To the people mentioning that AS players should should make US their main region, AS players get a minimum of 150MS to US, and that would be with the fastest internet available. I personally get 240MS to US, 330MS to EU, and 400MS to AU, and this would be similar for a large portion of Asia, with the exception of areas like Japan and Hong Kong, who may get 150-160MS with fast internet. Bringing back the AS servers would be beneficial to a fairly large portion of the world, and there are staff who have said that they would be willing to moderate it. This being said, there would also be disadvantages and risks to bringing back the AS servers, for example, if Chad were to decide to bring back AS and there weren't enough players joining, then MCGamer would lose money, and reputation considering this is the 2nd time AS was up, and it shut down again. I think a viable solution to begin with it to introduce even 1, or 2, direct IPs to Survival Games lobbies hosted in Asia. There would be no need for a hub, since this would just be to test the AS community to see if players are still interested.