy with my wooden sword, I got his armour and sword then killed everyone else in the game (it went to deathmatch after I killed them both.)


Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
My best kill; The setting was Map 2 right around noon time. LongCross and zeejayy were right on my trail. I had fairly bad armor and the two were pretty geared up. I had a stone sword and a bow with 5 arrows. I whipped around and shot LongCross with 4/5 arrows, killing him. I then ran around frantically until I reached to the building under construction. I ran up a flight of stairs and went into a hiding spot to get the jump on my pursuer (zeejayy). When he started to come up the stairs I jumped down them on top of him, surprising him with the first hit. He then began to try to run around the small room to evade me, but I got him cornered and finished him off without a single scratch on me :D
Someone is proud.


Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
I ran into a team of three on spawn with full chain (some iron) and a iron swords, I had only a iron sword and some gold and chain.


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
What's your best MCSG kill of all time? It can be funny, skillful or lucky.
I was on the jungle map, 24 players, and someone was chasing me. I had no chance about three hearts left. I went for the small tunnel thing under a leaf block near the village. Inside of this tunnel there are three levers. Two of them kill you and the third rewards you, I knew which did which. I had enough of a lead to get down there with out being killed. My attacker followed me in, at the last second, right before my death I manage to hit the lever killing him and myself. I earned points from his death. We later discussed this in the chat.


District 13
Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
In map 2, around the bridge, I had recently crafted an iron sword. I went to the chest in the nearby forest and obtained, sadly, a bone and a fishing rod. I scouted a bit further and saw three people sprint-jumping towards me with menacing skins and each individually with better armor (two of them had iron swords, one had a diamond sword). While they were racing down the bridge towards, the crafting table, I cut to the right towards to the obsidian, then leaped into the water. They hesitated, then pursued. The only thing is, they were WAY spaced out, like 20 blocks.
So what I ended up doing is heading under the first guy, who had gold helm, chain chest, gold pants, chain boots, and an iron sword.
I killed him with half a heart left. The next person had caught up by then, a hairs length away from being in hitting range. If only I'd put that fishing rod in my hotbar...
He was clearly sprinting through the water, and I was half a hunger short of regen. It looked like it was over. But I decided my only chance was to take a risk. I dipped down to the ocean floor, began sprinting, and rose a bit, then whipped around quickly and whacked him away with incredible knockback. In the two second time frame this had granted me, I equipped the fishing rod, and ate a cookie. They chased me down the river for a bit as I kept knocking them back and regenerating.
When I had reached seven hearts, I went to face the next guy (I was too impatient to wait for ten hearts). The next guy had iron helm, iron chest, leather pants, gold boots, and, god forbid, a diamond sword. If I'd had enough time to equip the first guy's armor, I would've. But for now I would have to face him with my mixed leather, gold, and chain array of low quality.
So I dipped below him and we began swinging away. Immediately I noticed something was wrong... although I couldn't quite figure it out. I desperately approached the border, and saw someone with a normal skin, leather pants, and a stone sword. He was on the big-tree side of the river watching the fight carefully. He then sprang into the river and began to pursue the person who was about to kill me.
It was then that I noticed something peculiar. His head was swinging back and forth between me and the other guy. It was aimbot. I wish I'd been recording, I could've gotten rid of him. I backed up and watched the aimbotter and the noob duel. The victor was clear. However, I must admit, that other guy was good at PvP and had actually gotten more hits on him, despite his opponent being an aimbotter. After he finished, he turned to me, I had now begun to swim towards him. He must have been on low health, because immediately he began to back away. I went down to collect the other guy's stuff, obtaining some pointless pants and a weaker sword, but something else I hadn't had in the beginning.
A bow. I noticed excitedly that I had 2 arrows in the very last space in my hotbar. Lucky move. It was all I needed to kill the second person in the team. The final person on the team had been swimming towards me the whole time. He had no helm, iron chest, leather pants, iron boots, and an iron sword. Weakest for last. I had great confidence, I was at full health and ready to fight.
But I wasn't the only one who had a bow; he began to snipe me. He was good at aiming, but he wasn't an aimbotter for sure, he missed a couple times. After firing a ton of arrows, I only had 3 hearts, and began to cower. But since we were next to the border, I couldn't go much farther. I fishing rodded him away and hopped up to the beach, running through the forest by the big tree. At 5 and a half hearts, I stopped regenerating. I noticed I had no food left, the cookie had been the last piece.
But I had a bowl. I frantically collected mushrooms and crafted soup as he sprint-jumped towards me. As I finished eating, he struck me once, and immediately I began to run like hell, but simultaneously regenerating. I then proceeded to turn around and head back down the river away from the border to get some more time. Again, I got impatient, whipped around with eight hearts, and saw him right there. This was my chance. I dipped below him and hit him three times, immediately gaining the upper hand, and I ended up killing him in the end.

By the way, if you don't want to read all of this, I don't blame you.

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