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Adjust the staff position thread


Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
One of the things that confused me and confused a lot of other people is on where to post applications for the staff positions. It literally took me a day to find out where to post them. Didn't know if it was in General Support until I realized that there is a sub-thread for it.
I'm pretty sure that people are confused as well on where to post their application, and most of them post it in the wrong forum, most commonly in General Support. So I would like to make a request to adjust the thread so that we can stop posting applications in the wrong places. As of now, the thread looks like this for moderator:

Moderators are our first line of defense against hackers, spammers and trolls. Moderators are expected to hop from server to server, keeping an eye on players, making sure they're following the rules, and playing fairly. If this seems like something you'd be interested in, please read the following:
  • We greatly prefer 18+, but with enough experience and enough detail in your application, we will accept younger.Sorry, we are not currently accepting anyone under the age of 15! Don't lie about your age, we have ways of finding out the truth!
  • We generally prefer users with previous Moderator/Admin experience. Please provide proof (posting IPs, links, etc., etc).
  • We ignore all applicants with 3 or more bans on MCBans, MCBouncer and/or MineBans.
  • We ignore all applicants who have current or previous bans on our servers.
  • Applications with poorly written replies or one sentence replies will be overlooked.
  • Applications that do not follow the template will be overlooked.
  • Accepted applicants may not be in any type of clan or PvP group.
  • All applicants need a microphone that they can use to communicate with players/staff on our TeamSpeak. It is your decision to buy a microphone if you do not have one; it does not guarantee you will be accepted as a moderator.
Make the title of your thread "Username - Moderator Application"
If you have been approved, we'll ask for a "Potential Mod Meeting" over TeamSpeak.

These applications are reviewed by the Senior Moderators and the Administrators.

Yet there is no link to post it, which can confuse people. So I would like it if somewhere a big link would be posted so people don't get confused, something like this:

Moderators are our first line of defense against hackers, spammers and trolls. Moderators are expected to hop from server to server, keeping an eye on players, making sure they're following the rules, and playing fairly. If this seems like something you'd be interested in, please read the following:
  • We greatly prefer 18+, but with enough experience and enough detail in your application, we will accept younger.Sorry, we are not currently accepting anyone under the age of 15! Don't lie about your age, we have ways of finding out the truth!
  • We generally prefer users with previous Moderator/Admin experience. Please provide proof (posting IPs, links, etc., etc).
  • We ignore all applicants with 3 or more bans on MCBans, MCBouncer and/or MineBans.
  • We ignore all applicants who have current or previous bans on our servers.
  • Applications with poorly written replies or one sentence replies will be overlooked.
  • Applications that do not follow the template will be overlooked.
  • Accepted applicants may not be in any type of clan or PvP group.
  • All applicants need a microphone that they can use to communicate with players/staff on our TeamSpeak. It is your decision to buy a microphone if you do not have one; it does not guarantee you will be accepted as a moderator.
Make the title of your thread "Username - Moderator Application"
If you have been approved, we'll ask for a "Potential Mod Meeting" over TeamSpeak.

Click here to post your application!

These applications are reviewed by the Senior Moderators and the Administrators.​
Thanks for your help! Hopefully with this people can post their applications in the right place. :)


Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
If you can't post a thread right under the place where you get the template I don't think you should be a mod. I mean if there's sections that say approved, pending, declined isn't it common sense?


Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
If you can't post a thread right under the place where you get the template I don't think you should be a mod. I mean if there's sections that say approved, pending, declined isn't it common sense?
You make a good point. If you were to be a mod, you have to think logically to find out where to post it.


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Not to mention there are always a bunch of other applications present in that section as well, so it's pretty obvious where the line starts.

But some people don't understand that, or aren't willing to research the answer themselves. Thus, moderator applications get sent to the darndest places. I had one emailed to me yesterday; it kind of impressed me, considering it's harder to find my email address than it is to find the Applications section.


Mar 20, 2013
Reaction score
Did they just upgrade the rule that there not accepting any under 15 because back when it was 14 I emailed chad and got his confirmation. Are they not doing that ATM were if you'r under age you have to email chad your mod app ?


Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Not to mention there are always a bunch of other applications present in that section as well, so it's pretty obvious where the line starts.
You're wrong there :/. You can't see any applications that are present in that section if you're below the Sr. Mod rank, so that includes non-staff members.


Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Not to mention there are always a bunch of other applications present in that section as well, so it's pretty obvious where the line starts.

But some people don't understand that, or aren't willing to research the answer themselves. Thus, moderator applications get sent to the darndest places. I had one emailed to me yesterday; it kind of impressed me, considering it's harder to find my email address than it is to find the Applications section.
You all make very good points, including you Col_Star. I understand now! ;)

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