Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
declined as officerName: IlBiondi
IGN: IlBiondi
Skypename: in prvt
Age: 15
Past clans: Crystal and Hydrogen
Country: Italy
Wins: I don't play for stats
Games played: so much
accepted as declinedName : Snow
IGN : Snqwh_
SkypeName : cragger8901
Age : 14
Country : Italy
Wins : 2
Game Played : 33
Ps : Ho comprato questo nuovo account da poco, il mio vecchio account si chiamava InsurgentNoob, avevo 357 su 1083... poi l'ho regalato e hanno resettato le stats, (donor platinum)
quando sei entrato negli infernus?IGN: Horyy
Name: Horyy/Marco
Skype: lo do se mi accettate C:
Age: 14
Country: Italy
Wins: Oramai chi tryharda le win su mcsg e.e
Games Played: Boh (account nuovo)
Past Clans
Supreme, Sacred, Divergent, DivergentReborn, Infernus, Synavious
past clans: Cryms Eu - Revolution EU [UK Clan] - and more clans i don't remember the namealtri past clans?