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A message to potential moderator applicants


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Join the club, we've got jackets!
I should probably also mention that there's another reason that I personally don't apply for Mod:
A lot of the senior staff and administration don't exactly like me or share some of my views, and even some of the regular Mods.
Even among the staff, I would most likely be a loner; just doing my job, not participating in any of the "social" aspects of being a Mod. I have issues making friends.

In addition, it would just make more chances for me to get into arguments with the seniors staff. As it is, I'm one of the people that isn't afraid to point out mistakes that the senior staff make and try to give MO on how to fix/improve things, which a lot of people don't always seem to appreciate.
This would basically just be painting myself red with the mod rank and then saying "HEY GUYS! MAKE ME MAD SO YOU CAN BAN ME!"


This thread sums up why I have never applied for mod very well. The most important point to me that you have listed is surprisingly number 3. I could make time to do my mod duties and hold back my ingame shenanigans, but not being able to express me opinions on subjects would be extremely difficult to do. I love these forums for threads were I can create a lengthy post about my opinions on a relevent subject, and then being able to go back and forth some with people who disagree with me. Considering a lot of my opinions are not in line with the staff teams', I would not be able to express myself like I am used to. Above all, this lack of freedom of speech is why I will never apply for mod.


District 13
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
I'd also like to stress to forumers who are aiming for Mod - Do not expect to maintain the same degree of forum-activity that you normally have once you become a Moderator. I've seen the vast majority of Mods decrease their forum activity in exchange for Mod-activity. Off the top of my head, I cannot think of any Mods except for Moose and duckluv321 who are still as forum-active as before, and I mean of all time, not just right now.
My forum activity was the same as ever! It's senior mod that did it for me..


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
My forum activity was the same as ever! It's senior mod that did it for me..
That's true.
I don't actually remember how active you were before getting Mod, but as a Mod you were quite forum-active, and that's actually how you got a lot of recognition from the forumers (and support for senior mod!!). When you were Senior Mod, that's when you really got slowed down, but you were still one of the more forum-active Sr. Mods, just not as much as prior to receiving the rank.

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
The hardest thing for me has always been to hold my tongue and not totally go off on people who probably deserve it. Instead, a moderator has to remain professional at all times with the general public, regardless of how terrible they may be. Same with a job in the real world. If you don't treat everyone with the same amount of respect at all times no matter what they say or do to you, you probably won't have a job long.


District 13
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
That's true.
I don't actually remember how active you were before getting Mod, but as a Mod you were quite forum-active, and that's actually how you got a lot of recognition from the forumers (and support for senior mod!!). When you were Senior Mod, that's when you really got slowed down, but you were still one of the more forum-active Sr. Mods, just not as much as prior to receiving the rank.
I don't remember much to be honest, since it was around a year and a half ago, but I think I had a pretty large presence, especially in the mapping community when it existed.


Jun 30, 2013
Reaction score
I have thought about this kind of thing in the past many-a-times. However, I've been here for nearly 2 years now and I just really want to help out the community that I truly fell in love with. I might have acted badly in the past but I've been trying to improve my image around these parts and maybe I can become a mod one day. To me, the benefits of helping out players and keeping the servers clean seem to out-weigh the negatives of getting less time 'being my self' especially since I know that I have matured a lot and the way I act without a staff rank and the way I would act with a potential staff rank would probably be quite similar.


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
I really hope people actually pick this up, because these days, people only apply for moderator to get recognition, and promotions.
Not really to help the community, even though they do help out...

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