I am pretty sure he is still mod, but with the VIP Sig. Just like
CraftyKratonite right? I saw Tomahawk on the Staff List ._.
I'm seriously questioning your intelligence.
ALL VIPS are on the Staff List. It just happens that way. Crafty is not a Moderator, either.
And just my personal opinion, but IMO Tomahawk wasn't the best of Moderators. There's evidence of him using his mod abilities to curse out players after he died.
EzSp was good. Unfortunate events caused him to resign, as well as college I think?
Denster91 is getting better c: I'm seeing him post a bit more recently (Or at least I was.)
Col_StaR - He's often considered the best Admin by many, including myself.
ARB1T3R - As much as I really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate this guy, he was a good Sr. Mod sometimes. To the point that he banned me using evidence recorded while I was fighting CraftyKratonite.
Drybear1998 - I don't know him but he's good.
Auroraty|Kristie - Good mod. Sadly a bit too aware of what's going on on the Rebels and Count to 50 thread.
Lively - Good Mod c: and writer too.
Cubes - nuff said
Thar's more but i dont feel like writing