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Advice on Building?


Oct 10, 2013
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DISCLAIMER: I have no idea if this is the correct thread section, let's just hope!

Anyhow, now I'm going to get to my point. Calling out all Map-Makers/former map builders!
I need some advice, how would I get better at building? Would I need to watch other people, practice building, or learn from advice & tutorials? Building is a true talent that I'd love to achieve, so I would definitely like some advice from non-builders and builders! Thank you guys!

Have an amazing day! - Tyler​


Aug 10, 2013
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I believe this isn't the correct section to post this on, as it says "Survival Games > Tips and Strategies" on the thingy, so this particular section was meant for SG T&S.

Back on topic, I've also been wanting to improve my buildings lately, Really do want to dedicate some of my time for the better of the server. Been getting the 'desires' :p.

What I've been doing is actually just search up tips on Google, because to be completely honest they provide better results than MCG forums in terms of building. I'd love to help but you'll need to really mention which specific part of your building you want to improve. Minecraft building has no limits so it'll be hard to figure out what you need us to help you with.

If you've already got some things that you'd want to work on planned in mind already, I suggest for you to go on Creative servers (preferrably the one which has 'plots' feature) and build there. Single player world to me just doesn't work out as optimal. Simply because on Creative servers you can see buildings made by a bunch of other people in their plots and you can take inspiration from that.

That's all my tip for now, I'd say. Note that I ain't advanced at building whatsoever. :p
Have a great day! :D


Feb 6, 2014
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As a Minecraft player for many years now, I find that it is best to let your imagination take loose. Inspire your self! There's so much that you're able to do even as a single person, however you must be determined and you must know what you want to do. From there on you should have a 'feeling' or 'idea' of what you want and a very strong passion to get the job done!

Things that may inspire you can be... Other video games (Ex. My fav game is Fallout, so I could base a map of that), music (Ex. Coldplay - Viva La Vida. The instruments such as violin which is my fav can really make you push through your imagination), or even other crazy large builds that other people have done (CREDIT TO: Zorrodc, always gave that inspiration <3). But anyway, I'm sure you get my point ^-^ Feel free to PM to ask for anything at all.

Another quick tip, is to find what you prefer/like to build. By this, for me I love to build futuristic builds (My genre for most things). Now let's say you like medieval, the more you build of that genre the more you can get attached to it and start to love your work c:

Try talking to some friends for a bit and get in the right COMFORTABLE position (Mentally and physically) to go about building c: I wish you much luck!


May 22, 2013
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Step 1. Don't look at MCG maps. Common side effects include randomness, lack of realism and overboredom.

To get good at building, the one thing I would say is to learn to copy what others do. Not necessarily block by block, but parts of builds. It can be a tower shape, a block palette or window design. When you have enough of a "toolbelt" you can learn to change those copied designs and improve that way.


Dec 24, 2012
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Start off by following youtube tutorials with a few simple builds, use that as inspiration to make you own designs and builds one good builder on youtube I recommend you watch is Keralis.
And remember the more you build the better you get so practice is the key. If you want to practice building, so that its not boring I suggest building on a creative server to start it off as it is much more enjoyable than singleplayer :p
Once you are relatively good and good at building basic structures focus more on block palates and detailing your builds, but don't over detail, some detailing blocks I like to use are stairs, fences, stone walls, signs ect.
And if your average enough at building I suggest applying to joining a build team, I know for a fact that by joining a build team you will become a much better builder yourself. I myself know that once I joined my first build team (Helix) I became 100% better at building than I was.

If you have any questions or unsure about anything feel free to PM me and I'll try my best to answer them for you :p

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