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A Resignation for Ciphoux -- Goodbye MCSG!


Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
It all began in the middle of June, 2012. I was bored of playing competitively on Xbox 360 games such as COD, it was getting too repetitive for me. Soon enough I stumbled across a very old friend, KaneRiiotz. He asked me one day, "Cole, do you want to play MCSG?" At the time, I have had Minecraft since Alpha, in 2010. I immediately got on my Computer to search for a 'Hunger Games' server. Luckily enough, the MCSG website was the first one I came across and I saw the server list. 'us2.mcsg.in' was entered into the IP address on direct connect and boom, my first game began. I immediately died. "GG!"

Soon afterwards, I created a Youtube account, where I posted myself and others playing. Not too long after, I started climing up the Youtube latter. I had a vast amount of subscribers, which impressed many. As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, I started to become inactive with Youtube as BajanCanadian and other famous Youtubers sprouted up.

I had a bad start to my MCSG career, a lot of games, not a lot of wins. But one game, I came across what I suspected to be a hacker. A few other people thought that this person was a hacker, one that I became great friends with, being flohoho.

It was only a matter of time when I joined a game with @Auroraty, she asked me to team, me being the noob I still am, I accepted. I gave her my Skype and since then, we've had some awesome times together.

She then introduced me to 2 other people, InfinitySx3 and illumina1337, we were a very close group of friends who played together on a daily basis, without fail. Amazing times again. It was only a matter of time before we found many others to join us, @Attention_Seeker, @Whatshisface17, and many more.

In January/February, our group was born. Some may call it a clan, some may not. It wasn't to me.

Our Group<3
flohoho - You were a great friend to me. Although I havent seen you around lately, I do hope you find everything in life that you're looking for.
@Auroraty - Our friendship could probably never diminish. We've been friends since pretty much the beginning. We became Staff together and everything! I hope life goes well for you as well.
InfinitySx3 - Kelly, oh Kelly. We've gone through some bad times together. Although, we've also gone through twice as good times. You've always been one of my best friends, and always will be. Follow your dreams!
@Attention_Seeker - Conner, I know we haven't talked in ages, but I want you to know that you'll always be apart of my memory.
@Whatshisface17 - De, the SouthernMinecrafter. Long time, no speak brother. Keep on having the crave over chicken. Maybe even one day we'll have a talk over some KFC!
Wolf_Rusher - Alex, you'll never see this but our nights together were the best! I don't know if you're still out there, but if so, keep on going!
illumina1337 - Kye... You make me want to ask Chad to remove Fishing Rods from MCSG. As the best PvPer I have known, you will continue to be the best. Don't give up my friend!

We formed the group, some members are stated above. I didn't get too close to the other members but I loved them all the same. We went unbeaten in every game we played, but I didn't really feel like there was a big enough challenge for me. I felt as though I had developed my PvP skills a lot since I started, and I was ready to fight against some well-known PvPers. I ended up leaving our group due to some arguments, but soon received many apologies along with a welcoming invite back.

Then came the worst time of my real life. Something I wish not to say to the MCSG community. It forced me into taking a break from any form of Gaming for around a month. But nevertheless, I was back, and a tiny bit worse. ._.

Being here from the true beginning has given me a great story to tell. Although, I think I'd be punished if I were to state the whole thing. Many know me, and many more don't. It makes me extremly sad to say it, but it must be said. (I thought I'd never tear up to a game...) I must say, MCSG Community, my friends, my family, and my fans -- Farewell.

All-in-all, MCSG has certainly changed my life forever. I love the community a lot. I wish I could stay, but according to others of greater power, I cannot. I love y'all -- Bye Bye! (iMeow!)

Sorry if you're dying from boredom, but next up comes some of the biggest mentions I need to give.
My first real "Online" friend. You always stuck up for me when I was accused of hacks and in any general argument within any game we played. I loved playing with you and we always thought of a wacky idea to end every game. We have been friends longer than I can remember, what... 6 years now?! Keep on going, my friend!

Flo, we had some really fun times which had us both online every night. You used to destroy me every time! We fell out a few times but we should be straight now and you deserve to be one of the big mentions. :)

You're an amazing player and a great friend, you had moments where you would rage at me but you got over it. :p I loved when we recorded and the times all of us spent every night talking. Keep following them dreams and I hope that maybe one day, we can hang out sometime. :)

Kelly, we had extremely great times together. Stand up for yourself, and maybe stand up for some better internet!;)

Oh, how did I even forget to mention you D: You were always playing with me and every game we played we ended up punching each other so much and it resulted to you killing me ._. You were a great friend and hopefully we can talk on Skype here and there.

You sucked at MCSG when I first met you but I turned you into a pro! It's a shame you couldn't get into some of the clans you wanted to be in. I remember many games we played together. Take it easy De!<3

What can I say, one of my best friends on the servers. Our times were lots of fun and I wouldn't have gotten as good as I did without you. You are one of the best PvPers I've met and whether you keep playing or you quit for good, do what you think is best. Keep in touch. Good luck in the future.

You need a mention as you are the not only the best PvPers I've met, but also one of the funniest people I've met! I think I've beaten you once or twice, out of the million games we've played.

I never spent too much time with you or Kiwi, but we created servers, and maps. You were always a highlight of my day.

I never spent too much time with you or Pancake, but we created servers, and maps. You were also a highlight of my day.

One of my biggest fans, or used to be at least. We played a lot together, whether it was late at night or during the day, you'd always want to play with me, our teamwork was great! It'd be great to keep in touch!

You're a very good PvPer, matter of fact, scary. I remember when we first talked during October, we became good friends and we played with each other quite frequently, I always had faith in you in every game, not once did I see you playing bad. Keep on being you Dallas!

I'm sorry if I didn't mention you. If you took place in this wonderful life of mine, then you know who you are. Every one of you will always have a place in my heart. It brings me to tears to say this again, but...

Goodbye MCSG!<3

P.S. If some one out there wishes to continue the legend, here's a copy of the one and only official Ciphoux -- The Cat of Minecraft skin! Don't put it to shame.<3

P.P.S. A List of Others That Made an Impact on my Life as a Friend(s):

bobo baggins
Blamphe (Yes, I was a good friend of Blamphes)

Thanks again for everything you have given me!
A final farewell after almost 2 years of MCSG.


Last edited:


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Sad to see you go, but glad it's not for a bad reason. Good to see you're moving up in life, keep on goin :D


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
I knew this was coming, but it still makes me really sad. This is like the last of it.. It's been over a year now and I guess it's time for all of us to move on. I still really miss the old days, and I'll always remember how close we were. I hope life takes you where you wanna go!

Shoot me a message on skype sometime still? <3

(btw, our group started in January and you and Flo didn't join until Febuary ;))


Discord: prettyyinpink
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score

Sad to see you go.


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
No pls Cole. :c
Comeee on. We got like 2 games in.. nah, my internet is perfection.. *Loses connection* Er.. :c
I fna always. Good luck in life, come back once in awhile, even just to chat!<3


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
Cole I must apologize for the sh...ugar cane that I did to you but that lies in the past. Good luck with everything you do! And yeah, what Kelleh said, come back every once in a while. Don't delete me on skaip pliz 5evar ok?

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