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Auto-sprint banning.


Jun 12, 2012
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I was banned for better sprint for a week a while ago, which I wasn't using and have never used on any server, let alone mcsg. My ban was "upheld" because their "proof" (a laggy video which did not in my opinion show any kind of sprint modification) apparently made them think I was in fact hacking. I was banned yesterday for "Hacking/Aimbot". What the heck is that? I've never used an aimbot hack. The fact that I was banned twice for no reason AND for 2 different offenses makes me think the moderators are just blindly banning for no reason and without proof. What is it that makes you think I'm hacking?

Now, I don't know if moderators do this already, but here's an easy solution I have: Watch the player for a while before you ban them for 887 months. Maybe you saw a glitch. Maybe the server lagged. The safe way to prevent unfair banning would be to watch the player for a while and then decide if a BSM/Hacking/Aimbot/whatever ban is reasonable.

Here's the video that shows my apparent "hacking":
First of all, the video is pretty laggy. I don't see any hard evidence of "better sprint", do you? And if you do, don't you agree that maybe some more footage would help you more easily decide?

Edit: I apologize for the angry rant.
All bans are supported by evidence, obtained while and after watching a player for a longer amount of time then it takes to make a gut reaction. We do not ban people for glitches, or for lag. We ban people when we and other moderators agree that the evidence is solid proof of hacks.


May 5, 2012
Reaction score
How about the mods legalise bsm?
Now before you 100% disagree with me , hear me out.
BSM (imo) shouldn't be considered as a hack. Sure it gives you a slight advantage (very slight) but it doesn't allow you to do anything drastic. There are rumour of BSM allowing you to sprint backwards but from what I have read from their page (i did my research before posting , and all it seems to be able to do is toggle sprint/sneak) it appears that it is a fairly innocent mod. People with BSM can easily die to people without it and in most cases it doesn't make any difference to a fight , especially one on MCSG where not everyone has equal stuff. Is it really worth banning lots of innocent people just to ban a small number of people who actually use the the mod? I mean it's not like it's nodus that completely alters your gameplay. Banning somebody for BSM is like banning somebody for reis minimap and it's next to impossible to have valid proof of somebody BSM'ing. Think about it - anyone could sprint whenever they wanted to move. It's nothing you can't do in the vannila game so who's to say he's not just good at sprinting? Even if it may look obvious you can't just ban somebody on a hunch. The only way a mod should ban somebody for BSM is when they have solid evidence of the person confessing that he uses the mod - therefore BSM should be legalised.


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
All bans are supported by evidence, obtained while and after watching a player for a longer amount of time then it takes to make a gut reaction. We do not ban people for glitches, or for lag. We ban people when we and other moderators agree that the evidence is solid proof of hacks.
okay. How can you explain the people who are unfairly banned then? I wasn't using hacks.


District 13
May 27, 2012
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How about the mods legalise bsm?
Now before you 100% disagree with me , hear me out.
BSM (imo) shouldn't be considered as a hack. Sure it gives you a slight advantage (very slight) but it doesn't allow you to do anything drastic. There are rumour of BSM allowing you to sprint backwards but from what I have read from their page (i did my research before posting , and all it seems to be able to do is toggle sprint/sneak) it appears that it is a fairly innocent mod. People with BSM can easily die to people without it and in most cases it doesn't make any difference to a fight , especially one on MCSG where not everyone has equal stuff. Is it really worth banning lots of innocent people just to ban a small number of people who actually use the the mod? I mean it's not like it's nodus that completely alters your gameplay. Banning somebody for BSM is like banning somebody for reis minimap and it's next to impossible to have valid proof of somebody BSM'ing. Think about it - anyone could sprint whenever they wanted to move. It's nothing you can't do in the vannila game so who's to say he's not just good at sprinting? Even if it may look obvious you can't just ban somebody on a hunch. The only way a mod should ban somebody for BSM is when they have solid evidence of the person confessing that he uses the mod - therefore BSM should be legalised.
As someone who has used better sprint (Not on MCSG) I can say for certain that is is more than a slight advantage. Being able to hit that sprint hotkey in mid combat is so much easier than double tapping, and gives a major advantage.


Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
How about the mods legalise bsm?
Now before you 100% disagree with me , hear me out.
BSM (imo) shouldn't be considered as a hack. Sure it gives you a slight advantage (very slight) but it doesn't allow you to do anything drastic. There are rumour of BSM allowing you to sprint backwards but from what I have read from their page (i did my research before posting , and all it seems to be able to do is toggle sprint/sneak) it appears that it is a fairly innocent mod. People with BSM can easily die to people without it and in most cases it doesn't make any difference to a fight , especially one on MCSG where not everyone has equal stuff. Is it really worth banning lots of innocent people just to ban a small number of people who actually use the the mod? I mean it's not like it's nodus that completely alters your gameplay. Banning somebody for BSM is like banning somebody for reis minimap and it's next to impossible to have valid proof of somebody BSM'ing. Think about it - anyone could sprint whenever they wanted to move. It's nothing you can't do in the vannila game so who's to say he's not just good at sprinting? Even if it may look obvious you can't just ban somebody on a hunch. The only way a mod should ban somebody for BSM is when they have solid evidence of the person confessing that he uses the mod - therefore BSM should be legalised.
BSM actually gives the player using it a major advantage. This is because BSM changes so many game mechanics. Here are a few examples:

If you sprint while on fire in vanilla MC, you stop to take damage, and then continue sprinting. With BSM, you sprint the whole time.
Lets say I am low on health and need to eat, but I'm being chased. To slow my chaser down, I turn around and light him/her on fire. If they have BSM, they won't slow down, and I can't eat.

If you hit someone while sprinting in vanilla MC, you both stop. With BSM, one will continue sprinting.
If I'm being chased by an opponent with BSM, they can continue to hit me whilst still sprinting, but I stop sprinting to take the damage. Before I can sprint again, they are already hitting me again because they never stopped sprinting in the first place.

If you run into a block in vanilla MC while sprinting, you stop. With BSM, you do not.
Sometimes to escape from an opponent, I may run into a dense forest to lose them. If they accidentally hit a tree trunk they should stop sprinting, allowing me to gain some distance. But, because they have BSM they continue sprinting and can keep up with me the whole time.

These are just a few of the many examples of how BSM is unfair.

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
That part about laptop keyboards... that is absolutely true. I know from experience you can start a sprint much more quickly with one, though not as well as you would be able to if you had better sprint. This is why that mod is such a tricky one for us to spot. It's very important to recognize the true characteristics of the mod, one of which is not the ability to start a sprint quickly IMO.


Feb 1, 2013
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Staff do not ban anyone for hacking without evidence. Some may be wrong but BSM is hard to tell. Therefore, We need other staffs opinions.
It's not that hard to tell if you know where to look, sadly some staff members only look at one thing when they are investigating a possible BSM user. Whereas in my opinion you need different kinds of evidence. I really am not bashing on MCSG staff, I'm simply pointing out stuff I see as mistakes. :)


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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There is one flaw with this argument, though: You can only sprint so fast, regardless of the keyboard you use, due to lag.

Wobble sprint is something I'm sure we've all had to deal with: I'll let you all in on a little secret: It's caused by attempting to start your sprint too quickly. The more lag you have, the slower you have to start your sprint to prevent wobble sprint. You can test this yourself by playing in your region and trying to start your sprint as quickly as possible after it breaks, and then doing the same in the most laggy region for you. Chances are, you'll get it more often, and it'll be worse, on the laggy server.

Nobody gets a connection good enough to sprint as quickly as BSM does. Doesn't matter what keyboard you use, your internet connection is the true biggest factor, and nobody could even possibly obtain a good enough connection to go as fast as BSM unless they lived right next to the servers. BSM is meant to fix the buggy sprint by fixing the buggy wobble sprint. By doing this, it's getting rid of the restrictions that the rest of us have to go through, that vanilla Minecraft sets. Wobble sprint isn't random, it's a restriction on capabilities of the player, which sadly is set by who has the better internet connection. If BSM was in vanilla Minecraft, that'd be awesome, it would fix the problem of laggy players being at a disadvantage, but since it's not, getting past the restrictions set by lag is not allowed.

Because of this, it's entirely possible to catch a BSM'ing playing with absolute sureness. The problem is that it still proves to be incredibly difficult, and there will be some really iffy bans due to the nature of it. The only time I'm completely sure of it's use is when fighting someone, because the use of it completely messes up the way me and some other top players fight, but sadly, this doesn't make good evidence because of the nature of how I fight. (Not looking at the opponent a lot of the time.) (Me and Sixzo did some testing on a private server once. It was about 50-50 who won in a normal fight, but when one or the other used the mod, they won nearly every time with usually 3-5 hearts to spare.)

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