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My MCSG Story - saviorsoul

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Sep 3, 2012
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--------- 2012/2013 ---------
I started MCSG when I saw a guy on YouTube playing it and I thought it a very good idea of a Hunger Games Style minecraft server. In the description he provided the server IP's of us1 - us20.(because that was how much existed back in 2012 :D) After, I picked a random one and joined us10 which surprisingly I got into, since these servers got full in 2 seconds. My first game ever was Breeze Island(obviously) and I was hooked even though I died. Then after searching for more servers I found that MCSG also had a 48 tribute survival games. Though I hated how I kept on dying and wasn't properly geared, I went on YouTube and watched other people play and I studied the map. Also since SG2 was really popular on 48 tribute SG it became my most favorite map ever! I once won 3 times in a row once and I set goals for myself like get to 10 wins and even though at the time people had at most 200 wins, I still felt really proud of myself for reaching every ten wins. So after some months I played a match on Breeze Island on us14 and during that match I spotted a person named XeroStyle and as I was going to kill him he gave me a diamond. Then he asked me to team and I said "yea". He won that match and he wanted to Skype me so we can actually talk and at first I was really afraid to because I never really talked to strangers on the game. After playing and screwing around and most of all having fun I created a clan called Ace. In the early stages no one really applied. Then I asked XeroStyle if he wanted to join my clan and he said yea. Then we met alot of more people like EpicAlpha64, mudpile, John123XD, Jokerzmaze(yes she was in my clan :)) and other really awesome people joined. That was the peak of my time on MCSG, it meant a lot to me because they were the reasons why I would rush home and get on the computer and enjoy myself and I was having a really hard time at the time socially, people stepping all over me because I was too nice. They helped me get through some hard times even though they were just virtual friends. But to this day I feel very happy just thinking I was the original leader of a lot popular people like Xero, Alpha, and Joker(the amazing graphic artist). Sadly I quit because of MCSGv2... I though it was a really unfair update. After 3 months I started playing again and I see Xero as leader of Royals and Alpha the leader of Chrome. Then when they discovered me they were so happy to see me and they were arguing about which clan I should join. It was really funny. I then chose Chrome since I thought it had better people. Though I wasn't really active. Sadly during the 3 months they probably didn't need me anymore and to this day I think they see me as a stranger :( they were doing just fine them both.

-------- Present ---------

I didn't post this for likes or recognition or for the sake of doing it. I posted this in grief and I channeled the emotions to writing this... I'm a really emotional guy you know. Its just the way both Xero and Alpha see me because when I was being inactive Alpha messaged me and he was being so professional not saying like "yo savior man why u not playing a lot. plz come back plz i fan." Instead he was said "To saviorsoul. You are in jeopardy of being kicked from the clan for inactiveness. If you do not start participating soon you will be removed from the clan etc."

Also when I scrimmed Chrome yesterday my clan leader was discussing with Xero about things regarding it and he didn't even say hi. Ik you probaby think that is stupid or just being demanding but after all that has happened he didn't even bother. He also talked to me in chat during a game soo neutrally and there was no conversation.

P.S: Hey #Verzon members :) This might answer why I was reluctant and acting weird when we were scrimming Chrome. Also Xero if you take any interest reading this during the scrim on Holiday I would have killed you but on the TS my team said to don't and wait for them to come and help so i hesitated and you killed me. I say this not to start a flame but just to point out if you think already I'm not bad and I have gotten soo much better than you can imagine. Ask the clan elites they will tell you. Also Xero and Alpha I still very much respect you guys but I can see you have moved on.


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score


You're welcome in Chrome anytime you'd like. You were one of my first internet buddies!



May 11, 2013
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Man that was a beautiful story, I still remember the US14 days, and when Ace just started. I was sad when you left because of MCSGV2. I moved on, then when the news arrived you were returning, I tried to get you to join, but ya sorta joined Chrome. Then when I joined Chrome, you were kicked for inactivity.

I'm incredibly sorry, if you felt that way. I was trying to get a scrim going, you know, with our battle against react, and Clan Wars Seasons 2 coming up. If you ever wanna talk, hop on our teamspeak, or I'll do that. I'd love to talk to you again..



District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Don't really know you, but I am in trial for Chrome, so I thought I would just say hi!

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