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A Forums Contest


Apr 24, 2014
Reaction score
Here I go (If I win I will be giving this to the most deserved or one of my close friends being as I am already Platinum)

Entering what appeared to be a desolate and abandoned place, I journeyed on in quick motion attempting to find another survivor who would inform me of what was occuring. I continued to roam. Freely and carefully, I strode with the wind in my favour which would allow me to reach where I needed to be. Oblivious to my surroundings still, I closely inspected everything with came into my vision and I moved as a shadow. Instantaneously, I recognised a small, perculiar object which glittered in the suns sparkling beams, it looked as though it was a sort of mechanical clock. I retrieved it instantly.

Excited, energized and confused, I clicked at a small button located directly in the centre which appeared as though it was created by a master craftsman with complete accuracy and precision and skill in his job. Almost suprisingly, players fell from the sky, of all different styles. Fashionable players, players which looked like monsters and even players which had the same skin as though they were the basic 'Steve' with no upgrades to them. Rethinking everything I knew, I searched for a reason how this was possible to miss so many people which were on the path I journeyed by, my mind was lost and confused. Suddenly, I realised that the only possible reason for this was the clock which had now disintergrated and left ashes behind in the wind.

Out of nowhere, a player who was quite distinct and original, pounced over at me like a cheetah and asked nervously, 'Are you, Koala?'
Now, I had no idea what was occuring. Boldly, I responsed "Yes, what's it to you?" I did not want to seem as I was weak incase this place was dangerous. Incase the people around here were not as friendly as the people I used to know. We began to talk.

My mouth dropped from what he had told me, my eyes began to water and I started to become sweaty. How could this happen to me? How did I even get here? Why did this happen to me? Who told them I was coming? Angered rushed through my body aswell as pain and hatred for whoever had done this. I knew the consequences and the real reason why they did this and how only one person lives. Out of thousands, over a million entered users, how could I be selected for the Annual MCSG Hunger Games? Furthermore, I began to feel uneasy and at edge, my head began to loose focus on the player that I was in conversation with and everything was becoming fuzzy, I was now unconscious.


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! I was awake, lieing down on the exterior of a huge metal rock type object with water surrounding, did I get attacked and left for dead? Recalling on all of the events prior to now, I realised. I realised what this was. I realised that this was definetly not someone leaving me for dead. But someone wanting me dead. The sirens flooded and the crowds of people watched as I finally awoke and all of the other tributes were prepared to pounce upon the cornucopia and seize whatever was in their way and cause havoc and rain fire upon anyone who stood in their way. I knew that I had to fight and survive the rain of terror they were about to bring upon me, and I definetely knew that this was not the time to stand around and ask questions. They would remain unanswered until my blood is pouring from my body and another tribute is standing over it, with no regret and no mercy.

The crowd fell silent, my heart began to beat at an alarming rate and the sounds of beeps rapidly became louder. The clock, which was counting down the seconds until the beginning of the end of my life commenced, ticked at an unusually fast rate from 30 all the way to 5. This was when I knew that things had become serious and I was most definetly not dreaming and this was the time to focus. The clock struck 0, go.

Extravangtly, I was still alive. After 2 minutes of the games, I was alive. I had ran away from Cornucopia on a map which appeared as though it was a Futuristic City, technology which definetly wasn't invented yet was here. Looking from area to area to grab food and possibly some survival gear, I spotted a strange object which appeared as it was a storage object, kind of like what pirates have, a chest. With fear, I opened the chest and instantly spotted a weapon, something which I had never wielded before, a stone sword. Without second thought and fear for my life, I grabbed at the sword and caught a glimpse of another tribute heading straight for me with sword at the ready. Our swords clashed, the sounds of clangs and stone hitting stone echoed the area. That is when momentum struck me. I swung for his chest, hitting it with full power and hearing a loud scream from him but yet he did not show regret for attacking me, he was tuned in with the hunger games. I took another swing, piercing his armour over and over again until he finally could not take anymore, I finished him.

Evidently, the tributes in this event were not like me. They knew what was going on. They understood why they were there and how they got there, whereas I did not. I woke up in the game and was forced to fight against other tributes who I did not know and did not want to know, but they were definetly more knowledgable in the whole subject than I was. Climbing tree's and strafing as I ran, I spotted a shadow of something very close by, infact, it was 2 shadows. This was my opportunity, I pounced fiercly attacking the less geared tribute as he was an easier target, they both swung aggressively towards me as I dodged their brutal shot. I swung again and the clash of swords bounced back into my ear and I instantly felt pain in my ear. The pain was unbearable, I was about to lose my life and I knew it. The tributes that were opposing me both raised their swords and swung towards me, I strafed with my last breath and their swords hit each other and they were, they were dead. That luck would not be able to save me again in a situation which was like that. Recovering from the ear issue, I collected the loot from the tributes and journeyed on attempting to avoid cornucopia incase of more teams.

Lightning struck beside me, twice. I believe that the lightning symbolises a death of another tribute. I had kind of worked that out eventually. If I counted correctly, there were 6 tributes remaining. I could see 4 of them. Together, I was definetly not going to survive. From behind me I heard a continuos whisper, I turned and saw a player aiming his bow at me as though to mock me as he would pierce my heart with his arrow, I had nowhere to go and I said "Kill me, I don't deserve to win this".


Somehow, someway, my luck had not run out. Remember the guy that I saw in the place where all of the other people where? I believe it is called a hub, he was there. With instant recognition I ran to him and expressed all of my emotions and gratitude and I asked the burning question which I had wanted to ask since square one, "Why am I here?" - He ran, dismissing the question evidently and continued to journey, I did not want to lose him or his trust so I did not ask any questons and I did not want to question what he was doing or why he wouldn't tell me, I needed him on my team if I wanted any chance at survival and as a fair point to me, I feel he needed me.

We located a position in which we had a good view and a nice range on the team of 4 which were camping at Cornucopia and stealing all of the left overs from the chests and the dead bodies which were brutally murdered infront of thousands of spectators which apparently gather around to watch their friends fight and people they do not know. PEWWWWWWWW! I heard an arrow pierce the air and fly towards one of the opponents. Forcefully striking him in the head, he fell, dead. "CHARGE!" the opponents fiercly screamed, engaging on us and running at us at quick movement like a giant. We fought back, it was our only chance.

Clashing of swords, swords hitting armor, people screaming and grunting of angered people, the opponents all engaged on me, I ducked, punching one of them with my fist whilst turning, launching my sword at one of them and instantly being disarmed. I was surrounded. Anger overcame me and I charged, tackling one of them to the ground. The other 2 came at me, I ducked as they attempted to tackle me and they went straight to the ground, the other swung as I grabbed his arm, disarmed him and held them all at sword point. Adrenadline had rushed through me, and for some reason, I liked it.

We, we had done it. My friend and I, we had, we had made it to the end. Just us, we had won the hunger games. But, but we hadn't. There was only allowed to be 1 winner. I kneeled, I bowed my head and said "Get it over with, I would have died if it wasn't for you", but there was silence, he was gone. Where had he gone? Fireworks pierced the sky and the cheers of people were heard from throughout the crowd. Spectators said "Well done man, GG" and others congratulated me on my first win?

My first win?

I was teleported back to my first location, people scattered around. It was then I read the manuals. This was a game server. I could do whatever I liked. None of it counted in the end, stats were created and you could train your skills. You could play lots of minigames and play the hunger games whenever necessary. I understood now, I understood.

I knew that, that was my first game and that was my first win.
My first win of many to come.

~ I hope you all enjoyed it, just to tell you all if you didn't understand the style.
I wrote this as if I was the character in first person in a real life situation, the first time on the server and did not understand what was going on. Thank you all, good luck.


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Writing mine as we speak. It's sort of a short history of MCSG, as seen through my eyes. Expect it to be pretty long. I don't mind if it ends up getting disqualified, since it's turning out to be really fun to write.
Good for you! Have fun with it, I am really excited to read it :D I don't think you will need the platinums since you have diamond anyway, but still. I am really actually super excited to read this!


District 13
Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
I would like to share an experience that I had with a bunch of players on this server, a community, a little group created on the forums. Anyone can join, be the few in my story were the first.

This is also the story of my skin.

Read this with an epic voice in mind, with dramatic music in the background. If you don't have some here is a video to play:

Once upon a time, in a place far off called SGC 2, I met the swarm. It was an odd day, my normal routine. I got on my computer after tennis, and hoped on to the forums. There, I saw a familiar name and some others sitting in the MCSG's CounterStrike TeamSpeak. RC_4777, Beardy, HalfSquirrel, Chiller4, Ikanacanyon7, JennoKoala, Ceroria (ZebraNation), plimpy41 and Brandon6895 were all in this TeamSpeak, though at the time I only recognized 2 or 3 of them. I was thrilled to see these names, and joined the chat.

The Swarm is an odd sight to first behold. At first glance, it appears to be the most annoying team of all time. Whoever has that opinion is right: the swarm is annoying to those it crushes. A clan of leafygreentea garbed locusts, charging at an opponent in packs of 4-8. A terrible sight to be hold. There is no hope for the poor full iron diamond sword target. He swings in vain, hoping that he will be able to catch at least one of the poorly geared members off guard. The swords, pickaxes, shovels and hoes of the swarm are too strong; the opponent is struck down in timely fashion. He may have taken two of his assailants with him, but the Swarm is not bothered, No one stops the Swarm. All of the prized gear is burned; the swarm does not need such petty things. Why trade a gold hoe for a diamond sword? No one really does that, right?

I wanted to join such an exciting and interesting group. I found the skin and wore it proudly. I managed to help the Swarm slay many opponents, and left them pleasant messages of "#swarm" and "#leafygreenteaday2014" when they were finally defeated. It is a grand site. When all of the opponents on the map were destroyed, the swarm began to turn upon each other. There is only one winner of the Survival Games. We wore our helmets or boots proudly, and kept our chosen weapon handy. No secondaries (mostly :p), just pure melee combat. The fight begins! Each of the remaining swarm charge at each other, chopping with their hoes, fighting for their lives. plimpy41 had a fast click speed giving him an unfair advantage. None the less, the swarm battles for the right of winning for the Swarm!

Though, after many games, we faced a challenge. A player, who shall remain unnamed, played too much hive, and thought we were breaking the non existent Teaming Rule. He threatened us, but like none other. He was going to recordig us. that's right recordig. To this day we are not sure what that means. Check out our fears: http://imgur.com/PzgA7dZ. That game, Brandon and I were the only two to survive, yet we managed to represent the swarm, and win the game. Obviously Brandon rekt me, that's not the point though.

Slowly, the swarm ebbed away to their normal daily routines. The last of us finally logged of the Counterstrike TeamSpeak, giving the rest of the community a chance to win a game.

The swarm is not gone; the swarm is love, the swarm is life.

We do not forgive, we do not forget.

Fear us.



Here is a video of the events for your entertainment.
but I am the king leafy as I won 4 straight swarm brawls after


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Without further ado, I present to you:
'I Love MCSG'
“You enjoying chopping up those pixel-people?” My dad says with a laugh. I don’t mind. I’m focused on the situation at hand. “It’s just a game” is what many say, but those are the people who’ve never played. I play for fun, that’s true, but to me this is more than a game. It’s a exercise in memory, co-ordination, strategy. I’ve been playing MCSG for two years, and while some of my interest in the server, and rather the game itself has dwindled, I plan on being a part of this community till the day it dies.

I found the server rather early on, and I can remember some early aspects. The good and the bad. I remember back when Variede, a decent-sized YouTuber known for his creative machinimas, uploaded a map based on the Hunger Games‘ popularity, known as the Survival Games. He likely had no knowledge that this little PvP map would grow into a incredibly massive gaming phenomenon. Excited by watching the trailer and gameplay of this map, I turned to google in search of servers. There were no dedicated Survival Games servers, who would think of automating a simple map like this? It seemed silly. When I joined my first match it was a small server that I found on Minecraft Forums. I was amazed. I had no idea what I was supposed to do, how I was supposed to play. I was inside this strange glass cube. Without a second thought, I broke through in order to escape this cage and to my surprise was instantly banned. No warning, no teleport, just a ban. Confused and irritated I later on searched again, this time with more fruitful results. I found the ’MinecraftSurvivalGames’ website. I still fondly recall that green and black color scheme.

After promptly creating a forum account with the assumption it was required, I joined my first game. This is where a lot of my memory eludes me. All I remember is the fascination with this game, and more than few heated debates, as well as some kind advice from friendly players. After many matches I had formulated a route, that to this day I’ve not seen anyone follow exactly. I would run towards the distant castle, past the bloodbath known simply as ’The Boat.’ Up the parkour I’d run, grabbing the chest there and moving onward, a man with a mission. Snatching up tier ones left and right, and would leap into the water promptly and swim my way to a mysterious sunken monument. A hidden chest lies there for those smart enough, and parkour for those willing to risk their lives over bubbling lava for a potentially game changing piece of armor. To the distant house on the ocean I would swim, slaying the few who wandered there in hopes of gear. I’d return to spawn a fight those who were confident enough to go for the high risk yet high reward event, the cornucopia’s refill.

I recall the massive uproar at the release of Variede’s latest map, SG2. A destroyed city, ominous and massive. My route was not the best, but I was proud of my ability to survive and even win. SG3 was met with less favor, but I still was excited upon it’s release.

Then one day, a map nobody expected hit MCSG by storm. Known as Breeze Island, or simply ‘Breeze’ it exploded like dynamite wrapped in C4. Game after game people voted again and again for this map, and use of the fishing rod was becoming more and more common. Naysayers were quickly outvoted, and the PvP revolution began to approach. People loved the quick-paced, high action games that this map gave, it was something fresh and unexpected. A similarly fighting-focused map was released by Variede known as SG4, which likewise became an instant fan-favorite. I can’t deny that I wasn’t one of the ones who voted for SG4 again and again, loving it’s simplistic look and play style.
Of course the creators noticed the increasing popularity in action-focused gameplay. They released what is known as MCSGv2, and the servers exploded. Servers were near impossible to join, and it seemed MCSG was not ready for the massive influx of players.
I like to call this the dark ages of MCSG. During these months, Variede and many of his friends left to join the JollyolBrits in the creation of the Hive, and due to extreme lag, many players left for this new option. But I stuck with it. I didn’t care about the hive, I loved MCSG despite it’s problems and always will. I began to get better at PvP, I started to become active on the forums, before I knew it I was among the top #1000 players globally, and had racked up over one thousand posts on the forums.

Controversy has come and gone, and it always will, but in the end of it MCSG is my favorite.
It’s not the game type anymore. It’s not about how revolutionary it is anymore. Win-loss ratio doesn’t matter anymore to me.
MCSG is fun and I love it and always will. And in the end, what else really matters?

-Kor, an SG addict since April 21, 2012.

Good for you! Have fun with it, I am really excited to read it :D I don't think you will need the platinums since you have diamond anyway, but still. I am really actually super excited to read this!
If I win I'll either end up giving it away to promote my channel or giving it to a friend of mine who plays a lot more than I do nowadays. In any event, it's fairly unlikely I'll win anyway.
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Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
My best memory...
While I've had quite a lot of amazing times here in mcsg, my favorite of all was most defiantly the day I returned to the servers...

So my real life friends and I used to play mcsg constantly while there was only one map, survival games one. Well, they slowly got bored of the game and I had no one else to play with, so I stopped as well. But that summer I was on vacation with my laptop and my family and I were about to go out for dinner, well I got ready really quickly and had a lot of time to spare before the 7 other family members (I was visiting relatives) were ready to head out, so I decided to play on my laptop.

I loaded up minecraft and decided to go on a server I was playing a lot recently, known as novscraft. It was a pvp capture the flag server, after playing that a while I didn't realize I had been practicing my pvp skills. I was scrolling down to the server when I accidentally clicked on a mcsg server in lobby, I was about to quit the server when I realized there was only 10 seconds left before the game started. When the match loaded I expected to see dense forestry like usual, but I saw a huge surprise: A giant run-down city, known as survival games 2.

I was intrigued and getting the gitteries like I normally did before the game started... and boom the counted ended and I sprinted away from the center area (because I was a wimp) and made into the city streets. *A cannon can be heard in the distance* flooded my chat and I ran as fast as possible into a neighborhood and found a chest. It contained a stone sword! I immediately started getting attacked and I ran. But then I realized he had a leather hat. I wanted that hat. I turned around and slaughtered him with ease. I was astonished... how was I so good, and why did I run towards him? I never did that. I decided to swim across the river.

I climbed through the obsidian fortress and climbed the empty tower. Around the time I reached the top I realized a man with full iron was shooting at me from the bottom. I started to shake, and wanted to get out, but I was trapped. I had full leather (except boots :3) and stone sword, there was no way I could beat him! But I decided to try. I jumped down the vines and was at equal level with him we started to fight, but I quickly realized I was not doing so hot. I only had 4 hearts, and only hit him twice. But I kept on swinging and knocked him off the vines! I was astonished! I actually beat him, but wait there was no announcement in chat...

I immediately looked down and realized he was already half way up the vines. I panicked and went back to the top to regenerate my health. I went to the little ring ledge thingy around the inside of the tower. He eventually made it up to my ring thingy. And sprinted towards me. I fought like I never have before, going through and around him landing every hit, and with half a heart left and jumped onto the vines and mid-flight I turned around and shot my single arrow... *a cannon can be heard in the distance*

I was speechless. I couldn't believe myself... I did it. I grabbed his stuff and then started to hunting down the other players and won the corn refill battle against a team. Finally death-match began and I was equipped with a diamond sword and helmet. I then take down both the players with bliss and win the game. I then realized I've never won a game before... This was my first win... ever. I did /records and saw the Wins: 1/147 I almost cried. My family called for me to get in the car. I closed the laptop and walked into the mini-van with one of the biggest smiles I've ever had.

~ Wert9999
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Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
My best memory...
While i've had quite a lot of amazing times here in mcsg, my favorite of all was most defiantly the day I returned to the servers...

You misspelled definitely and forgot to capitalize the "I" in "I've". Just thought I'd give you a heads up.


Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
This story is, indeed, a real game that I participated in back in V1. The recollections are quite vague, and I apologize if some sectors appear incomplete or do not make sense. It is just a recollection of an ordinary game, with a few special moments that make it ideal for a short read.
Bleeding on the inside

I take in my surroundings; I am in a forest clearing of sorts. My view is limited, not just by the blinding sun that captivates us all, but by the tall, strong trees that encase me and my 23 enemies – the enemies that will either kill or be killed. I've done this before, but this time is different, and I’m not sure why. I feel the steady, humming rhythm of the clock slowly ticking down. 10..9..8.. I look up to the sky and utter a quick prayer to Mufasa. 7..6..5 My breaths are quick and shallow now. “Why am I acting like this?” I think to myself. 4..3..2..1.. I compose myself for the inevitable fight. Running is not an option – how will I survive? How will I find the items I need? As the loud, booming sound goes off to signal the start of the games, I make the unprecedented decision of running away. “Blasted idiot!” I curse myself as I run away. I hear the cannon’s booming echo throughout the next few hours.

By nightfall, I am very hungry and have found limited goods. Quickly riffling through the items in my near-empty inventory, I find a few dried-up cookies, a stick, and a bow complete with 6 arrows. As the dark night sky consumes those of us who remain, I quickly discovered that only eight tributes have survived today’s events. Thanks to my limited experience in the arena, I am aware that there is a stock refill at the middle of the night. “I need this!” I thought to myself, but my conscience stopped me before I could jump from the tree. Quickly gathering my thoughts, I remembered something from the many games that I had viewed myself – chest refill was a tribute’s dream, and it was always a busy time. Fatalities were sure to arise, so I figured I had to play this out strategically, but I wasn’t sure how.

It was only a few minutes until hell would be released, so I started to slowly make my way towards the center, being pushed along by the thoughts of starving to death, the thoughts that slowly consumed me just a few hours ago. With not a minute to spare, I arrive at the cornucopia and take in my surroundings. Crouching by the stump of a tree, I can see a horrifying sight, or at least, a sight that signifies the death of a beginner player – a team of two. I start hyperventilating – I had come so far, and I was going to die to a team? Suddenly, the sound of someone eating disassembles my already incomprehensible thoughts. I whip around, bow in hand, and I see another player. Preparing to shoot, I take out an arrow and draw back my bow. “No!” he starts, “Don’t you see? There is a team of two, and you can’t kill them by yourself!” Despite my cluttered mind, I somehow add two and two and realize what he is saying makes sense. “Follow me.” He says, and I comply. As chest refill begins, I see what’s left of the career pack quickly and expertly sifting through the chests, searching for only the most valuable items. As I take it all in, my arena counterpart nudges me. “3..2..1.. GO!” he says as he runs out. I have no choice, but to follow.

It doesn't take long to realize just how much trouble I am in. Our enemies are equipped with iron weaponry, iron chest plates and leggings, and a variety of other necessities. I only had a leather chest plate, some preserved food, and of course, my trusty bow and six arrows. My ally was not much better off than me, and it was only now I questioned the validity of his logic. However, I quickly realized my ally was not a beginning player – he had the other team running! Nervous, I draw back my bow and take precarious aim at the one who stopped to eat a regeneration apple, a tool of the capital. Sweating blurs my vision, but I release my arrow before second thoughts roll in. I close my eyes, and the sound of a cannon echoes through the arena. “I killed someone” I mutter to myself. My ally quickly runs to capture his loot, and I slowly head to the now-abandoned cornucopia to make use of what the career pack had left behind.

By midday on the second day of the Hunger Games, only five of us remain. I and my ally, whose name I learnt is Taylor, mostly stay at the center and make small talk. “Who is left?” I often think to myself. I know there is myself and Taylor, and one career tribute left, but who are the other two anonymous tributes? They are names I do not recognize, and I quickly assume the possibility that they are teamed. My thoughts are quickly scattered. I feel the arrow go into my right arm. I collapse to the ground, and I see my teammate run off to where the arrow was released. I slowly get up, squinting into the tree line to try and decipher where my teammate had gone. Suddenly, cannon go off. It is not my teammate to come from the trees – it is none other than the one who had shot me: the career.

He was slowly completing his puzzle of winning the games, and I was one of the missing pieces. He rushes at me, iron sword in hand. Taking out the stone sword I received from the cornucopia, I ready myself. My body armour rating has significantly increased, and I am ready to take on my toughest challenge yet. We engage in meticulous combat, and we each severe each other in many different places. He starts to run, and I am quick to follow. I quickly stop, and pull out my bow, the one I deemed the “Katniss”. I pull out one of my five remaining arrows, and take careful aim. He continues to run in a circular pattern around the cornucopia, so I aim a few blocks in front of him. I exhale a breath of air, and release. The arrow slowly flies through the air, and lodges itself into his right shoulder. A cannon goes off somewhere, but it is not the one to signify my enemy’s death. He continues running despite his immense bodily injuries. I start running towards him, sword in hand. He stops and looks at me, pleading for his life. He, the man who killed my teammate, my life and soul in the arena, now wants to form a team with me? I continue rushing at him, and forcefully bring my sword down on his arm, the one I shot just a moment ago. He collapses to the ground, and the cannon goes off before his limp body hits the solid Earth. I do not celebrate, for I have one more life to take, one more innocent body to watch be taken into the sky. As the countdown timer for deathmatch hits five seconds, I prepare myself to be teleported onto a pod. I have everything I need, but is it a recipe for victory?

I am teleported to a pod, and I quickly turn to my right to view my enemy. My enemy is wearing only leather boots, and is holding seeds in his hand. He looks as if he hasn’t eaten in a long time, and I see desperation in his eyes, even from the distance we are at. Deathmatch has now begun, and I have three minutes to decide what to do with this innocent soul. I walk up to him, and stare him in the eyes. His eyes plead, plead me not to kill him. It is either him or me, and I am prepared to turn the sword on myself when I am consumed with darkness. Replaying through my mind are the bitter, horrendous deaths I have seen these past few days, but the one that replays so vividly is that of my teammate. He now rests in the sky, and is watching down on me this very moment. I raise my sword, still completely unsure who to bring it down on. A sense of evil compels me as I smash my sword against the final tribute’s skull, and I bring my sword up once again, ready to repeat. I hit him again and again, and finally the cannon goes off. It only took a few seconds, but it felt like a year. An announcement is made acknowledging my victory, but I do not feel like a victor.

I had won many times before, and my enemy had not won once. The death of my teammate consumed me, and drove me to slaughter him. I force myself to relish my victory and forget about what I had done in those last few minutes of the hunger games. It felt wrong, and it felt as if I was bleeding on the inside. I slaughtered only a few innocent souls, but it was enough to hurt me, and only now did I feel the pain of my enemies, whose lives I had claimed throughout the past two days.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you enjoyed! It's been awhile since I've written a short story, so I feel it isn't that professional. Nonetheless, hope you enjoyed it. :)
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