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Wyverns_Wake's goodbye and story


Oct 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hi my name is Wyverns_Wake or many people know me as Ollie today I will tell you about my MCSG story and why I'm leaving. I know a lot of people won't read this as I'm not any sort of famous or known for my pvp skills. I'm not really good a writing any thing so i guess i gotta find some where to start so why not the beginning?

How i got into MCSG. I was first introduced to MCSG by my friend from school (i later found out he found it from captainsparklez) he no longer player and i doubt he has a forums account so i can' tag him. The very first time I played was on map 2. I remember not knowing how to shift click items from chests so i never got anything from spawn. i would instantly run out into the city where i would look for as many chests as i could find (usually just 1 or 2) once i got some food and a weapon i would then climb the highest tower i could find on the vines and then just crouch up there until deathmatch. Once deathmatch started i would almost die instantly because of the little to no armour i had. Some days me and my mate during lunch in school would go to the library and play an MCSG game almost all my games were played like that and i didn't get my first win to much later. I then preceded t0 not go on MCSG or Minecraft at all for about a month because of irl reasons.

About a month later I came back to MCSG but my mate who I played with had left my school. so I was playing MCSG solo for about a month and i heard a new map had come out. this map was known as the community map or now known as "Breeze Island" being one of those noobs who loved breeze island I only rarely played on other maps. I would often be on skype with my cousin and one of my best child hood mates when i was playing MCSG and they were playing RuneScape. They eventually wanted to try out this 'MCSG' so they bought Minecraft and logged on. Later on I would skype and play MCSG almost everyday with these guys. Most people from au would no them as Mikehh / Entoricore and ElbowzMC / Elbowz but I knew them as Nick and Mike. we would all be playing as noobs without getting any wins for a while.

My first win. I was playing solo because Nick or Mike wasn't on. My very first MCSG victory was on map 1. I had my classic full leather with a stone sword and we went into death match. 1 guy had full iron diamond sword and the other had full chain iron sword. the guy with full chain was AFK but little did i know was that he was a hacker. The guy with full iron came up and tried to kill him from behind but his force field killed him. I didn't really know what was happening so i ran and picked up his armour and an arrow. I wanted to be like Katniss and actually shoot someone for once so i fully charged back my bow and it one shot the afk guy. there it was I had won my very first hunger games. as soon as i got on skype with Nick and Mike I was instantly bragging to them about how i got my first win.

The Noob Days ( The good ol' days). These were the times where me Mike and Nick would team in as many matches as possible and we actually became quite good (or so we thought). and we finally built up a bit of wins between us. by the end of it we had 80 wins between us. After every game we won (maybe like 1/10 or 15) we were cheering and it was actually so cool to win a game.

Getting half decent at the game. By this stage a lot of new maps had come out and playing MCSG was a lot more fun. this is where i finally discovered MCSG on youtube the first person who I ever watched was Blamph I would watch 3 -4 videos of his a day until i caught up to where he was. i took into account all the tactics he used and by the end of it I was actually half decent at the game now that i knew how to use a bow properly various chest routes on many maps and most importantly how to strafe. after I learned all these tactics i reckon i was half decent at the game and i had built up something like 160 wins. We were also playing walls on the hypixel server and we met this awesome guy called yon kyonenaga1124 we skyped pretty much everyday with nick and mike. this was until I quit again. this time i thought i was gone for good so i gave my MineCraft account to my friend from school.

Returning again. After about a month I had nothing to do after school and on weekends so i thought i would try Minecraft and MCSG again. little did i know my password was changed so i bought a new account a named it after (at the time) my favorite MCSG map have a guess what it was. shoutout to wronsiski for making the great map and as you can guess the account Wyverns_Wake was born. I was back to MCSG and i was enjoying it more than ever and the popularity had sky rocketed so i thought i would pay my respect to the server who had given me hours of fun and buy diamond donor. Little did I know that Mike and Yon both also had diamond donor and Nick the peasant had gold donor. once i realized they still played we instantly got back into the old routines of skying pretty much everyday. after I 'Unrusted' from quitting MCSG we all actually made a pretty good team especially when we were with Mike since he was easily the best of us. we had kept expanding our friend ships (none as good as me nick and mike) until we finally realized that we should get into the world of clans.

Resurrection. we made our own clan called resurrection. we decided to make Mike the leader since he had the most wins and that would attract more people. on the first night of making the clan we decided to battle blitz they were the 2nd best clan in au (3rd if phoenix had re-banded by then) and we were winning 2-1 but then they came back and won 3-2 but still it was a great battle and we were actually really happy to lose 3-2 to blitz. we had many battles after that and we won most of them but we lost others. our closest battles were against Hydra. we won 3-2 the first time we vsed them and they won 3-1 the 2nd time. but even with all of that we wanted to be one of the best clans in au. so to be the best you have to beat the best and we thought why not lets battle apex (the best clan in au at the time).

Our first battle against Apex. we knew we stood no chance especially because me and mike were at nicks house. and if you don't know nick he has really bad internet. but we thought it we still be great fun to vs them and surprisingly during the battle we only dced once. we lost the battle 3-0.5. you may be thinking how did we get half a point? well we had devised a cunning plan for someone to sponsor an apex member arrows as soon as they were pulling back they're bow and we thought that sponsored arrows shoot first (still don't know) and we would try to dq them for using sponsored items. as I said earlier this battle was only for fun so we only dqed them for half a point. after that we kept battling other clans to get better until we could challenge apex again with a chance this time.

Our 2nd battle against apex. our first game was on avaricia and i thought of the plan to stand up at the top of the tower on top of spawn. we did this until deathmatch. I went downstairs to get something to eat (irl) and came back up to hear everyone screaming. i thought they all decided to run up an we won the first game but i was wrong. they only sent up one player and we killed him and they were screaming about that. they won that game and the next game too. the 3rd game of the battle was on survival kingdom and we were down to 2 players alive and apex had 3. they were in the water coming towards us to finish off the battle then out of nowhere came two players in full iron and they took down 2 of the apex then the 3rd killed them. we thought it was now or never so we jumped in and finished of the final player we had one the game and still stood a chance in the battle it was 1-2 now. the next match was on moonbase. we were all in the eco-system thing and had an average of 6 armour bars and apex probably had around the same. but they had two more members who were alive. they ran in to rush us in a 4v4 the other 2 stayed guard and apex fell for their own trick. the invisible fires we had killed all four of the apex members who rushed us at no cost of our own members it was now a 4v2 we won that game and it was now 2-2 the final match was on vallyside and all momentum was with us and we actually looked like we stood a chance of beating apex. I was diamond fisted of spawn so i had to leave the game but i still listened to the call and from what i heard apex had members spectating (they told us no spectators so they were breaking the rules) and it looked like we had the battle in the bag that was until a random player asked mike to team across the map. ofcourse this is against the rules but mike had no way of knowing (no spectators) but apparently apex knew and we killed off the reaming apex then they went on to say it was a dq because they were teaming. (I will not go indepth with this as i do not want flame) but after hours of arguing we just uploaded the win and apex uploaded nothing. we had finally beat one of the best clans in au and it was one of the best achievements we had.

a few weeks later the clan disbanded and mike went on to join other clans while me nick and yon stayed clanless.

Yon and mines late nights on U.S. since me and yon had about a 3bar connection to au because we lived in asia late atnights we would play on U.S servers with little to no lag. we were almost un-stoppable winning 3-4 games played. this was by far one of my favorites things to do on MCSG and after 1 night we both had earned like 15 more wins each.

Towards the end of 2013 I moved back to AU so there was no more late night US Domination with yon and Resurrection had re-banded. i decided not to join the clan because i didn't like some members of the clan as they have bad reputation and have proved it to me many times. so I joined Terra even though i never played in a battle for them I still had a great time with many of the players on the Terra server. I eventually left the clan because i had played in no battles and applied for resurrection. the people who i didn't like were still in the clan so i got denied for 'bad relations with members' so after then i couldn't really care less about the clan even though all the hard work i put in to the clan originally with mike and nick to get it were it was. my assumptions on the reputation of the clan was true as they went to great lengths just to win a battle (yet again will not go indepth due to not wanting flame).

This brings me to where I am now. i have hardly played mcsg in the past few weeks due to the fact that i'm no longer enjoying the game for the reasons. How serious some people take the game now. the continuous amounts of 4 teams plus (im fine with taking on 2-3 teams as there part of the fun but 4 teams you stand little to no chance especially if they have decent gear). the amount of hackers is just building up way to much and ruining the game for others. how repetitive the game is. its just as Billa said. its way to repetitive you log on play die some games and win others (although in billas case there is no dieing). and the immaturity of the community, I get abused a lot just for my name Idk why so it got to a stage where i disguised every game but then people were like wyverns_Wake nice /d nub etc etc. Also how immature the community is getting (not all players but just most of the new players) most people who play on AU will know exactly what i mean. And at last all the reasons and more add up to the main reason why i'm quitting. I'm just simply not enjoying the game anymore. and there is no point in playing if i don't enjoy it.

So I guess this is goodbye MCSG i may come back but I cant see myself coming back any time soon. I will probably still try to be active on the forums just not gonna play MCSG any more
I would like to thank everyone who I have skyped with/ played with along my journey you know who you are and I cbf to tag you all and this is probably long enough already.
Goodbye all <3


Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
Ohh u were on of my favorite inspirations why do u need to go ur a great player and plz don't leave ;(


Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
I read most of the story so idk if this was mentioned but what was the IGN of your original account?

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