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♕ Insanity (US Division)

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Oct 1, 2012
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It really upsets me how people in the community come to conclusions just so fast. To judge someone right off the start from what they hear and want to believe. These people read the cover a of book but not the pages consisted beyond the cover. I myself have been given bad descriptions by people and that has been passed on to others by what they hear of me. This is not meant to be just for myself, but in general for anyone that has felt this way as well. That people don't take into consideration that not one person affects the characteristics of another person. To say that one person's behavior reflects onto someone else's is no where near even civilized. You can't just judge someone, "lose respect" for someone all based off of one person. It just isn't correct to do that knowing that the person you "lose respect" for has done nothing to threaten you in any way to allow you to even lose respect for that one person for any such reason. I just want people to know that judging someone is not the way to go. Get to really know a person before saying what you say no matter why you say it. Get to know the person that you "lose respect" for because of what you hear. Get to know the person before you take action upon them for what you think of them. That's all.

- Hiqhlights


Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
It really upsets me how people in the community come to conclusions just so fast. To judge someone right off the start from what they hear and want to believe. These people read the cover a of book but not the pages consisted beyond the cover. I myself have been given bad descriptions by people and that has been passed on to others by what they hear of me. This is not meant to be just for myself, but in general for anyone that has felt this way as well. That people don't take into consideration that not one person affects the characteristics of another person. To say that one person's behavior reflects onto someone else's is no where near even civilized. You can't just judge someone, "lose respect" for someone all based off of one person. It just isn't correct to do that knowing that the person you "lose respect" for has done nothing to threaten you in any way to allow you to even lose respect for that one person for any such reason. I just want people to know that judging someone is not the way to go. Get to really know a person before saying what you say no matter why you say it. Get to know the person that you "lose respect" for because of what you hear. Get to know the person before you take action upon them for what you think of them. That's all.

- Hiqhlights
Don't feel like reading it. But you seem sensible so I agree with whatever


Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
And I respect your thoughts against me, but I could go through many past infractions with each and every person on the roster, so I have my reasons any more questions PM this ends here
What have I done to YOU personally to allow you to lose ALL respect for me?


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
It really upsets me how people in the community come to conclusions just so fast. To judge someone right off the start from what they hear and want to believe. These people read the cover a of book but not the pages consisted beyond the cover. I myself have been given bad descriptions by people and that has been passed on to others by what they hear of me. This is not meant to be just for myself, but in general for anyone that has felt this way as well. That people don't take into consideration that not one person affects the characteristics of another person. To say that one person's behavior reflects onto someone else's is no where near even civilized. You can't just judge someone, "lose respect" for someone all based off of one person. It just isn't correct to do that knowing that the person you "lose respect" for has done nothing to threaten you in any way to allow you to even lose respect for that one person for any such reason. I just want people to know that judging someone is not the way to go. Get to really know a person before saying what you say no matter why you say it. Get to know the person that you "lose respect" for because of what you hear. Get to know the person before you take action upon them for what you think of them. That's all.

- Hiqhlights
That's aimed at me, I politely asked you to keep the rest of this in PM, litsen I haven't had a good history with any of the guys in the clan but 2 and they were both kicked, so I said after Asanity calling me a derogatory term, and seeing what happend to corn I needed to post my opinion


Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
That's aimed at me, I politely asked you to keep the rest of this in PM, litsen I haven't had a good history with any of the guys in the clan but 2 and they were both kicked, so I said after Asanity calling me a derogatory term, and seeing what happend to corn I needed to post my opinion
Read it over again. "In general to anyone who feels this way".


Nov 18, 2013
Reaction score
Are we gonna get to page 100 by tonight with all this flame? Lets hope not XD


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
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I have no say in what happens in this clan, but I do have a say in moderating threads to keep them within the forum rules. From this point, consider any and all following posts moderated.


Aug 24, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: FloppyMonitor and TheFrozenPanda77
Rank: #6000 150/985 on Floppy and 60/1000 on Panda
Skype: FloppyMonitor
Name: Nicholas Rominu (nico)
Time Zone: PST
Paragraph(Minecraft): It all started back in 1.4.7, when i was looking for a server to play Hunger Games. I played on some crap server until i heard of MCSG. I was hooked on this server like i am hooked to school <3. I played for hours and hours like an average noob, until one day i got my first win. I looked desperately to find out how people became better. Looking through YouTube and forums. Nothing. All of a sudden, i got a new computer. It was a miracle because i won my 2nd and 3rd game, so on. I knew that i was getting better. So i bought donor on my panda account. I met knew friends and they taught me new things. The showed me fns and how to get crits and all pvp related things. I was tired of my terrible stats, so i got a new account called FloppyMonitor. I knew i was pretty good at the game, so i decided to join a clan. I tried to join 5+ clans, but i got denied. This dropped my value for minecraft very low. I decided to apply for Verzon for a final chance. I woke up one morning with a notification saying "you have been accepted as a trial." My life has been flipped downside up since that moment. Sadly, a couple of days ago Verzon disbanded. I was really sad to see al my clan mates go. This is the summary of my Minecraft life. Here comes my personal. :)
Paragraph(IRL): There area. Lot of things to talk about but i will talk about one major impact of my life. Here we go. I was 6 months old having a wonderful vacation in Romania(my home country). Little did i know that my dog has parasites on its body, so whenever i played with him, i would put my hands in my mouth after, as all babies do. Weeks later, i had these big quarter sized holes in my skin. After they had gone i never thought of them until a couple years ago.
I was watching a soccer game one night and i complained to my mom that my belly hurt. Unlike other parents, my parents said get over it. That night i slept nothing. Next moring came and i was still mourning, so my mom made an appointment to the family doctor. As my mom and i didnt know the result of the side effects, the doctor told us that i had a large liver (an organ in your body). I was rushed to the ER and i reliazed that it was a life threathning situation. It turns out after all the tests, i had a cyst (a big ball of water in a persons body) about 8 cm long in diameter right unfder my liver. Knowing what we knew, the doctor drained the cyst and surprisingly it refilled itself back up with water the following day. After staying in the hospital for nearly a month, i got released. The doctor made many check ups to see how i was doing, and he scheduled a surgery.
The big day that i was waiting for was finally there. The surgery task was to remove the cyst, and i pt was scheduled for 5 hours. When everything was done, it nearly took 12 hours to open me up and take out a mega cyst. No i have a 15 cm scar accross my belly. I can go way more in detail but this is a clan app, so i tried to keep it as short as possible. Maybe if i get accepted i can have some time to share my whole entire story. I hope you enjoyed my application and i hope to get accepted to be in this clan. Btw i play on Insanity PvP.

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