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And Now My Watch has Ended


Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
Hey there guys,

It is with a heavy heart that i have decided to leave the staff team here at MCGamer. In this thread I'm gonna do some thank-you's some history and some reasoning.

I first heard about this community in 2012 from a friend over at FyreUK. We decided to build a couple of maps for the game type, and eventually built what became known as FyreGames1. This map was hosted on our own FyreUK game servers, until Chad came up with a plan to combine these servers and the MCSG servers. In this combination, a number of lead members of the FyreGames project (myself included) where asked to come over as moderators here at MCGamer (MCSG as it was known). Late at night in early January 2013 (the 3rd I think) I was hired as a moderator, a position that I held for a number of months until in the Spring of 2013 I was promoted to Trial Senior Staff (the first ever) here at MCGamer (Still MCSG at this point). I was an on and off senior staff member, and was regularly taking long breaks so I could focus on my school work (this focus didn't work btw). In summer of 2014, I returned from a long break as a trial senior moderator, unfortunately I was not rehired, and this was the point where everything declined. My grades were awful, and I'd been rejected from a role I had held for a year and a half. It was a dark night that evening, and I was fully prepared to leave, but I remember feeling some hope. I realised that even without the rank that had defined me for so long, I could still help this community. So I joined Invictus and retained my Moderator rank.

Yesterday I reviewed my situation and came to an even more obvious conclusion. I am aterrible Moderator. I had 3 months of moderating experience and about 16 months of senior moderator experience. I had trained and interviewed Hundreds (No joke, my last count was 107) moderators over my time, and yet I was terrible at at the Job. Because of this, I have decided to let it go. The team has moved on, and I never got on the train. I remember my old friends, all the way back to the good old days of 2013, but they've gone. All of them. And because of this I feel I'm not any good, I have noone to spend a night with, just chatting and relaxing. I still love this place, and will try and help to keep it going with Invictus stuff, but I can't stay as a staff. I'd probably have been fired for doing such a terrible job as moderator soon anyway.

Now for the thank-you's.

Obviously the first goes to ChadTheDJ. Without him, this whole place wouldn't exist, I'd also like to thank Chad for his starbucks breaks in senior staff meetings, made those things hours long.

LadyOfLove for setting up Invictus and refreshing my love of minecraft, and for proving me wrong.

Dave For being an absolute Rock. I still get the feeling that you don't like me much, but I think you're incredible, the work, the effort, and the person. A brilliant combination. Without you this place would be a lot weaker, a lot slower, and a lot more boring.

Col_StaR For being that guy who would always try and help. Even when it was with a lost cause such as myself. Truely a great guy, and a brilliant addition.

Bowser52000 For being techincally my oldest friend in the community, all the way back to Fyre. Without you I probably would have left long ago. As with Dave I still get a feeling that we had some rough times. But I have enjoyed and loved every minute.

As you can see this list is small, and thats part of the issue. Obviously I'd like to thank the staff, past and present for being such awesome individuals, and for helping me through life. Those nights spent gaming, cramming mod apps and ban disputes, and just generally mucking about, have been amazing, and I thank-you. All.



Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I've read so many of these threads lately... And all I can say is "why ;-;"

You were an awesome dude, and you'll be missed :c


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
No!!!!! Dude, you were a great member of staff, and (Though I can't tell from experience) Im sure you were an even better person.

'GL & HF in life, my friend'


Feb 3, 2013
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You were the only member of the first batch of trial Sr. Mods that I never got the chance to talk to :( . It's sad to see you go but gl in all your future endeavors.


Apr 6, 2014
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Oh my goodness. I honestly can't believe you thought you were a bad staff member, although I have had only the most brief of encounters with you, I knew you were an absolutely incredible individual, you have interviewed over 100 staff members, and yet you refer yourself as a bad staff member, you have stated that you would've been fired either way, that is absolutely not true. The fact that you were here for the community for so long proves to show how incredible you were, I have high doubts that you would've been fired either way, but if you had to resign because of Irl reasons, I would understand. But I just want to let you know, that you were a great staff member, you truly were. Never doubt, because we know you were good at your job. We'll miss you having as staff. But we are excited to seeing what you produce with your build team in the future, because I know you're a legendary builder! :)


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Wow, you were an amazing mod wooders! Quite sad to see you leave the staff team.


May 12, 2013
Reaction score
awe wooders ;-; I remember when you were sr mod back last summer. You were an excellent staff member. I hope though you are happy with whatever you do in the future.

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