Minecraft IGN: CoolBritshBoy18
Age: 12
Wins: 46
Total Games: 1479 something. I was a noob for 1000 games I did not use a mouse and I sucked
Country: Thailand
Skype: ads_powell
PvP Strengths: Landing rod hits and
PvP Weaknesses: F and S quickness and teams of 3
Offensive/Defensive/All-rounder: All_Rounder
Favourite Maps: Icarus, Solar Frost, Valleyside, Origins, SG Highway, Chernobyl 2015
How Long do you spend your time at MCSG every week?: 7 hours
Why do you want to be in #Krypton?: I want to be in a clan that is cool and participates in clan wars and I want to met more people and cause swag.