you're the bad randy nub. stop smoking trees and make some friends.
What avoutz meh I won allll due hungerKraftz all due tiimmee foodHalf these kidz are bad Randy's, except for you haxy status queasy, not FuSioN
For benj and bac
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
you're the bad randy nub. stop smoking trees and make some friends.
What avoutz meh I won allll due hungerKraftz all due tiimmee foodHalf these kidz are bad Randy's, except for you haxy status queasy, not FuSioN
Message to all members: Look at the roster. Learn it. Love it. From this point on we will grow as a family. Reach out to everyone on the roster and get to know them. These will be your friends for as long as you stay in this clan. Get to know everyone and have some fun together. We are one team. Together we will achieve greatness.
Also Slayeer has been demoted to trial cheerleader. FOREVER.Bad and ugly
Also Slayeer has been demoted to trial cheerleader. FOREVER.
Pending trial cheerleader?Also Slayeer has been demoted to trial cheerleader. FOREVER.
We have to start a family tree nowMessage to all members: Look at the roster. Learn it. Love it. From this point on we will grow as a family. Reach out to everyone on the roster and get to know them. These will be your friends for as long as you stay in this clan. Get to know everyone and have some fun together. We are one team. Together we will achieve greatness.
YepPending trial cheerleader?
dat double post man
dat double post man
*leads the only current (and only one I know) successful clan run by a female*Dont gimme that sass women get back in the kitchen