Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
non a caso il clan è stata una mia idea, siamo terzi in europa e esiste da circa 4 mesi...Dark con te il clan dura meno della batteria del mio cell
DeclinedIGN: Bergamasco
Age: 15
Past Clans: Prismatic//Infernus//Rebellion//Impetus//Vector
Arcanite 5-3 EpicSquad [W]
Nice game play!
http://prntscr.com/cm5lq1 (Haker)
http://prntscr.com/cm5lx9 (Haker)
LOL you guys are both autistic, just learn how to ss properlyArcanite 5-3 EpicSquad [W] , nice fake win , I've found xray, and autoclicker, and vape , and Doubleclick , im ask Austin and mod
declinedIGN: flmhy
Skype: ayepicastoyak
Past Clans: Shweders,Trimble,Triada,Inverium,Presence,Lekvi,Raptors,EpicSquad...