Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Added to the queueMinecraft Name (cAsE sensitive): WagtailDP
Which type of avatar are you purchasing (choices above): A banner
Any features you are looking for: I want my character to chase some pigs
Anything else: I like your work :3
Yep.Is this thread still up and running?
Ummm watI like you skin man you are one good skinner, i remember going onto planetmincraft and seeing your good skins and i always knew you were going to succeed at making skins, and as i can see you have. I just want to be the first (to post) say congratulations on you carrer in making skins, i can't wait to see what you make next and i will always keep giving you diamonds on your skins on planetminecraft
Inside joke! xD (bobbybarker)Ummm wat
And also a necro :cInside joke! xD (bobbybarker)
Haaaaaad tooooo!And also a necro :c
Fien :cHaaaaaad tooooo!