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MCSG With MoNsTAZz #002- Ineffective Teaming (With AssassiinGamer)

MCSG or Minecraft Survival Games is a last man standing Minecraft mini-game based on the Hungergames books/films. Players all start in the middle and then have to survive on items in chests scattered around the map. Will I be able to win the survival games? Watch to find out!

Assassiin/Chris: [url]http://www.youtube.com/AssassiinGamer[/url]

Check out MCSG: [url]http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/[/url]

External Links!
Twitter: [url]https://twitter.com/MoNsTAZz_[/url]
Twitch: [url]http://www.twitch.tv/Monstazz[/url]
Reddit: [url]http://www.reddit.com/r/MoNsTAZz[/url]
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