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Kristie's Final Resignation.


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone.. I'll try not to write a novel and spare you this time.

It brings me great pain and sadness to write this, but I know it's time.

Let me explain myself before you're all like "omg she already resigned and got mod again and now she's resigning again she's so stupid and greedy!!!!!!!!"

Well, I was first hired May 2013.. That's nearly nine months ago. That's a pretty long time in my opinion. And of those nine months, I serverd 7 of them here as a moderator. Now, I know it's only been a little over two months this time, but I have to leave.

When I got mod on MCG, I wanted to make a change. Leave my footprints, and make sure people remember me as a good mod. Weather or not I did that, up to you. But my first time as mod, I felt like I did so much. I was always there to help, always looking for rule breakers, NEVER missed a mod meeting, always responded to pokes.. Now, since behind re-hired, I feel as though I have the inability to do this. If you read my "Goodbye for now" (located here http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/bye-for-now.80737/ ) thread, you'll know that I don't have a proper PC to moderate from. Although my PC isn't broken anymore, it's still the slowest dinosaur ever. I didn't plan for this, and i'm quite sad it took a toll on my moderating experience. I also find myself telling people to poke other mods and generally forgetting or ignoring mod meetings, to just read the notes later. This is not the qualities of a great moderator, and I can't just sit here doing nothing and keep the position when theres people out there who deserve it so much more than I do. I'm sorry for anyone I let down by doing this.

With that being said, moderating has also gotten quite old and more burdensome. It's not what it used to be and it's all taken too seriously now. We all have to remember it's just a game and we don't have to stress so much about moderating or let it compromise our real lives. The drama's too much these days, and I just wanna relax. I know when I need to go, and it's my time.

Last time, I said i'd return in the future, in which I did.. This time, I will most likely not be returning. I don't wanna let everyone down a third time.

With that being said, I'm not gonna tag anyone because i'm not leaving the community. I'll just be spending time with my clan and having fun.

TL;DR; I are resigning, had good time, no come back, bai.

Ily all.

This isn't the end, only a new beginning.

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Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
The power lied within you. You had the power to chose if you wanted to have fun with friends. I commend your choice. In the end, it's an online gaming community and you should be here to have fun.


Discord: prettyyinpink
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Dear moderators; STAHP RESIGNING!

Anyways, you were a great mod.


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Kristie, I'm not sad because you're resigning, but im sad for the other reasons why you are. I really hope everything goes fine, everything goes in your favor.
Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Wait wot, y u do dis, it s not april or wenever u were gonna resign,
U were a ★☆★☆★
if u berive u will succeed

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