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[Announcement]Randoms MCSG Webcomic-- Details, mock ups, and synopsis

Apr 26, 2012
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If picture fails -- http://imgur.com/XgXpKLI

Hello MC Gamer Community! If you happen to not know me -I don't blame you, I've been inactive- I've been a community member since the first open beta almost 2 years ago, and used to be very active. Recently I've been getting into MCSG again, and decided to start a new project -- An MCSG webcomic, focusing on the mentality of a new player, the growth of the servers since the early days, and the rise in competition.

Info about the Mock-Up Drawing (Seen above)
The drawing you see atop this thread was made in the course of an hour with a mouse on flash. That should explain any issue you have with my drawing skills. There will be some questions about the series art style, especially compared to the ad drawing I put up above.

The actual series will be drawn with a drawing tablet, on Photoshop after a few weeks of training. All of that will make the true series much more presentable, with detail, shading, and most of all, straighter lines. Like I said, this picture was made quickly for example purposes in this thread. The actual series will have --
  • Realistic portrayal, like seen above but in much higher quality.
  • Voxel based text (Text bubbles will have pixelated text)
  • A spin on MCSG and minecraft tropes (Baccas, wooden tools, etc.)
The series main character is, for all intensive purposes -- a noob. He joins early after release, during the bacca craze. I won't give more away, but there is a good deal of planned development in both his skill and character.

The angle taken on the fact that MCSG is a game will be quite similar to the Pokemon Nuzlocke Comics. This being in the fact that the players are self aware that it is a game, but moments within will be taken seriously. We may have cinematic angles, emotion, etc. but above all else players realize in a long run that they are players. The series will be comedy focused, kind of a spoof of MCSG. There will be a bit of action focus, with some emotion and growth fit in. The player is planned to actually age and mature as a person, kind of based on my experience with MCSG.

Release Date? Where will this release?
This is in a massive state of TBA right now. I am ordering a drawing tablet tomorrow with amazon prime, and will need to spend some time learning the basics of Photoshop. From here the writing and illustrating for the first "Edition" will take anywhere from 1 1/2 months to 2 months.

The comic itself will have a few release locations. A thread will be made on MCSG (If allowed by mods) for each new edition. I'm going to, between now and then, try and find a free site where I can host the comic. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.

What you can do!
  • Feedback! On this thread that is, give me ideas, skepticisms, etc etc.
  • Tell people. Don't profile spam, but if you're willing mention this project to anyone, that'd be wonderful.
  • Post on this thread w/ opinions! I need to know I'll have an audience before I devote time to this.
  • MODS -- Please tell me if I'm allowed to post the comic on threads in Survival Games Discussion. It's the only active board at this point, so posting it anywhere else will really not get any attention.
Thanks for reading! I'll update the comments of this thread with info on the project.

MODS AGAIN -- Move this thread if it must be moved, but like I said earlier, I'd prefer it stayed here.


Discord: prettyyinpink
Jul 29, 2013
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Sounds cool!
Apr 26, 2012
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Involve the clan scheme, and it would be cool if he ends up facing actual community, members.
That's all planned. I'm probably going to throw in a few skins from community members as easter eggs, but more seriously, real clans, and high leaderboard members like Gravey4rd will be involved in the overall plot.


May 25, 2012
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