• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

A Forums Contest


Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Tortured_Clown

Hmm okay then, my best memory on MCSG would have to be my first win!
It all started back in 2012. This was when there was only US servers that i could play on (im from AU), so i always got lag and died - but mainly because i was so bad - i remember one day my mate found a hunger games server and he said to try it out, so for 3 hours straight me and him would keep joining games, every server we got into was either survival games 1 or 2. We would always run in random directions, not knowing any routes and we always thought we were going to win with leather armor and wooden swords, we were so bad xD. At this time i was on my 5-7 year old computer and bad internet, oh those were the days! On survival games 1 we would always swim out to the edge of the map and just stick on the dome swimming from island to island, thats the only chests we knew at the time! But it happens to be that Survival Games 2 was the first map i won on. This was the first solo game i did aswell because my mate went for an eventful shower, he ended up taking his laptop with him so we could still skype. So after the game started i was running towards the obsidian tower, and i remember seeing this guy with what looked to be like full iron armor, and i had never gotten any armor better than leather, so i was shocked to see someone with full iron! Climbing up the ladder to the top of the tower, with no regen and 3 hearts wasnt the best idea on my behalf. For about 10 minutes i was on 1 heart with no hunger bars, but this would only turn in to the greatest comeback in my MCSG career. It all started when i went back to the top of the tower to get away from an enemy, fortunately for me he fell off the ladder and fell to his death, he had loads of food! I was officially back in the game, but i still had to fight that full iron player. Several minutes went past and it was down to the last 4 players, i ran to spawn and camped in the trees, i even built my own little tree house. After camping there for a few minutes i had to go to the toilet for a - you know a... sh*t :p - i was scared i would get jumped and die, so i got my 73 year old grand-dad to watch the computer for me and to tell me if someone was coming, he was so dumb xD , he didnt know what the hell was going on, so after my 5 minute poo and still on skype with my mate i sprinted to the computer to continue my fight! Minutes past with no action, *Bang Bang* I heard the cannon go off twice in a matter of seconds! It was time for the final fight, the all conquering death match! With my full leather armor and stone sword, i was ready to bring the fight to the all mighty iron man. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Deathmatch started, and i was right, it was a David vs Goliath battle, there was no way i was going to win... or was there?! I was screaming with my mate, he was cheering me on while spectating, we were both so nervous but excited at the same time, could i really win this fight? First minute has gone with no action, it was time to make my move... i climbed the vines, and surprised him while he was crafting something! *WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK* i got 4 good hits on him, he was on the run! Is this it i thought? Is this my first win? My mate was going off his nut on skype, screaming "GET HIM GET HIM!!!" . Round and round the corn we went, non stop running, i decided to climb the vines again, he continued to run not knowing i had stopped, he ran one more circle and then i jumped off the vines and *WHACK WHACK WHACK* It was all over! I had won the game! 10 hearts GG no RE! What a game and what a relief! David had defeated Goliath, and the crowd went wild - literally my friend and my brother were going off! We sung "WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS" - Victory was finally mine, my MCSG journey had finally begun!


Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score

The story begins a year ago when one day......

Just what i had been with my mother to the bank, to put money on card, to buy a game.This game is called MINECRAFT!
I had not heard much about this game, but it seemed interesting. So we got home, i just opened and i entered on minecraft.net to make me an account and to buy the game. I was very excited about this game, so i rushed to buy it as soon as. After I downloaded and entered the game i thought i'm not me, because we finally i have that game! Till now i think that was a crazy, but the story it continued!Finally, back to the story. After i entered the game, i also entered the Google and i searched "minecraft survival games", because i heard of this mini-game, and i thought it is interesting. At first link wrote: "Minecraft Survival Games (MCSG™)" i clicked on it and a forum was opened, up was a banner which wrote with big letters: "SURVIVAL GAMES" and i create this account, i clicked on "Servers", i took a server thence, and i went back in minecraft, i added the server and i entered on him.....


My first game:

..... Was a nice spawn and a little further were the servers. I entered on one of this servers. Was also a nice spawn, and in the chat wrote what map i want to vote. After i voted a map, of course i didn't know any map, so i voted a random map. This map is called "The Survival Games 4". When the game was started, i went to spawn, i opened a chest and i took 1 item, although in the chest were more items..... . After that i go on west to search chests. At a time i found a chest and i was very happy for my discovery! After that i found a player who had a stone sword and a good armor and i asked him if it's from the same country as me and he said yes. Later i asked if he have skype and he answer me as yes and gave me his skype. We talked together, i made team and i win this match! My first games was AWESOME!

My second game:
In the second day this friend said me that he have a cousin, and he play minecraft. Over 1 minutes i called my first friend and the second friend to play minecraft. He they answered me and i entered on MCSG, after i entered all on the same arena. Of course that i don't have a route and i go random.... . My friend was coming after me and they said:" Is a player with a sword! RUN, RUN, RUN!" but me said:"Anyway it's only a game..." and the player who had the sword killed me and my friend. But it was a match awesome because was very fun.

Random moments:
1. In one day i entered on MCSG to play survival games and i entered on one server, i voted a map on which i knew a route, which just what i had seen on youtube, a go to spawn, i opened a chest and in the chest was a stone sword, a got it and i started to kill all i could see in front, but another player that he had a stone sword killed me.... GG

2. The second on the best random moments is then when another friend that i learned to play Survival Games, killed me on Deathmatch.But but it wasn't the first time he did it, lately he always beat me is Deathmatch. But this time i got angry and i punched the keyboard and jumped about 5 keys and i took my mouse and i threw it through the room:)))))) My friend started laughing and me i go to take another mouse and i closed the call and i have not talked to him until the next day.:))) Of course after that i needed a new mouse and a new keyboard, but i buy it and i'm very happy to use it:)

3. Another random moment is then when another friend killed me in the Deathmatch and me i made a rage quit:)) I said:"
HACKER!! YOU ARE A HACKER!!" I screamed, and i give he block on skype!:))))) BEST RAGE QUIT EVER!!

And in the end of the story i want to say:

- IGN: alexic123
- All the events are true
- Sorry for spelling mistakes and punctuation, because i don't know more English and some words i have translated with Google
- And yeah, i hope you like the story!


- My mom for my account of minecraft
- Your servers for play
- My friend for killed me and the result is rage quit:))
- And yeah, i can't wait to see if i win.

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Jul 21, 2012
Reaction score
Sometimes when you think about all the time you spent trying to achieve something you ask yourself, was it worth it?I put all my time and effort into becoming the very best there could be. And i haven't failed, but it did not last long before another one would take me down for nobody is perfect. It was just the matter of time before it changed. I knew that, i knew it was coming, so teamwork was the route i chose to keep my name in the fame.Second most powerfull clan it was, people would be proud to own something like that .All the work it took to bring it there, i very well deserved it. I've spent so much time, too much time on here trying to become someone that i am not or do something that will, after time fade away into my memory, nobody else would remember what then would be the so called "main news". i would go around trying to prove myself worthy enough but it was never enough, for them it was always just not enough.Although i do not regret anything, i could have done more, been better but i couldn't bring myself to it.My greatest memory from here aren't some crazy statistics, events or achievements.It's people that bring me a tear in the eye or smile on my face when i think back of this place. It never was the greatest one to be honest but i am happy for what it was, because it was here where for the first time in my life i've found out what a true friend looks and feels like. Someone you could rely on, you trust and would sacrifice for.There were many moments i had with them that still make me happy. One of was the event "The Hell Games 3" and he decided that it would make a good gift to make me a winner of it. It's not my win that makes that memory, but the fact that he sacrificed for me. Gabriel wanted to win it just as much as i did, even more, but he did it anyway, and that means more to me than the victory it self. Some people liked me for my status, other disliked me for my personality, but my friends took me for who i am, and i thank them for that. But i was a much lesser person than i appeared to be and for that reason i never trusted anyone for trust i found as a weakness. Few but good friends were the only thing to keep me going and not fall into despair. All the things i've done were not even close to how much happiness they've given me, and i wish i realised that sooner.If you asked me back then i would have never thought such a friendship would have ended, and even today i am still in shock on how fast it all went downhill. It took one week for it all to change, never to be the same. It makes you think, this is someone i loved and would do anything for, how did it all change so quickly. I would give everything i have earned so far just for it to change to how it was, but it never did. No regrets? I lied, i could have kept those friendships, but i didn't and that is the only regret i have. Being alone is the worst feeling there is. If nobody was here all along, nothing would have happened, so the best memories i have with those people are the best memories i have of this place. All things come to an end, and this is the end of this story.


Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: PotatoeMC

Chapter 1: The dawn of the ages...

On the day of December 10 2013, my brother said to me with an exiting voice, "Duuude! This server has HUNGER GAMES! It's so amazing. you can just click on a sign and your in the game!" I became interested. I thought, "Hunger games... In Minecraft?" I didn't think it was possible, and if it was, it wouldn't be right. So I wanted to see what it was like, so I asked, "Hey, whats it called?" My brother said, "MCSG or MCGamer." I logged in... wait, no, that's not right, I was determined to get in the server. So I tried multiple IP addresses, such as: mcsg.com , MCGamer.org , play.hungergames.net , I was stumped. So I looked to google and it comes up with almost nothing, but with a little imagination, I found "us.mcgamer.net" and "mcsg.in." I was so pumped to play my first hunger games. Me and my brother get in the same game, and I decide, "Lets do a YouTube video!" He seemed really exited for it. The map was Wyvrens Wake. I pressed my record button, and the journey had began...

Chapter 2, The Games...

"Hey guys PotatoeMC for some minecraft hunger games! There's SharpiezMC (brother) way over there and lets go!!!" 3, 2, 1 THE GAMES HAVE BEGUN! I saw instead of swords and hatchets laid on the ground, they used chests, which I found very clever. I darted for the corn and I got a stone sword, iron ingot and a watermelon. I didn't know at the time the stone swords are extremely good off of the cornucopia. So we darted off as fast as we could, we didn't know about tier chests, so we grabbed every single one in sight. we ended up with about full leather and iron swords as we headed back to the corn. There was 8 people left, we crafted arrows and stacked up on food we knew we could do it. It was about 18 minutes in and we were notified, "Sponsors have refilled the chests!" We got all the loot from the middle and became very geared. A team of 2 cam at us from behind and almost killed us, but our gear was stronger and we pulled it off to force the arena deathmatch. I checked my inventory, 2 diamonds and a stick! I crafted my diamond sword with haste and then was teleported to the deathmatch. The other tribute just ran away like a pansy and was then instantaneously struck by lightning. Ouch. Now it was me and my brother. We fought very intensely and I was the victor! I couldn't believe I won my first game! I was so happy and we decided to play another. This video can be found here @

Chapter 3. Game #2!

We darted to corn and got horrible stuff. We did our technique from last game, but we ran into a HUGE road block. We're not even full armour, and there's a guy with full iron and a diamond sword right in front of us. We charged him, hoping for the best, we got him on the run! Was this it!? I shot my one and only arrow, "Ding!" A cannon can be heard in the distance. I got him! He also had 4 MORE diamonds! I made a sword for my brother and we found a double chest on the edge of the map. It had 2 MORE diamonds! We found a crafting table and I made diamond boots. This map, Valleyside University, ended up becoming one of my favorites with Wyvrens wake. We got refill and made it to deathmatch again. We had to play well as this guy knew how to play. I killed him with half a heart! Then my brother's laptop died ;-; . I was the victor once again! I thought, I'm really good at this! 2/2 ratio, and I began to love the game.

Chapter 3. Quarter Quell and now.

I started playing a lot and got to 100 wins, then I heard about Quarter Quell. I tried it, I loved the Catching Fire movie and book, so I understood the disasters and the clock. I loved the game. I play it a LOT to this day. I have 205 wins in it with my game rank being in the 30s because its not very popular. Now on this day, 7/11/2014, The MCGamer network has brought me some amazing moments. My first two games on the network I will remember as my favourite and I'll keep playing. I thank you so much for all the staff team for contributing to a very fun and outstanding network.



Jun 2, 2014
Reaction score
''The Moments'' When, I first joined MCSG 2014 January.My First ever map i played was Breeze Island, Looked like a decent spawn then i saw these chests i saw the countdown going down i rush corn and go get the chest i got a stone sword and went to kill everyone. I, did pretty good for my first game i had full chain and stone sword :D.I, won that game and i played more and more in that journey i did.I played a couple of other games it was really fun to play i practised my pvp skill and much more.I played with friends and some other random people :).I enjoyed my self and so did my friends.When i finished school at 3.00pm i would get in my mum's car and go rush home and do homework and play mcsg :D. MCSG was so addicting when i got used to it. I don't have that good /stats but i enjoy playing for fun.This One Match i played with a couple of friends we had a 2-3 team we had good stuff and we took out a 3 team that had like full iron and we were screaming loud as we could when we killed them it was that day was my ''Moment'' was born. MCSG is fun to play and ever has been

*(Sorry For Grammer Mistakes)

Thanks to*
My Mum for buying me minecraft
MCSG For making their servers
MCSG Staff For Being Nice!



Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score

Hey Tributes, recently theres been a lot of reminiscing within the staff team over old and good memories they’ve had at MCGamer, and a lot of looking forward to making new ones. Its due to this that this whole idea was sparked, and we're going to be running a competition here on the forums.

So, the way this competition will go is that you will have One Week to write a short; entertaining; and quality story based on your best experience, or your best memory here on any of MCGamer’s servers. The prize as it currently stands is a lifetime platinum donor-ship for the winner of this competition. This may be furthered should participation be exemplary. In any case, the way this competition is being judged is on quality in your writing, amount of interest it generates, and the how entertaining your story is. Were looking to hear your best, and see who can write the best, and most entertaining story.

In order to submit your story, simply put it down in the comments of this thread, and the sr staff will make a decision on who is the victor in one week (ending on the 16th of July to be exact). Further details will be posted in an update in this thread, as will the victor be displayed at the top of this thread along with their story. Should you be selected as the winner, you will be contacted by me through private message on the forums with details on how to redeem your platinum donor. So tributes, make it your best, and we look forward to reading what you’ve got.
I was spawned on my pedestal on the cold and chilling map called Solar Frost.... I had to volunteer for my brother DarkBlade he was a young fellow not at all ready for the games... 30 seconds that's how long they gave me to get ready to 3 2 1.. I ran to spawn got some a stone sword but I just ran and didn't even look back. BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!! 3 tributes DEAD... When I heard the booms it sent chill's threw my body, I ran the fear out of me but then I came upon the lava parkour it was a true test of my abilities. Jump, jump and jump that's all I thought while doing the parkour!! BOOM!! BOOM!! 2 more just gone picked up and sent back to there districts. I came upon a tribute with the name angeuhhlina or ange for short she seemed like a good ali so I so we became friends.. BOOOSH!! 21 tributes dead time for the death match... We 2v1 a guy and we are the only 2 tributes left so I betray her and get my 1st ever MCSG win!!


Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
My First Ever Minecraft Survival Games Win

March 2013... U.S. Survival Games Server... the map, Insanity Cause, a jungle-covered island in the middle of the ocean with an abandoned military base. lilzzfla1 and 23 other tributes were teleported into the arena, and at this point in my Minecraft life, I was on my old account and was still considered a newbie at the game. The clock ticked down and I was off, not knowing where I was going or what I was going to encounter. I was running blind. The first 10-15 minutes were an absolute bloodshed and before I knew it, there were only 6 tributes left. Already three-quarters of the tributes have been killed off, whereas I still didn't have a weapon! Finally, I found a large, multistory structure near the outskirts of the island, not knowing I was being watched from the inside. I managed to find a weapon and continued on my venture when all of a sudden... the stalker jumped down in front of me and started swinging his stone sword... I had to make a beeline for the water, not caring what I had to do or where I had to go to get to it. Eventually I found my way to the water and had also lost my pursuer, for an interloper had come along and sacrificed himself to save me. I asked myself why he had done such a thing like that for we didn't even know each other. No matter, I was alive and kicking, and managed to find my way to an old battleship near the edge of the map. I climbed aboard and behold, a tier 2 chest! It felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off of my shoulders and a huge sigh of relief filled the room. Not having any other knowledge of any other chests, I simply waited for chests to restock, waiting, waiting, and yes, waiting. Finally, chests restock, but wait, someone's climbing aboard the ship! "Did he see me?" I wondered, but continued to shelter myself in the underground cabin-like room. He climbed down the ladder to the lower level of the boat and searched for some sweet loot. It was the stalker! Oh how the tables have turned. He was now being watched by me from the inside by me. Something inside of me said "Go for it," and I did. With one swing of my weapon, the foe had fallen. I now had to myself a stone sword, and half iron armor, but I was starting to run low on food, and with only four tributes left, I knew if I didn't find some food quick, I would be in trouble by the time death-match would roll around. I'm thinking "Just give me a bowl," I already had lots of mushrooms, and all I needed was one measly bowl to have an unlimited supply of mushroom stew. I never did get that bowl, but I didn't need it. Someone with an iron sword was back at same multistory structure where I had been attacked not so long ago. Sneaking up behind him felt all to surreal for me, knowing that with this kill, I could potentially lock up my fist win ever as an MCGamer tribute. That same voice appears again saying "Do it, before he turns around," so I did. The enemy didn't know what hit him and before he knew it, he died, sending it to the death-match. The two remaining competitors would prove not to be an easy fight, for they were teamed. I knew I had to eliminate one of them before they had the chance to group up and kill me. They didn't seem to be the best of friends though, because they went right for each other, completely avoiding me and giving me time to regroup for the final fight. BOOM! 2 tributes left, just him and I, he runs away from me because of his low health. But with only 2 minutes left in death-match, I thought this would last forever. I placed a cake down for food, and I couldn't eat it. And that's when the idea came... "Maybe if I chase him for long enough," I said to myself, "he will stop and try to eat the cake!" So that's what I did, but it took longer to go into effect than planned. With only 15 seconds left in the death-match, he finally tried to take a slice of the cake, and stopped just long enough for me to get one swing off, instantly killing him. I knew that if I had not placed that cake down, we would've both walked out of there alive, but he didn't, and to this day... I will never forget my first ever Minecraft Survival Games win.
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May 5, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Survival Games: The Final Fight

10.. 9.. 8..
I am getting nervous of this wating, i dont know what i should do?! Run to spawn or go rush my route? 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. I need to decide NOW! 3.. 2.. okay i know what to do! Im going to rush my route! 1.. The games have begun! I run as hard as i can to the airship outside, but im not the only one that is going for it.. I punch a girl so she gets stuck between the door and i rush the airship! Im almost there but i try to hit the girl again but i failed, she goes infront of me and gets first to the airship.. My route has ended here. I just ran in a certain direction hoping i can get some good loots.. But im unlucky, i find a wooden axe and a leather helmet and leather pants. But that doesn't stop me. I remember a double T2 in a house, i run as fast as i can to it but im too late! There is a team of 2 faster than me! I must be first! I try to beat one with my axe but it didnt take long for the other teammate to assist here.. I had to run away and get another chest. I was running to a mine that i spotted and i got a stone axe from a chest in the entrance. Still not enough becose there is a guy with FULL IRON waiting for me. I know i am not going to win this game so i go in and start a fight with him. I run away and out of nothing i make a comeback! I hit him 1 time and he runs after me. I turn around and fight him he had a stone sword and he was trying to pierce it in my heart! I cant win this! At that moment i thought by myself: That i can win this, full iron or leather armour! I can win this! I begin to fight back and i put my axe right between his eyes, his blood was dripping over my shoulders, i have won this battle.


May 23, 2014
Reaction score
Hello MCSG staff/Spectators/Particiments.
This is a really amazing game that i had.
At the start i felt out dazed from the cold of the place they call solor frost.
I was out of it.. the time whent. at 20 i was hessintant to run but i new i had to soon.
5 dum dum 3 dum dum. I thought in my head of the blood that will be sheed the inocent lives. GO!!! i was dayzed i ran straight for a route I whent across bright lava that if a rock feel that i was on. I would surely fall in to the lava and die. I ran trying to not look down. I then whent in to a house, that was dark but glowed with low light. I then grab a weapon. and then a wild player comes out of no were and then i kill them He then gave, me a iron ingot so i could craft a iron sword. I then kill a few noobs at spawn and i had 2 hearts left and then. I ran in to a 2/3 team that tryed to clean up crew me. but then i killed one whill he grabed what he could salvage i then kill him the two others didint like to see it so they then rushed i then kill the person will he was in lava, the other pearson the runs and then i fishing rod them in to the lava and that was one of my best games.


May 28, 2014
Reaction score
Amazing Funny Fight
I started to play Minecraft.Joined MCSG.It was a normal game.Everyone voted for his/her favourite map.
Demon's Breeze was choosen.The Game started very bad. I had leather armour and no sword.
A AMAZING FIGHT started.There were at least 12 people in the fight.And I was one of them.I was sure that I would die.
Some people fell into lava some of them escaped some of them died normally.Me and a guy that has almost full iron with iron sword .
I pushed him into the lava he was dying.I was happy then he started to throw arrows to me in the lava, he died :) but I died too :(
The game didn't end.I was a spectator and watching the deathmatch 2 full iron players and 1 guy has almost nothing.
One of the Full iron killed the other one. The guy who had almost nothing attacked with wooden axe and he killed him :D


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Killing the Chezerony.
I cautiously walked through the long grass. The Survival Games had taken its toll on me, my knee was busted and one of my fingers were jammed. The odds were still in my favor, though. My skill and experience through my childhood are paying off. Suddenly, I saw some movements about 100 yards Northwest. Dropping onto my stomach, I moved some grass with my hands to try and get a clear look. I winced as my jammed finger screamed in protest of moving... then I saw it. A large group of other tributes, all decently geared. My eyes squinted and were able to make out one with orange hair. Realization hit me as I recognized that the group were the Cyan Volts, a clan of tributes that traveled in groups to kill people one by one.
My plan was simple; take out the orange haired one. He looked rather dumb and oblivious, so my best chance was to use stealth. Moving from tree to tree, I slowly crept closer to the group. After a while, two of them decided to go gather some food and leave the orange haired one to protect camp; The perfect opportunity! I slid my diamond sword from its sheath and crawled towards the camp. With adrenaline flowing through my veins, my legs sprung up at the speed of light and my arms swung with all their might towards him. All I saw was his head turning and his eyes bulging as he realized he was going to die, but it was too late. My sword stabbed right into his chest, a death blow. Scarlet blood flowed out and covered his chest. His feeble gasps came to a stop after only a few seconds, and I put my sword back.
I went on to win that game, killing the group of Cyan Volts that existed. All of my glory was centered around the one stealth kill that leveled the playing field.. and I remember it to this day.
A lesson you might learn from reading this...
Always look back...


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Poop Game

I am sitting in the lobby, impatiently waiting for the game to start. As we are whisked into the arena for Pregame, I look into the /list. I examine the players names, attempting to remember if I know of any skilled players in the lobby. My eyes don't land on anyone who seems to be familiar that I have seen within the MCSG community.

A shiver goes up my spine when I see the name Mooclan. I did not have any idea how great Mooclan was at the game but he seemed very well known within the community. Immediately, I consider leaving the game because well, this was back when if I saw one good player in game, I left. But, I decided to stay in Pregame and take my chances on winning the game. Just imagining not playing this game looking back at this, lets just say it was a great thing that I did play it.

I race towards the Demons Breeze cornucopia, eager to win this game. Around this time, I had about 10 wins so I understood what it took to win but I was not the greatest at carrying out those procedures. I open the corn chest, and my eyes almost pop out my head. There is an iron chestplate, iron boots, diamond and stone sword in the chest. I manage to gain the iron chestplate, iron boots and stone sword. A lot of people would have been very happy with getting this off the cornucopia but seeing as there was only one other person in my corn chest, I knew who had gotten the diamond. They ran towards the mountain on the West side of the map, up the mountainside by the bridge.

I chased this player whom I had believed gotten nothing off cornucopia except the diamond. This is also how I found my chest route for this map. He opened the chest and by the time he put the all the armor inside on himself, he was dead. I thought I was so MLG that I got that kill. Once I had gotten myself collected, I climbed up the bridge and headed South towards the next tier two on my route, which took me quiet a bit of time to do as I sort of stinked at parkour and still do, I had gotten another diamond, a stick and a pair of iron leggings which I needed. And then it happened.

I felt a bit of well "gas" from my lower end and assumed it was just a well, fart. But, have you ever had that feeling when you are about to fart and then you realize it's excretion? Well, this happened to me. I decided "Eh, it's nothing. I can just do it after" but well as much as I do not want to say this, it's a good thing I didn't go at that time considering what is about to happen.
I returned to cornucopia and decided the coast was to clear to craft my sword. As I was crafting my sword, I saw a player in full iron and saw the nameplate. My heart dropped. It was Mooclan. I decided to man up and fight this "beast". Or so I thought...

I fought Mooclan and hit him 1 time, 2 times, 3 times, 4 times.

Holy shoot.


Turns out, I destroyed him and I immediately thought I was the best player on MCSG. After I had collected myself, for the second time, the call from nature was getting stronger and stronger by the minute. It was about 21 minutes into the game and I decided I couldn't hold it any longer. I ran into the washroom and BANG!

Instant relief.

Now this sounds very weird but the way my computer was stationed before, I could see my computer while I was in the washroom. I struggled to make out the images on the screen but eventually, I figured out what was what. I was still sitting relativily close to corn. What happened next is really the highlight of this story.

I saw that there was a team of 2 in leather armor somewhat near me and I prayed they wouldn't see me.

Oh god.

They see me.

In this point in time, I am not "done" and I decide what I have to do. Seems really dramatic eh? Well at the time, it was. They run towards me and once they are within 20 blocks, this is where it gets good.

I jumped up from the toilet, half naked to kill this team. They hit me twice by the time I get to my computer. I turn and run, only to flint and steel them immediately. I get one, we'll call him Jon on fire. Jon backs up while his teammate, we'll call him Frank, races towards me. I turn and fight Frank, killing him in only a few hits. Jon then runs at me and while at 5 hearts, I fight him. I leave the fight on half a heart with Jon shooting arrows at me. I hide in a corner and shift. Eventually, I lose Jon and then raced back to the toilet. Again, instant relief. But, not for long.

In all the running to the computer and such, I didn't realize it was deathmatch. I tab just to see that both Jon and another player whom I believed was named KarimGames. I sit in the washroom until there is 10 seconds to deathmatch. I sprint to my computer and look at my competition. Somehow, Jon has managed to get full iron armor and KarimGames had half leather. Immediately, I attempt to team with KarimGames. As it turns out, Jon is also attempting to team with him. KarimGames completely snubs me and teams with Jon. As this happens, I can feel my heart drop. This, was going to be difficult. Or will it? As the pregame counter strikes zero, I prepare for the challenge I have in front of me.

Turns out, Karim lags out about 10 seconds into the deathmatch.

"Well this makes it a bit easier", I thought.

I run up to Jon, wanting this to end quicker because I was still being called by nature, if you know what I mean. And let's say nature was NOT going to go to voicemail. I run straight at him and hit him a couple times, three times if I can remember correctly. He gets knocked back fairly far and I know to win this, I'm going to have to hone my inner Katniss. I had about 10 arrows.

Shot the first three arrows. No hits.
Shoots 2 more. No hits.
So much for being Katniss.

I run straight at Jon and give it all I got on my mouse clicking. I am clicking so much and freaking out that I don't realize it has switched to night, and there are fireworks exploding in the air.

NuJaan has won the Survival Games!

I don't even celebrate. I just run back to the toilet and sit there, thinking about how I literally have no life and what the heck I just did.
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