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Any advice?

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Jun 1, 2012
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Hello I started playing on these Survival Servers yesterday, i noticed in the firs round I ALMOST WON!! (but i was stuck on a ledge, thats why i almost won) >,< and i havent been doing as well as i expected. Soo, any advice?
PootisMafia (AKA Erinsbros)


Jun 1, 2012
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Oh i do really well at camping, but lets face it there is almost always no thrill in camping...


May 4, 2012
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Here are some tips.

1. When sprinting, jump to move faster. It uses more hunger, but good for escaping other tributes and good for that starting sprint for the cornucopia
2. Find out a route with lots of chests to get some items. Better if fewer people go there.
3. Make several strategies in case a couple don't work.
4. Practice your PvP skills on PvP servers or Single Player PvE.
5. While spectating (not always useful) look for chests, and clusters of them to add to your route.

Feel free to add on guys :D
Also Pootis, you can just edit your original post. You didn't have to make a new reply to say that. Edit button is at bottom of post. Should be left of Report.


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Don't underestimate a wooden sword or any sword in general.

Fist: Half a heart per hit
Wood Sword: 2 hearts per hit
Stone Sword: 2 1/2 hearts per hit
Iron Sword: 3 hearts per hit
Gold: 2 hearts per hit (RIP OFF)
Diamond: 3 1/2 hearts per hit

Also blocking reduces damage by half from what I believe. If you are getting assaulted with a sword use block a lot. :)


May 31, 2012
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Remember you can use axes as weapons as well, a wooden axe will save the day against an unarmed player.

Don't get put off by armor, only by weapons; if you're unarmored but have any weapon and you encounter an armored player with no weapon, consider him prey and chase him down at any cost, since anything short of full iron armor won't cut the edge of a clear weapon advantage.

Keep an eye out for players with pieces of golden or iron armor, they'll generally have obtained it from the cornucopia (the center), and with it they may have collected some diamonds, gold or iron ingots or cooked food.

Don't start fights too early; fisticuffs with another player right after getting out of the park may result in reduced competition, but it'll generally 1. waste time, 2. yield no loot and 3. leave you vulnerable. If someone's headed the same way as you, just run parallel to him and ignore him till you have a weapon to finish him off with.

Know when to stop looting. Even if there are still unopened or refilled chests around, remember you'll only get mediocre gear and, on a rather low percentage, iron bars from them. I'd recommend to stop looting once you have a stone sword if you didn't find any iron bars yet, and if you did, keep looting till you can make an iron sword. Then, it's time to hunt for the players who got random pieces of gear from the cornucopia.

And lastly, stay on the move. Camping or hiding may seem a good idea when it gets you in the top 3, but it's deceptive: while you hide in your hole, all the gear collected by all the other players will be gathered by the ones who kill them, and eventually it will distil down into one badass with full iron armor and a diamond sword, leaving you no chance whatsoever in the final deathmatch. Stop this by raiding the cornucopia periodically (as it gets refilled) and killing players yourself.


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Remember you can use axes as weapons as well, a wooden axe will save the day against an unarmed player.

Don't get put off by armor, only by weapons; if you're unarmored but have any weapon and you encounter an armored player with no weapon, consider him prey and chase him down at any cost, since anything short of full iron armor won't cut the edge of a clear weapon advantage.

Keep an eye out for players with pieces of golden or iron armor, they'll generally have obtained it from the cornucopia (the center), and with it they may have collected some diamonds, gold or iron ingots or cooked food.

Don't start fights too early; fisticuffs with another player right after getting out of the park may result in reduced competition, but it'll generally 1. waste time, 2. yield no loot and 3. leave you vulnerable. If someone's headed the same way as you, just run parallel to him and ignore him till you have a weapon to finish him off with.

Know when to stop looting. Even if there are still unopened or refilled chests around, remember you'll only get mediocre gear and, on a rather low percentage, iron bars from them. I'd recommend to stop looting once you have a stone sword if you didn't find any iron bars yet, and if you did, keep looting till you can make an iron sword. Then, it's time to hunt for the players who got random pieces of gear from the cornucopia.

And lastly, stay on the move. Camping or hiding may seem a good idea when it gets you in the top 3, but it's deceptive: while you hide in your hole, all the gear collected by all the other players will be gathered by the ones who kill them, and eventually it will distil down into one badass with full iron armor and a diamond sword, leaving you no chance whatsoever in the final deathmatch. Stop this by raiding the cornucopia periodically (as it gets refilled) and killing players yourself.
All of this is good advice but let me try and add on to it. At the beginning if you ever do go for the cornucopia and you get a stone sword, I would try to kill people that are wearing armor. Also if you get armor never wear it running out of the cornucopia especially if you do not have a sword. That makes you an open target for those who are armed with better weapons. I would suggest wearing armor after you have a sword.


May 27, 2012
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Just so you know never misjudge someone with swords as well i had a stone sword in final death match against a guy with a stick he won because my hunger was low and i only had 2 hearts left


Jun 1, 2012
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This I all really good advice that I plan to use immediately in the next round I join!! Thank you all for this nice advice, and good luck in your next games on the Minecraft Survival Games!!


May 4, 2012
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Here are some PvP tips I use:

1. Circle your opponent to lower his chance of hitting you
2. When running away, it's sometimes good to do a 180 and run straight at them to get them off guard
3. If you jump while attacking you will automatically do a critical hit (Not proven by me, I was just told this)
4. When running at an opponent show a weaker sword than the one you use, then right when you get to hitting them, switch to your good sword. (e.g. Player A is wielding Stone Sword, Player B (you) is wielding Wooden Sword. Run at opponent while holding Wooden Sword and switch to your Iron Sword just before hit.)

Need anything else, just ask :D


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Here are some PvP tips I use:

1. Circle your opponent to lower his chance of hitting you
2. When running away, it's sometimes good to do a 180 and run straight at them to get them off guard
3. If you jump while attacking you will automatically do a critical hit (Not proven by me, I was just told this)
4. When running at an opponent show a weaker sword than the one you use, then right when you get to hitting them, switch to your good sword. (e.g. Player A is wielding Stone Sword, Player B (you) is wielding Wooden Sword. Run at opponent while holding Wooden Sword and switch to your Iron Sword just before hit.)

Need anything else, just ask :D
that's tip about the swords I think that will be very useful!!
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