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AgSwag's Minecraft Story (With Pictures!)

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Ag | Alex

District 13
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
My Story
(with pictures for those who don't like reading)

I guess it's time to do this. I've been thinking about it ever since the Community Corner was introduced, but it just seemed like so much work. I don't have that good of a memory with dates, so some things will probably be a little messed up.

My MCSG story starts how most other's do. It was back at the end of 5th grade in 2012. My friend, Thomas, or _MagmaMan_ , told me about a game called Minecraft. I had heard others talking about it before, but to me it just sounded like a harder version of Sims. After watching a few videos on youtube, I ended up asking my mom if I could buy the game. She agreed to it, and I chose the name ag5647 for god knows what reason. I played for about 4 hours that day. I built up my survival world which wasn't very good. I built my house on ice with oak wood. Not planks. Wood. It took way longer than it should've, considering I fell in the water about 30 times while constructing it.

(after about 30 minutes of searching for something to charge my old laptop to get access to screenshots, I gave up and made a pic)

A couple weeks later, he told me about multiplayer and how there was this cool thing called Survival Games. We were both noobs at minecraft, so he gave me some weird instructions to follow to connect to the server. From what I remember, his directions got me to this.

After a couple more days of trying, I connected to the servers. Unlike other people, I don't remember a single thing about MCSG until 2013. People have these great stories about how they were in Cyan Volts or the Blamphs. I was a noob with 0 points. I had a Dell laptop that ran about 20 fps, so I was never really good. I have little to no memories of the game play, but I do remember most, if not all of the lobbies. I was complete trash at the game, so I'm pretty sure I eventually stopped playing on the MCSG servers and started playing on a typical bad sg plugin server. Even with 20fps, I would win almost every single game. The people were so bad there and it helped me get better at the game. This was also around the time I started playing on skitscape's server. For those of you that don't know, Skitscape was a pretty popular youtuber a couple years back. He doesn't make videos anymore, but I remember his server being awesome. There was one game where I took on a team of 2 and then got cleaned up by someone, but even though I didn't win, I remember telling everyone in my family about how awesome I did in the game and how much I was improving.

Around this time, I went back to MCSG. but I still couldn't win because of my crappy laptop. I knew what needed to happen, so when Christmas came around, I asked Santa for a gaming computer. He granted my wishes and in January of 2013, I got my first win on Teweran Sg1.

(What a great guy)

I kept on racking up the wins, and by Summer of 2013, I had gotten over 100 wins. This is when it starts to get interesting. I had owned a forum account since 2012, but I started using it in 2013. I was using the forums more, and I came across the clans and teams section. I decided to apply for a clan called #Bandits, owned by BarcelonaJay. I never once did anything in that clan. I wasn't added to a skype group, I don't think I knew what teamspeak was at the time, and I never talked to anyone. Eventually, Barcelona quit minecraft and he gave the clan to jefeperro. At this time, everyone was leaving the clan, so I did too. I started gaining a lot of wins solo, and by August I had 247. I remember this number, because it was the amount of wins I had when I applied to my first real clan, Chrome. Led by Alpha, It was the best clan I was in. I was accepted, and by the 2nd week, I already had officer. I was so excited to finally be in a clan and meet new people. Chrome wasn't the best clan, but we had a lot of fun. We lasted from August to April (The original Chrome) and I met many amazing people. Alpha, YourFavoriteTreecko, Zremyx, shadowblaze12, rcazilla23rocks, chaoskyurem2, Blockerville, Denster91, Twee, Wolfy16, Pork, 4non, Toe, Giggity69Goo patrickfalcon, HarborSeal, JacobC, and many others. We had so many stories, but it seems like a lot of work to tell them all here, so I guess it will just stay between the guys in Chrome. We rebanded and disbanded a few more times, once under a different name, but no matter what happened, we were a family.

(All of Chrome's banners)

So that stuff happened. During those times, I did things like get a new account, achieve 1000 wins, get Diamond and Platinum donor, play in a couple clan battles, play in a lot of scrims, smack Alpha and Denster91 in everything, and I also took up a job as a therapist and a scoutmaster who saved himself for the lord.

(As you can see by this picture, I was quit the stud in 3rd grade.)

After Chrome disbanded for the fifteen-billionth time, I joined a call with shadowblaze12 and I helped him build a map for about 5 minutes. After that, we played a couple games of MCSG, and he told me to apply for Rebels, so that's what I did. I made my applicaton in that next 20 minutes, and I was accepted a couple weeks later. That's where I'm stuck now.

Now for some pictures.

(oh look, people!)

:)O Blamph responded to me)

(More Blamph and Chad!)

(MCFinest and some future friends. I spy Captain | Lqzer and cadbane4321)

(Xrpmx13 and Ag sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.)

(Me being awesome)

(A nice guy)

(I guess I'm not too perfect)


(I think I broke the game)

(Shadow and I being pimps)

(My first screenshot with Alpha)

(Stars of the football team)

(Zremyx helps me achieve pants king)

(The king was overthrown)

(I won that weird version of Hell Games which wasn't official)

(Oh god. What was I thinking with this.)

(My first ban :( )

(So pretty)

(Yay Denster. We got you a win.)

(oh yeah. I went through that phase.)

(That's right. I have fans.)

Now for the thing where I tag people that did stuff.

Chrome People: Alpha, Denster91, XeroStyle1, Twee, shadowblaze12, Pork, Wolfy16, Toe, chaoskyurem2, Zremyx, Giggity69Goo, Blockerville, nba, 4non, patrickfalcon rcazilla23rocks

Rebels People: Maxypie, rexxyy, myruhh7, Jccandfriends, Spellyy, Wickyy, TheHo, Butterballer, RyanHolland, piranga, Zeno, Rider__, Flyer, OuchTheSchauzer, SportsFan2565, TopOfTheWorldGM, shadowblaze12, iancool, IamHapppy, Uwem, Marchello_, Serverr BulletJC

Other people that don't fit into those categories: Ceroria | XyZebrAbC , Sepyz, JamalTheAmericanMedic, Sim_Man, Kimberly (PLL), JustZimply, JacobC (Your were a great leader) _MagmaMan_ Brandon6895

There are probably a lot of other people that I forgot, but I'm tired and don't want to think anymore right now. If you want to be added, just gimme a call ;). Or you could just say it on this thread.
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District 13
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
first I was tagged! Was it for being in chrome for 2 weeks and being extremely inactive xD
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District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Question, was your ban for hacking disputed, of did you really hack?


Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
After watching a few videos on youtube, I ended up asking my mom if I could buy the game. She agreed to it, and I chose the name ag5647 for god knows what reason.
Can I tell them?!!??!?!!?

Ag | Alex
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