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Darkrai's MCSG story 2.0


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Man, it's been a long time I wrote my last one, almost closing around a year. A year of new opportunities, new friends and new experiences. I'm hoping to cover everything I've been through in MCSG in this one thread.

We go back to when I first bought Minecraft. I was 11 years old and in grade 6, this was around beta 1.2. My friend introduced me to this game and I immediately asked my mum when I got home from school. To be completely honest.. When I first started playing I actually played on the free version (The one on the website, not sure what it's called. Classic I believe?) yeah.. I played that for 2 days having bought the full version.. I then realized my mistake and felt like a massive derp. From there I made an incredibly nice single-player world, not caring about trying multi-player. I rage-quit that when I accidentally got my wolves killed by fighting a creeper. (I had like 10, lol) and I just didn't want to go back to single-player. Next I decided that multi-player would be a good idea. I started playing on a survival server (will be un-named) which was actually gaining popularity. With it's semi-small community everyone knew everyone. I was welcomed and I felt it was a place to call home when I wanted a break from the real world (Homework sucks, procrastination ftw). Essentially I climbed up the rank ladder and in around a years time I tried for a moderator application. I send it in, got accepted the day after and I actually went to school and told my friends (Going to a school where playing video games didn't effect popularity, that's a sick place y'know). Having fun on that server I felt I didn't need anywhere else to go. I turned 12 and then for a sweet suprise the day after my birthday I was promoted to admin. Great fun. I accidentally goofed up with a command and the world had to be reset by a day. I felt incredibly bad and fixed all the mistakes and after that I left.. I'm still admin on that server, even though I've been inactive for like.. a year, lol.

Anyhow, this brings me to MCSG. I had been practising PvP on the old server I played on, hosting tournaments and testing myself.. The players weren't necessarily skilled so I went into the servers and considered myself a god, to be frank I was terrible. I didn't have the mind-set of an SG player. I was decent at PvP but that was around it. My ratio was beyond awful and yeah, I first joined US and I had no idea what I was meant to do. I quit Minecraft for a month and didn't give it a second thought. Real life was fun and great, still is but one day I was going to go to the movies with my friends and for some reason half of them couldn't make it and we decided to cancel it. I was bored, had no plans and decided to try playing Minecraft again. I found the forums and found there were also AU servers! My first two MCSG friends consisted of two players being LeWilmon and tdog (forgot the numbers, sorry bro). They were actually considered good. They took me in when I had around 9 wins, a few weeks later their skill rubbed off on me and I got better.. Winning a grand total of like, 1/6 games. (This was actually decent back in the day, win farming didn't exist and people actually had some sort of fun). I also introduced some of my friends from the old server I played on to MCSG, they don't play anymore however we had so much fun.. If Jake reads this he should remember good ol' Elliot ;). I met more and more people, as AU was such a small community everyone knew eachother. My name started to get out and I was actually decent, looking back at my old self I was incredibly cocky and up of myself.. I probably still am, but whatever lol.

Now, this is where MCSG gets good. I met people like Billabong, Elisha_Mutang, Brodina5, Blakew and more! These were people who I could spend days on end talking to and having fun. I started getting better, much better and I believe this is where I honed my PvP. I was also getting fairly active on the forums. I had a goal of reaching 1000 wins and active member (1000 posts). Both are now completed, back then I thought it would've been impossible. I had win races with Blakew as we were around equal. (Beating you by a thousand and a bit now ;) ) I started getting active and I also met some cool YouTubers like Reaper140, DragonTixan and Ningaristic[InsertLoLjokehere]Ninga. People like these increased my contacts and I met some awesome people, one in particular who is now easily my best friend. (You know who you are, you Mexican c; [for those who don't, Kytilolnoob]). Now this was the scene where clans were becoming moreso popular on AU. I remember being added to a group chat where some pro AU players were invited to join the AU rebels, I was offered the position of co-leader and took it. This is where things get interesting. Rivalry increases and things go ham, an opposing clan lead by NingaristicNinga called the KCC was born and hatred arised. MCSG got intense and competition increased. AU rebels disbanded due to arguments from leaders (Myself and Gagaking) and tbh; I never felt right having someone else with the same authority as me. I'm glad things went this way, even though it seemed downhill at the time it ultimately went up; a nexus of sorts. Anyhow, from this I thought for a solution; play solo or remake a clan. I remade AU rebels as Phoenix, an independent clan where I was ultimately the leader. All of the loyal members re-joined and we eliminated players who didn't fit in or were inactive.

Now, Phoenix is created. The reborn ashes of the fallen Rebels. The active and loyal players joined back with us and I think it went incredibly well from there. We actually participated in clan battles, we won too. We won a lot, 18:0 now to be precise. We became incredibly prosperous, I also became the #1 player in Australia as the branch between AS and AU was created meaning Elisha and DevilicCrafter moved to AS and I remained in AU. This obviously meant I would, by default become the #1 player in AU. However, being #1 I had nothing to do. Keep in mind worldwide leaderboards were out and I was ranked around #30.. I believe, I had no motivation to strive to the top and I slowly became inactive. I was at the head of Australia and I was happy with that. I faded into another game, League of Legends. Dedicating time between both I lost my competitive nature. Since then I was overtaken by Kytria (To all you new AU players, I haven't been #1 forever ;) ) and that's when my passion to become great came back. However at the time I felt I wasn't right to lead a clan. Kytria left Phoenix to apply for moderator and this is where I took a punch in the face, one of my right hand men left me and I couldn't do it without him. Billa and I lead Phoenix for a while and I gave up, I asked for an age exception and it was granted. (This was of course after witnessing Duckluv321 gain the first age exception, never been a seconds guy tbh). I sent in my mod app and after a short wait it was accepted, I remember talking to Le0 and she's just like casually "oh check your alerts" I remember talkning to Mattando and I dropped silent in the middle of a game, I died and he was like "wtf?!?!?" and I'm like "Hey I just got to interview for mod, yay" I was excited. Phoenix finally and officially disbanded. We had a long run, but it doesn't end there. One day after my application was accepted I remember being in the interview. I was in the room and answered the questions to the best of my ability. I was moved out and my "waiting room" rank taken away. I was nervous. People were comforting me in the waiting room and in the middle of a "You can make it" I was moved back in. In the most passive voice Slasherxtreme and ARB1T3R said "We have good news and bad news" bad news was.. I don't even remember, I think they dug up a news article about someone being arrested or something lol, the good news however was I was accepted for moderator.

In the time I was moderator a new clan called Apex arised, they self proclaimed themsleves to be the #1 clan and at the time there was practically no competition, so they really were. It was mainly a battle between Apex and Blitz. I felt that if Phoenix was still there it would've been incredibly one sided and felt I could do a much better job. Anyhow I didn't do much. I refereed some clan battles and did competitive play against them as practice for taking down teams. It didn't mean much though, I really missed Phoenix. I wanted to be back in bussiness and 2 months later..

I served 2 months as moderator, I enjoyed it. I really did. Kytria at this time also went on a vacation to Europe and I overtook him. He since then lost his will to play the game competitively. It was a shame, he was an amazing PvPer and strategist. Back to mod.. I resigned and I felt awful, I left behind what was somewhat a family. However as amazing being able to create custom channels on TS and having plus access was, I never felt at home. The other mods didn't put an effect on me and I sat in my own channel with Kaine17 (kfc), Hootie14 (Hooters) and we had a great time. We were a sick trio and we had a ton of fun ( We also had a reunion today, that was sweet). Anyhow.. I hated acting mature and responsible. And as much of a 'family' the moderators were absolutely NOTHING beats the original and my original family, Phoenix was there waiting for me when I got back. I posted my resignation latter and gave the word to Billa and Kytria and all the v1 Phoenix members and we were back in business, as prosperous as ever. (Side note, in the time Phoenixv1 disbanded it split off into two clans, Crossfire and Biffs. Crossfire died within days but Biffs became incredibly sucessful) and Biffs disbanded, however I took in what I saw as potential of their players and I definitely made the right choice.. This is where Phoenix eventually hit their prime. After a massive flux of players leaving for LoL, quitting MCSG in general or other reasons we cleaned out the inactive players of our roster and made an A-team. We were, in my opinion unstoppable and we made our mark. After a long time, challenging Apex (After mass-postponing it is finally going to happen), Blitz and Nuggetz who were the 'top' clans at the time. 3-0'ing Nuggetz twice and 3-1'ing Blitz Phoenix was in top and on it's prime. Dinosuar_Dan and I became unstoppable. Legit, we 2v5v5'd the top two clans at that time period. Even though Dan had massive animal cruelty to sheep and pigs it was a great time. Being back in charge and dominant felt awesome.

Summer holidays rolled around and this is where I got competitive. It's also a time of loss. One morning I woke up to find my friend rank gone. I was pulled into a channel with lots of admins, sr. staff and explained the situation to me there was another side to the story and I don't have the proof so nothing could've been done. I decided not to argue and now I still do not have a permanent donor (If someone bought diamond for me that'd be great .-.). I went on massive winning streaks and improved my ratio up by 5% (Which is incredibly hard with my terrible stats I gained before). I really have nothing much else to say in this part of the story, I feel I've massively rushed it to and for that I apologize, I can't think of much else to say except for Phoenix growing larger and stronger which really isn't that interesting and a few occasional feuds anyhow I'll move on to recent times.

Now, I currently situate at #5 on the worldwide leaderboards just underneath Huahwi. My best rank has been #4 and I'm shooting for the very top. In a few months I will have been at MCSG for 2 years and I have not regretted a single bit of it. MCSG has increased writing abilities and social skills. (Talking to strangers online actually made me more of a sociable person lol). I'm the owner of the #1 AU clan and what's more am a part and am the mother to the best family ever. Phoenix is more to me than just a clan, it's a family and I can not thank people enough for what they've done to me. I'm a very active member of the forums and I am the most liked (Without massive like spams .-.) member. I don't know what else to write here, maybe in another year I can end off the trilogy or start a quadrilogy. Who knows how long I'll be here for, whether I'll leave on my own terms of forcefully. MCSG has been an amazing journey and I don't plan on quitting anytime soon. I could, at the end tag people that mean a lot to me but that would take to long, you know who you are and you know I appreciate you. You don't need public recognition for you to know you're amazing people.

I sincerely hope you guys have enjoyed,

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Gustav Mahikano

Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
tis bootiful. u actually have no idea how much it sucked when u restarted phoenix w/o me ;c i just wanted to experience the mod life for a bit and see if i rly do wanna resign but u didnt wait :(


Mega Nonce.
May 28, 2013
Reaction score
Great. I don't know why, but I find it interesting reading other people's stories.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Much words.

Now time to read it :p

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