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A few questions regarding the rules

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District 13
Jul 26, 2012
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Possible, not plausible.

I guess my other statement will remain valid.
If your statement is the one about the user's ban, as I said, it's against the rules to discuss other player's bans.
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
These were never explicit rules. They aren't common sense obviously, because someone had to ask about them. Therefore, seeing as these were not explicit rules (regardless of whether or not they will become rules now doesn't matter), anyone banned for violation of any of them before they are publicly and explicitly stated/added to the rules should be un-banned.

If any user prior to this point violated any of these unwritten rules and has been banned for breaking them, it's only reasonable for them to be unbanned, not only from the games, but from the forums as well, otherwise it would not only be unreasonable of the staff (as the rules were unknown to the public), but it would also make them look worse in the public eye. As if despite their revisions and additions to the existing rules, they'd go against them to seemingly silence someone affected by their fluke. It's reasonable to think that if a ban stood despite these things being added to the rules, after the ban initially occurred, the idea that the staff is indeed corrupt wouldn't look so outlandish anymore. It's as if the staff would be giving those making these claims something to rally behind.

Point is -- staff. You need to add all of these things to the rules to the rules page, and with the nonsense it's caused, a front page announcement would be apt as well. Most of all though, to keep things from escalating, users banned directly due to the violation of these rules need to be unbanned on all Mcgamer owned servers and websites, or otherwise risk having to ban more players and simply have the issues get worse.

I've said my piece, I didn't want to take sides but certain bans that have occurred are complete and utter nonsense. It'd be appreciated if the staff team could put their diplomatic foot forward, take my suggestion, and pretend none of this ever happened. Or hell, even better, use this as a way to reform staff and work out the issues being addressed by the banned players in the first place.
Last edited:


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
These were never explicit rules. They aren't common sense obviously, because someone had to ask about them. Therefore, seeing as these were not explicit rules (regardless of whether or not they will become rules now doesn't matter), anyone banned for violation of any of them before they are publicly and explicitly stated/added to the rules should be un-banned.

If any user prior to this point violated any of these unwritten rules and has been banned for breaking them, it's only reasonable for them to be unbanned, not only from the games, but from the forums as well, otherwise it would not only be unreasonable of the staff (as the rules were unknown to the public), but it would also make them look worse in the public eye. As if despite their revisions and additions to the existing rules, they'd go against them to seemingly silence someone affected by their fluke. It's reasonable to think that if a ban stood despite these things being added to the rules, after the ban initially occurred, the idea that the staff is indeed corrupt wouldn't look so outlandish anymore. It's as if the staff would be giving those making this claims something to rally behind.

Point is -- staff. You need to add all of these things to the rules to the rules page, and with the nonsense it's caused, a front page announcement would be apt as well. Most of all though, to keep things from escalating, users banned directly due to the violation of these rules need to be unbanned on all Mcgamer owned servers and websites, or otherwise risk having to ban more players and simply have the issues get worse.

I've said my piece, I didn't want to take sides but certain bans that have occurred are complete and other nonsense. It'd be appreciated if the staff team could put their diplomatic foot forward, take my suggestion, and pretend none of this ever happened. Or hell, even better, use this as a way to reform staff and work out the issues being addressed by the banned players in the first place.

Such a good point everyone else failed to perceive.


Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
there is a rule, do noMass demonstrations that attempt to sway community policy through public displays is not allowed.


Dec 12, 2013
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These were never explicit rules. They aren't common sense obviously, because someone had to ask about them. Therefore, seeing as these were not explicit rules (regardless of whether or not they will become rules now doesn't matter), anyone banned for violation of any of them before they are publicly and explicitly stated/added to the rules should be un-banned.

If any user prior to this point violated any of these unwritten rules and has been banned for breaking them, it's only reasonable for them to be unbanned, not only from the games, but from the forums as well, otherwise it would not only be unreasonable of the staff (as the rules were unknown to the public), but it would also make them look worse in the public eye. As if despite their revisions and additions to the existing rules, they'd go against them to seemingly silence someone affected by their fluke. It's reasonable to think that if a ban stood despite these things being added to the rules, after the ban initially occurred, the idea that the staff is indeed corrupt wouldn't look so outlandish anymore. It's as if the staff would be giving those making these claims something to rally behind.

Point is -- staff. You need to add all of these things to the rules to the rules page, and with the nonsense it's caused, a front page announcement would be apt as well. Most of all though, to keep things from escalating, users banned directly due to the violation of these rules need to be unbanned on all Mcgamer owned servers and websites, or otherwise risk having to ban more players and simply have the issues get worse.

I've said my piece, I didn't want to take sides but certain bans that have occurred are complete and utter nonsense. It'd be appreciated if the staff team could put their diplomatic foot forward, take my suggestion, and pretend none of this ever happened. Or hell, even better, use this as a way to reform staff and work out the issues being addressed by the banned players in the first place.
Very Bold statement.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
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Hello. Recently, some bans have been making waves through-out the mcsg community.

Now, I really am truly interested in finding out what rules pertain to what.

1. If I text my friend that I hate a certain member of staff because he's this and that, will I be banned?

2. If I link my friend a website to a petition which involves a certain member of staff, will I be banned?

3. If I express my opinion on any member of staff in a teamspeak server which I own, will I be banned?

4. If I privately disclose an IP of a staff member on MY teamspeak server WITHOUT PERTAINING TO DDOS, which I got because he logged onto my teamspeak server (which, you should know, when you log into a teamspeak server that you are disclosing information, such as your IP address), will I be banned?

5. If I privately disclose an IP of a staff member on MY teamspeak server PERTAINING TO DDOS, which I got because he logged onto my teamspeak server (which, you should know, when you log into a teamspeak server that you are disclosing information, such as your IP address), will I be banned?

6. If I am in a skype group, with just a few friends, and I link them a private document from MCSG which may or may not be controversial, will I be banned?

7. If I verbally abuse a member of staff, which may or may not be Senior+, anywhere that is not associated with MCSG, will I be banned? (To elaborate, if I start cursing out an admin on skype or on a teamspeak I own, will I be banned from MCSG?)

Something to keep in mind, for numbers 4, 5, and 7, the staff member KNOWS fully that it is his choice to either come on my teamspeak, or add me on skype.

Thank you for answering these questions in advance. I would only like members of staff that 100% know the answers, if you are unaware, do not answer.

I'd also like full explanations, I'm not here for someone to type 1.no 2.no 3.yes don't give me that.
1) No; Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and as it not forming a mass demonstration against staff, you will not be banned.
2) Yes; Mass demonstration in order to demote a staff member without evidence.
3) No; Same reason as 1.
4) Keep the IP to yourself, there's no need to give it out.
5) Yes; Its against the law to DDoS.
6) No; Not a mass demonstration, but it does depend if the document contains sensitive information.
7) No; Has nothing to do with MCGamer.

As this thread could develop into a flame war, and I have answered the questions according to your liking, the thread will now be locked.

Have an excellent day.
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