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Are overplayed maps becoming an issue again? (My observances/your observances)

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
I haven't done a thread in forever, but I've been beyond frustrated with playing tonight so I thought I'd write one up on something I have noticed. All conjecture and opinion, no need to flame. As many comments as possible would be appreciated because I would really like to hear what other people have noticed. :)

So basically, I would estimate in about 50% of lobbies I join, either SG4, Holiday Resort, Valleyside, or Solar Frost are winning the voting. Then I'd guess in around 40% of lobbies it's either Drybone Valley, SG Highway, or Breeze Island. In the other 10% everything else/random vote is winning. And I'm pretty sure the maps I didn't name that are in that 10% greatly outnumber the ones I did name. Additionally, if none of the maps in that 90% are available, often times the random option wins. (Again I just pulled these numbers out of my head as an educated estimate, I didn't actually keep track).

This is a bit sad to me as getting to play all the great Vareide maps besides SG4, and other awesome maps like Teweran 1 has become extremely rare, at least for me. And whenever by some fluke a rare map has a chance, it's listed below an overplayed map and even if it ties; it loses still because the tied map listed above always gets played (Another thing I think needs to change, but that's another issue... yes it does work that way.)

It just seems like most players these days are programmed to vote for certain maps any chance they get, and nothing will change their thinking. As good as the maps in that top 90% are, they simply just get old and repetitive when played so much; which for me isn't fun, it's boring. I mean, if they actually got a chance to play a great map like SG2 a few times to get used to it, might they actually enjoy and want to vote for it again? Whatever the case, I hope and actually suspect that changes might come to the voting system soon, because in the long run it will be better for everyone, even for new players who don't like playing anything but SG4 and Valleyside University at first. It will help them to appreciate our other maps more, which I'm sure would make the map-makers proud.

So anyone else notice anything similar with map selection or am I just crazy? Please share!

Let's get some variedety here! (And other underplayed maps :p)
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District 13
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Yep, no doubt people actually vote for maps they think are good "for pvp", have OP chest routes, OP items, etc. Whenever I'm in a lobby it makes me sad that people would rather play SG4 20 times a day than some variations. I can't even remember the last time I played SG1!


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
Yep, no doubt people actually vote for maps they think are good "for pvp", have OP chest routes, OP items, etc. Whenever I'm in a lobby it makes me sad that people would rather play SG4 20 times a day than some variations. I can't even remember the last time I played SG1!
I can't remember the last time I've played fallen collosi

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
Yep, no doubt people actually vote for maps they think are good "for pvp", have OP chest routes, OP items, etc. Whenever I'm in a lobby it makes me sad that people would rather play SG4 20 times a day than some variations. I can't even remember the last time I played SG1!
I played it tonight. Was so happy, got awesome armor at corn and was first to pirate ship, but a guy right behind me got a sword from corn... :(
Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
I cri ;-;. I remember when SG 4 and Breeze Island were the only map that got played (almost) before... now holiday and valleyside is too overplayed with some other maps.

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
They should add new maps.
More would be nice, but then we have even more maps which means even less of a chance for playing them. Whenever new maps are added, they are popular for a week and then disappear. (Usually) If adding new maps caused the frequency of the overly popular to go down, I'd welcome it in a heartbeat, but sadly it doesn't.

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