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Apex - AU Clan

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Aug 24, 2012
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Many Mods that were referees had spoken about the evidence and heard both sides, including bowser who is a senior mod saw it suitable for a DQ. If a Senior mod thinks certain evidence warrants a DQ then 9/10 times it is sufficient evidence. It was good of Apex to even offer a redo Many clans would not do that. so the comments about the Resurrection clan battle really isn't 100% accurate and shouldn't be used to influence others to see Apex in a negative way.
So if I said, team Croe the whole way across the map when he couldn't see it I could get Apex D/Q'd? Sweet, now I know how to win every clan battle.


Jul 26, 2013
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Many Mods that were referees had spoken about the evidence and heard both sides, including bowser who is a senior mod saw it suitable for a DQ. If a Senior mod thinks certain evidence warrants a DQ then 9/10 times it is sufficient evidence. It was good of Apex to even offer a redo Many clans would not do that. so the comments about the Resurrection clan battle really isn't 100% accurate and shouldn't be used to influence others to see Apex in a negative way. Although i may also be completely wrong and don't know what i am talking about
Was leader of resurrection, pretty sure I talked to only 1 mod, (which was advised by apex, "If you don't like our decision talk to a mod about it.") That mod agreed that Resurrection should have won, and whether or not Apex talked to Bowser I agree that he should have heard both sides of the argument :)


Apr 15, 2013
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Was leader of resurrection, pretty sure I talked to only 1 mod, (which was advised by apex, "If you don't like our decision talk to a mod about it.") That mod agreed that Resurrection should have won, and whether or not Apex talked to Bowser I agree that he should have heard both sides of the argument :)
Well then it was the job of the clan leader which is YOU to reach out to Bowser and state your side. But if the Mod you spoke to was a referee in that game and said you won, then you should have. Although i don't think it was a referee so idk. All this is old news and really didn't need to be brought up. I am sure the Owners of the clan do not want to read all this and get notifications on the thread so it should stop. My only point was that it shouldn't be used in a way that is degrading to the Apex clan. So yeah topic over.


Sep 25, 2013
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This is a lot longer story than what is shown in these two bits of text and I feel like it is very unfair as it makes the old Nuggetz look bad. When the first battle in Nuggetz vs Apex happened it was 2-0 Nuggetz way and then 2 of our best players had to leave then we had all permission to postpone the battle. However, you said that if we did not continue on with the fight then it would be a D/Q. So we continued and we had to add in two of are worst players in and ending up 2-2. Then it was postponned until later and when we played that final round it was a gg by you and the members that participated. However, shinyigglybuff who was not in the battle or even in Apex at the time was with a friend playing mcsg and when we started to run away from you, but out of nowhere shiny and his team jump out and start attacking us and when you guys finally caught up shiny just stood there and let you kill him without even fighting back. Once we lost we said that round was unfair and we would have liked a redo but you said no until we finally figured it out that you legitimately won believing you that shinyigglybuff never planned to interfere. However, about a week later, even though you said he wouldn't be accepted into Apex after what he did, guess what, he was accepted. That definitely looked like something that was planned yet I did not want to cause anymore trouble so I let it be, but no matter what I did you guys ended up hating me for the wrong reasons and ending up declined for having a bad relationship with Apex.

However back onto clan battles there was the Apex vs Ressurrection clan battle which I thought that they didn't stand a chance against Apex. Apparently I was wrong and Ressurrection ended up beating you guys 3-2. However, you had some very bad evidence of a player having no clue what was actually going on and asked the leader Entoricore if they were teamed/truced. I would also like to mention that he left Ressurrection to join Nuggetz on that day and Entoricore updating the thread was second to playing against the "best AU clan." So when you brought up the evidence of why it was a D/Q it was completely understandable. However, there were many reasons why it should have not been a D/Q for that 1 is that Entoricore was not even in range of Rumble_Thunders chat and didn't end up replying as he had no clue Rumble said that. 2 Leaders of Nuggetz and Ressurrection told you that he had left and joined Nuggetz, but for some reason you refused to believe it. Thirdly I would like to say that Rumble ended up playing no part in the clan battle and all that really happened was Rumble killing one of the members of Ressurrection Wyverns_Wake. Even after all this evidence you refused to play on with them and said it was a D/Q. You then later said to do a redo of that round which I would maybe do the same if there was an actual reason for there to be a D/Q in the first place, but there wasn't and I know many good clans that would admit to a loss about that and wouldn't have used evidence like that. I will also never forgot about the evidence of why it was a D/Q against Hydra as Squidman9 is obviously not hacking yet he still gets banned.

I still have respect from some members in Apex. Croe97 and flok seem to be the people that don't start or complain about these sort of things. Sometimes Weary, Da_Goose and blake time to time, but Apex cannot have rights to make Nuggetz look bad when they are covering all this up. I would also like to mention again that I was hated for no reason and even though I tried to be friendly I was ignored or things were being said behind my back. You may delete this comment if you have no response to this I can understand and it may be starting unwanted flame, but it needs to be said. Even if you do delete this comment, it will always be there and denying that this was ever a comment, is almost denying the truth, and Apex I have one last thing to say, you cannot hide from the truth.
Actually, the D/Q against Hydra never happened, it was only a D/Q for as long as I was banned. I was unbanned the next day because I proved the evidence to be wrong (clearly wrong) and also because Omastar set his 'evidence' video to private, which seems quite strange as the only reason I can think he would do that is that even he realised the evidence was terrible and decided that since the mods thought it was hacks at that time (somehow) he would make sure that I couldn't prove it to be wrong, so that I couldn't be unbanned. Unfortunately for him, this didn't work because firstly, I had already posted a second ban dispute proving the video wrong and also in the end the mods unbanned me because they simply couldn't access the evidence anymore. The reason he tried to get me banned in the first place is because Apex seem to have privileges when it comes to these sort of things (they have alot of mod friends and got to talk to the mods which somehow led to the mods thinking that I was actually hacking). Were in the third round of the clan battle of Hydra vs. Apex, we were clearly going to win the round as we were about to head into a 2v1 death-match favouring Hydra. Soon before this, we notice that Omastar joined the game, which was to our surprise as there were no specs allowed, when we were informed that he had joined to 'Record one of your members hacking' we laughed and simply went on to win the round. Since Apex kept postponing the final round after it had been 2-2 (since I was unbanned it was no-longer a D/Q and we had never finished the final round) we never actually finished the battle since Hydra disbanded and they wouldn't continue the battle against Pegasus, which, unfortunately gave them a way out of it all since their first plan didn't work .In conclusion, I believe that clan battles should we won by using superior PvP, Strategy, knowledge and teamwork rather by a D/Q. I hope that this clears up why I was banned and what happened, and I also hope it way let some more of the truth free about how apex win their clan battles and about how they operate. Although I may also be banned for 'starting flame' like snochet was, I do not care, because when one of the top clans show such poor sportsmanship, I think people should know about it.
~ Regards Squid


Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
Actually, the D/Q against Hydra never happened, it was only a D/Q for as long as I was banned. I was unbanned the next day because I proved the evidence to be wrong (clearly wrong) and also because Omastar set his 'evidence' video to private, which seems quite strange as the only reason I can think he would do that is that even he realised the evidence was terrible and decided that since the mods thought it was hacks at that time (somehow) he would make sure that I couldn't prove it to be wrong, so that I couldn't be unbanned. Unfortunately for him, this didn't work because firstly, I had already posted a second ban dispute proving the video wrong and also in the end the mods unbanned me because they simply couldn't access the evidence anymore. The reason he tried to get me banned in the first place is because Apex seem to have privileges when it comes to these sort of things (they have alot of mod friends and got to talk to the mods which somehow led to the mods thinking that I was actually hacking). Were in the third round of the clan battle of Hydra vs. Apex, we were clearly going to win the round as we were about to head into a 2v1 death-match favouring Hydra. Soon before this, we notice that Omastar joined the game, which was to our surprise as there were no specs allowed, when we were informed that he had joined to 'Record one of your members hacking' we laughed and simply went on to win the round. Since Apex kept postponing the final round after it had been 2-2 (since I was unbanned it was no-longer a D/Q and we had never finished the final round) we never actually finished the battle since Hydra disbanded and they wouldn't continue the battle against Pegasus, which, unfortunately gave them a way out of it all since their first plan didn't work .In conclusion, I believe that clan battles should we won by using superior PvP, Strategy, knowledge and teamwork rather by a D/Q. I hope that this clears up why I was banned and what happened, and I also hope it way let some more of the truth free about how apex win their clan battles and about how they operate. Although I may also be banned for 'starting flame' like snochet was, I do not care, because when one of the top clans show such poor sportsmanship, I think people should know about it.
~ Regards Squid
Moderators request that players supplying evidence is uploaded privately so the public cannot see. It wasn't Omastar trying to get you banned, It is what MCSG ask of players.


Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Moderators request that players supplying evidence is uploaded privately so the public cannot see. It wasn't Omastar trying to get you banned, It is what MCSG ask of players.
The public could not see, it was not a any time a public video that you could search up and watch, only the mods and I were given the video to analyze. A couple days later, the video's setting were changed so that not even the mods could access it anymore, the link I had to it simply said that the video had been set to private. Omastar changed the video settings so that no one could see it. Only he could.


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
The public could not see, it was not a any time a public video that you could search up and watch, only the mods and I were given the video to analyze. A couple days later, the video's setting were changed so that not even the mods could access it anymore, the link I had to it simply said that the video had been set to private. Omastar changed the video settings so that no one could see it. Only he could.
Please take this to a PM, we don't want this conversation flooding our thread.
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