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A very controversial/ stereotypical question.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
I guess the biggest problem is the lack of Moderation on the EU Community. Lately people have applied to be a moderator just to get a higher rank on the servers which has made the quality of moderation for this server gone downhill.

Yes, I am blaming on the Moderators and I do know there's some of them out there who's doing a great job. Anyways let's get to the point. When I say 'some of them' I mean there's too many Moderators on this server in who's not doing anything at all. And there's also some of the mods having fun playing competitively whilst being a Moderator. It just doesn't work out.

Imo ever since the Moderators was given the permission of being in a clan whilst at the same time being a Moderator, has the quality of moderation gone downhill.

So from now on, before applying for moderator, please consider if you're actually going to help the community. And if you're not, then don't apply.
And if you're wondering why, I'll tell you that it is over 1.2 million players out there who's playing every single day, and around 4% of them are using hacks.

Another thing, ChadTheDJ, change the rules. Moderators shall not be in clans anymore.

EDIT: blocked me? Really? It's an opinion, and I've seen how the community has grown since 2012, so let me give my opinion cause that's whats the thread's all about.
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District 13
Jul 28, 2013
Reaction score
And why did you only mention gravey4rd in your post? He is overrated, there is much better pvpers than him.
Well, he was the only person at the time that I really new that played EU. His PvP skills may be a little over rated but his strategies are the reason his #1 in the world.


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
I think there are a lot of factors that go into the concentration of hackers in Eastern Europe, and I will try to address them without offending anyone or sounding racist. (I am just saying what I remember from AP human geography.)

The first big source of the problem is the fact that Eastern Europe has huge language diversity, whereas well over 99% of both genders in the US are literate in English, the language of MCGamer. Australia also has excellent literacy in English, as it is the second most developed country in the world, according to a study done by the United Nations Development Program in 2014. Canada has excellent literacy in English as well. But Europe is full or hundreds of native languages. Some of the most common languages include English, Swedish, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Andorran, (I think that's what it's called) Icelandic, Greek, Russian, Swiss, Turkish, Slavic, as well as a massive mixing pot found especially in southeastern Europe. Eastern Europe is one of the most culturally diverse places in the world, and it has been known to have been a victim of many wars, "ethnic cleansing", and underdevelopment within the European Union. Also, players from the three surrounding continents generally play on EU, only adding to the diversity. Overall, EU has an astounding amount of ethnicities, religions, and anything else you could include in "culture".

What is wrong with diversity within this context? The obvious answer is that the players cannot read the rules. However, even Western European players hack more than the other three global regions. Part of the problem with the "mixing pot" in Eastern Europe is that few people speak the native language in a local area than in an area like France, where the entire country speaks French. Word about rules and expectations are less likely to get out if there are few players that speak a language. A person who speaks Swedish, has Swedish friends and has played on here for a year cannot honestly say that they do not know the main rules. (No hacking, DDoSing, abusing, etc...)

Getting to my point, the main reason Eastern Europe has more hackers than Western Europe is probably because the western Europeans have more friends who speak their language, etc... After reading the following post, I had another inspirational thought.
Idk how someone could be bad at hacking?

On topic.

When I kill a hacker, I feel a giant pulse of adrenaline. To me, that's like beating a team that cheats in a sport to some people. I immediately start to trash talk. Some people may think this is bad, but it's not. If a hacker is getting trash talked, because they are killed, that would discourage them from hacking, since trash talk isn't fun :=)
Part of what makes people want to do well and play like a legit person is the image it portrays to other players. A player who hacked or boosted their first fifty games may feel proud of themselves when someone says "Wow! Nice ratio!" to their 38/50 ratio despite the fact that it isn't legit. The same can be said for the shame. A player who gets insulted by another for their bad ratio may wish that they couldn't understand what they said. Players who hack and can't understand or communicate with most other players feel that they are under a mask, or disconnection from everyone else. This not only prevents them from getting called out or feeling shame for what they have done, it also makes them hate the community more. Imagine if you walked into a server and all you saw was:
"js0gn powovnm opqx, pqmpw mwpbikwm ;owl"
"hh 13 j;vl w;flkj"
"fjgu otu"
How would you feel? Would you want to get to know these people and contribute to the community, or would you feel dehumanized and lost? Would you want to stick around or simply get a small burst of fun from hacking and just leave? You can't say I'm not right when I say that people from small or diverse cultures feel less welcome. Look at these forums. We have a very small portion of Eastern European posters considering their numbers. And... MODERATORS!

Now for the more controversial, less accurate portion of my post.

The fact that Eastern Europe and the Middle East have been a source of many wars in the past three decades may contribute to a"wanting to win" attitude. The people may be psychologically less inclined to play fairly because of political events. This may be a brash statement, but if your country has ever been in a state of turmoil, you will agree that it affects the state of mind of all of its members. War changes people. Once we start thinking about real events, we once again realize how silly our little block game is in comparison to wars and ethnic issues, etc... One could even say that players who live in these places hack more because they realize it is just a game in comparison to real events, and despite what everyone here says, hacking is okay because it is more of just a block game in their eyes.

Development of individual countries continuously comes into play when talking about issues like this. The countries that have been mentioned for being more full of hackers are less developed in comparison to Western Europe, and especially compared to the other three regions. Being less developed generally means being poorer, having less computer access, being less literate, and being less politically stable. How does that increase hackers? It means people have worse equipment but still want to be as good at the game as everyone else. It also means they are less likely to be able to play MCSG long-term, and therefore want to get more of a bang-of-fun out of it from hacking. It may, once again, have a psychological effect on people.

To throw out a final wild card point, southeastern Europe is also a lot hotter than western Europe, and especially the US, Canada, and Australia. Studies have shown that places that are hotter always have more violence and an angry overall attitude among their people. It affects the very political stability and mindset of it its inhabitants.

To add to these more controversial points, players who are familiar with the US servers know that people who appear to be Latin American tend to be more likely to be hackers. Whether this is because of political stability, language diversity, a "shame factor", development, or even climate, who knows. More than likely, it is a combination of many things, and we must not simply point out that "players cannot read rules". Truth is rarely ever so simple.

If anything in this post is offensive to you or anyone you know, I will delete it without a second thought. -BitoBain


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
I will try to address them without offending anyone or sounding racist.
If anything in this post is offensive to you or anyone you know, I will delete it without a second thought. -BitoBain
Thats a respectable thing to do :)
as it is the second most developed country in the world,
According to the US.
The fact that Eastern Europe and the Middle East have been a source of many wars in the past three decades may contribute to a"wanting to win" attitude.
According to the US media.
The people may be psychologically less inclined to play fairly because of political events.
if your country has ever been in a state of turmoil, you will agree that it affects the state of mind of all of its members. War changes people.
The people that play minecraft survival games in Eastern Europe wouldn't be in the middle of a war.
One could even say that players who live in these places hack more because they realize it is just a game in comparison to real events, and despite what everyone here says, hacking is okay because it is more of just a block game in their eyes.
That could be the same for anyone. anywhere. they also cannot read the rules.
To throw out a final wild card point, southeastern Europe is also a lot hotter than western Europe, and especially the US, Canada, and Australia. Studies have shown that places that are hotter always have more violence and an angry overall attitude among their people. It affects the very political stability and mindset of it its inhabitants.
source? lol

you don't need to worry about giving a racist reply, its just to me I see a lack of research gone into that post. On some points that you made you should seriously see Russia/Ukraine's point of view on this situation. It will be completely different to what the US media portrays it as. hev e niec dai m8


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
Thats a respectable thing to do :)

According to the US.

According to the US media.


The people that play minecraft survival games in Eastern Europe wouldn't be in the middle of a war.

That could be the same for anyone. anywhere. they also cannot read the rules.

source? lol

you don't need to worry about giving a racist reply, its just to me I see a lack of research gone into that post. On some points that you made you should seriously see Russia/Ukraine's point of view on this situation. It will be completely different to what the US media portrays it as. hev e niec dai m8
Thanks for the helpful post, and for pointing out some of my innacuracies/biases.

My comments about development actually do have research to back them up, though I was just recalling from my memory. The research concerning development that I stated came from the UN, which is hopefully more reliable and less biased than US media. You can read about HDI's here.
The HDI is the most common way to measure a country's overall well being, education, equalization of minorities such as women, life expectancy, etc...

Sorry about saying those regions were the "source" of issues. I meant to say that they happened there, not that they were the source. It was late, ok...

My comments about war and how it affects people were basically my speculation and opinion. Don't take those too seriously.

As for the comment about how climate affects people's attitudes, I saw that in a documentary. I couldn't find it though. :( Here is a paper published by Iowa State University about climate's affect of people's attitudes.

Anyways, not every American gets all of their information from the media and their disgusting stereotypes. I despise watching Fox news and listening to radio shows like Glenn Beck, etc... (Though I live in a conservative state) I like to get information from documentaries and much of that post came from what I remember from AP Human Geography. Our schools aren't always super propagandized. (Though young children in America often get told the watered down, rainbow/butterfly version of history)

When I was younger I was told that America broke away from the British Empire because they were bullying us, but in recent years as I have taken AP classes I have come to learn that America broke off more because they needed to pay war debts from the seven years war. Britain wanted to temporarily use their various colonies to repay debts. In truth, the colonies had been so used to near autonomy for over one hundred years that the rather petty taxes and quartering of soldiers seemed like a big deal.

So yeah, we're not all 300 pound whales who talk like Texans, put ketchup on everything, and go surfing every day after school. We don't all eat up everything the media says. In fact, if you were to explore and compare a Canadian town, an American town, an Argentinian town, a South African town, a Portuguese town, a Japanese town, and an Australian town, there would be a lot more in common than you might think. They would all be rather European styled, though with different languages. They would all have McDonalds, though with different items on the menu. They would all have ignorant people, though they would be ignorant about different things.


Oct 2, 2012
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Bam. Language changed. With over 2 million people playing MCSG, this needs to be done soon. (I swear this was being done a long time ago..)


Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
Don't write bullshit if you don't know what it's going on here ;)
I am a romanian youtuber with 26.6k and I have over 100+ episodes (90 of them without teaming)
I have never heard that one of our youtubers encouraged people to install hax
The biggest problem on MCSG is the whole community:there are a lot of kids (under 13 years old and they find it funny to hack)
Another problem is the lack of moderators,you said that there are 120+ moderators on mcsg?
Well when I am on teamspeak i see 20 max (in best days....)
On a final note,I kow what I am talking about and I have over 50+ ban requests in 1 month...(better than a mod (PROBLEM!)


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
Don't write bullshit if you don't know what it's going on here ;)
I am a romanian youtuber with 26.6k and I have over 100+ episodes (90 of them without teaming)
I have never heard that one of our youtubers encouraged people to install hax
The biggest problem on MCSG is the whole community:there are a lot of kids (under 13 years old and they find it funny to hack)
Another problem is the lack of moderators,you said that there are 120+ moderators on mcsg?
Well when I am on teamspeak i see 20 max (in best days....)
On a final note,I kow what I am talking about and I have over 50+ ban requests in 1 month...(better than a mod (PROBLEM!)
And why did ur vip get removed again? You might not hack, but you were a complete Feminine Hygene Product to me in the chat once. People like you make me want to hack agaisnt you tbh.
(This has nothing to do with the fact that ur romanian or whatever)


Apr 6, 2014
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From what I can infer, things tend to be a little muddled up to this point in the EU situation. There is some lack of moderation within the servers, however I would definitely recommend some more moderators that are willing to observe the EU more often, and are multi-lingual. Because that's where the main issue is, people know that there isn't much moderation in the EU servers, so it means that they are more unlikely to get caught and banned. And also that there are legitimate players who are willing to fight off those who do hack by "fighting fire with fire". So it would be hard to tell the difference between those who are trying to do right, or wrong, yet again, hacking still is a bad thing. But it should be up to the community to continue reporting those who use clients like that. Maybe I would recommend forming a team of "Seekers" to go to the EU servers every now and then with everything prepared, recording, screenshots and all that. And we'll see how it goes. Hopefully this sort of major issue gets resolved eventually. :)


Aug 29, 2014
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Grow up!
If i offended you in any way I am really sorry but instead accusing the wrong people for crappy lil things go get some hackers on cam ;)

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