• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Adios :P


i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Oh my god, no!

I remember when me and you were sitting in the waiting room, and even when I failed, you helped me through it all. For that, I regard you as my top friend. It was amazing knowing you, and I hope to know you more if you ever come back.

You will be one of the people who I will ever so regard highly, so thank you. By any chance, are you allowed to re-apply?

Vanicle | Vanessa

District 13
Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
Rish, nothing will be held against you and you're not going to be shunned. Like someone said in an earlier post - we all make mistakes. Whether or not you learn from them is what makes the biggest difference and it seems like you have :)

If you're ever on TS and see me online feel free to poke me if you want to talk. I'm glad you're not upset and that there are no hard feelings. Hope to see you around <3


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
A shame to see you go! No longer can you move Mr_Penguin out of channels for no good reason :(

Best of luck!


Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
Imaboss! My waiting buddy! It's sad to see you go. I understand people make mistakes and even though I was not there to witness the incident, I forgive you anyway.

Hope to see you round' at the very least!


District 13
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
Everyone makes mistakes. It depends on whether or not you have learned from them. You were still a good moderator, despite this hiccup which caused you to get demoted... There is nothing bad about focusing on school and friends, remember, this is just a game. :) I hope to see you around.


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
Alright, so before any flame goes up, this is going to be goodbye for good, and I'm making this thread so you all don't question where my rank went. I was demoted today for calling two people some mean stuff in my anger, and they reported me. The stuff I said wasn't profane/derogatory but it wasn't ok, like I said some extremely mean stuff that I regret. The only/1 goal I had as a staff member was to not get demoted, and I failed it. Guys please don't flood this with "we will miss you"(if it even happens, since I was demoted, I'm probably going to be shunned, and looked down upon and stuff.) I'm making this thread so you guys aren't lost as to why I don't have mod anymore, and I'm actually not too upset about it, as too I wasn't a very good staff member, and I was drifting away from MC Gamer, and beginning to focus on school and hanging out with my friends.

Few people that made my time here awesome :)
Nephilim (Have fun being a sr.mom ;) )
Keno (Even if you did get me demoted, your still a great friend of mine :) )
Chelsea19 (Same goes for you, your still really nice :) )
ViolentKitten( my bro, your hella chill, have a great life )
TheLastGapple (IRL BUDS!!!)
Danny // Applez87 (Thanks for the advice and free graphics)
Miner9823 (Become a mod and make everyone proud!)
YourAverageTiger (Waiting buddies! :D)
AGFire2013 (LOL Swimming is still better)
Mooclan (Have fun with katie m8 XD)
CrispDesire (Your really cool, have a good life!)
Sedrazo (I can out diss you any day m8)
Nirmit|NirmitPlays (Philip my a-- xD)
Anyways guys, just a few other words to all the trolls on MCSG. Please. Don't troll the staff, they have enough crap going on, and it's a ton of work, and just be nice to them. And they are all great people, don't listen to any of the BS rumors about the Sr.Staff being cocky/demotion hungry, cause they are not. Anyways, that's it for me, and adios :)
"Everybody makes mistakes
Everybody has those days
1, 2, 3, 4!

Everybody makes mistakes
Everybody has those days
Everybody knows what, what? I'm talkin? 'bout
Everybody gets that way"

I know, through personal experiences, exactly what you have been through. It may be hard, but it is not impossible. Learn from your mistakes and move on. It is the best thing you can do. Not only for you, but for those who you love and who love you in return. I wish you the best of luck!

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