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Kytria's MCSG Story


Nov 12, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for telling us the story of your mcsg carrier :)
I only met you once on us9001 400 players in one round and i killed you on sg4. yeh life goes on and i think for everybody mcsg will have an end and your end is here so good luck in your life
Sincerly joni171090 #TheRebels eu
Ps. I lost to many friends trough lol gcb99 elgoldo hanfi12 canziano xExtract exking charlesyummeyegg but k thx bye <3
Joni we were like best friends ;(
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
So everyone's been making heaps of these threads and I thought I may as well start one up in late celebration of a new year :p I'm also listening to XX intro right now and am feeling really relaxed and finding it easy to grab my thoughts together so I thought I'd give it a go.

My MCSG story begins in the late September of 2012. I'd heard a lot about the Hunger Games series earlier on and simply had trouble finding my way onto this server - I thought you had to install the game. I'd watched so many MinecraftFinest and BajanCanadian videos and I was really eager to get into the game. August had come and I decided to go to a friends house and he already had the game and explained to me how all you need to do is insert an IP - I got back home and did just this. After blindly running around Sg1 having no clue where I was going I'd been slain by someone with half leather/half gold armour. I didn't even realise how much the time had gone by.

I continued to play more and more and begin Skype teaming with certain players. These were the days where Skype teaming with randoms was very common - it was because of this reason that I met who was probably my best MCSG friend and still is. The first person I ever teamed with was a player named thetoxicgypsy. He quit in V1. I teamed with a few more people and started making really good friendships with a lot of them, although the one with BOB_200 was probably the most important and MC influencing one for me. Through him I met a player named Reaper140 who had a youtube channel that I liked to watch. You could say he introduced me to a lot of other popular players including Dragontixan who I looked up to as a player and darkai202, one of the closest people I've gotten to. Jokes and light teasing aside he really is an awesome guy <3 I progressively became a better player as I played with these people and was soaring up the leaderboards. It wasn't long before I got into the top 100 for Au which was only about 50 wins at the time :p

Time went on and I was having so much fun with MCSG and all my new-formed friends. It was now November, and I was still quiet up there in regards to my leaderboard ranking. Darkrai202/Nick decided to make a clan with Gagaking which was named the Au Rebels - Zeno had given them permission to do such a thing. It was definitely the best clan in Au at the time and had so many great players in it such as Billa, Damoisawesome (who was denied trial the 1st time but accepted the 2nd), Dragontixan, Cobrastyles , LinkOcarinaTime, Saza, MarkChuah and even the current #3 DevilicCrafter. I had so much fun with these guys playing MC all day. Eventually more Asains (not being offensive xD) including Hend , DayBreak_27 and Oblift (who I miss a lot :c) joined too. By December the school holidays had come and I had the greatest time of MCSG I had ever had with these people :) Cobra, Oblift, Hend, Daybreak and I would stay up til 5 in the morning just playing MCSG, mocking each other and having an indescribable amount of fun. It's too bad all of them have quit MC. I think having all of my old friends quit or leave is a large factor into what has actually put me off of Au - I think of all my good memories and then look at what's left of them. It really does get to me. Anyway, at the time Au Rebels had formed another clan formed by a current officer of #Phoenix was also made by Ninga called #KCC (The Kitty Kat Clan). They were basically our arch-nemesis' of MC xD Although they weren't astoundingly good players they really did nothing but try to annoy/troll the Au Rebels by climbing up the hill on Sg4 and knocking people off and by running around the Sg4 arena in a 1vs1 before lightning was implemented. Those were the days. It wasn't long before KCC disbanded, and before proper rivals of the Au Rebels had been created.

This clan was called the Beijing Ducks. Hendrick, Oblift, Daybreak and Cobrastyles had founded this clan. A fair chunk of the Au Rebels had left (mostly the Asians) and those of us left included Billa , Gagaking , WitheredGold (was Golden_Spec at the time and was once upon a time good at pvp xD ily golden), Dragontixan, LeWilmon and more. As time went on more members started to join the Beijing Ducks. The Au Rebels were slowly dying. Eventually the time had come and I was confronted about leaving the Rebels for the Beijing Ducks. It was like picking between which family you liked more. I couldn't do it - I thought the better idea was to simply not make a decision and stay with the Rebels. Although the Ducks meant a lot to me the Rebels were my first family and betraying them did not fit my personality. For that reason I was given a special rank in the clan by the name of 'Beijing Rebel'. I was not officially in the clan, but if you do check the roster you'll see that I did indeed have that rank and quarrels between Au Rebels and the Ducks started because of this. In a psychological sense it affected me and I didn't want to do anything about it; having the title made me feel as close with the ducks as it did with my Rebels.

The Rebels disbanded not long after. There was so much arguing going on in the chat and people were leaving whilst Zeno was desperately adding them back. I couldn't take it so I decided to go watch Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, literally. After the move had finished I returned to see that we'd disbanded. I was orphaned. Luckily, Nick had the idea of creating a 2nd clan. It needed a name that seemed appropriate for it. The name Phoenix was made. 'Our Passion are the true phoenixes; when the old one is burnt out, a new one rises from its ashes'. Jake (Billabongboy98), Nick (Darkrai202) and I founded what was to become Australia's best clan, Phoenix. Old Rebels applied and were accepted whilst those who left created their own clan, #Crossfire. Most people were applying for Phoenix and we got some new people in the clan as well. Crossfire wasn't working out and disbanded - ausparady applied for Phoenix and was accepted simply because no matter what happened he was seen as family to us. Golden_Spec (the current WitheredGold) became a moderator and Gagaking and Saza simply remained clanless. I think they took a long break from MC as well although I'm not sure. Phoenix was back and I was happy again.

March had come and Australia was about to get proper Au hosted servers - the current servers were hosted in Singapore. I got 100 ms and I couldn't believe it. Most of the Asian players found the lag too much to bear with and quit, petitioning for As servers. This also (unfortunately) led to the Beijing Ducks disbanding. It was during this time that I was in my prime. Dragontixan had quit in February and March had come - people were comparing me to Dragontixan with the bow and even calling me his successor. It kind of made me feel proud and nerdy at the same time xD I was rising up the leaderboards even moreso than I had over the holidays due to this Au connection. It was in mid/late April or early May that I finally became #1 in Australia. I felt accompolished and like I had achieved something. MC went smoothly for a long time and I remained #1 for a long time, but everything has to end soon. There is no escape from it.

On July the 3rd I was scheduled to go on a plane flight to Germany. From there I travelled around Europe and living the life. I was to return on the 13th of August. During this time I had extremely slow internet - no youtube or MC was even possible and I resorted to foruming, although even that was difficult. It was around August or late July that Nick and Jake overtook me. I became #3 in Au. I thought about what MC had done to me mentally. I had a lot of time to reflect and think about my own life in general. It was during these times that my passion for MCSG sparked off. A light died in me that day and I haven't seen it since. I expected myself to come back home and play some MC but instead I played a different game, League of Legends (I was pretty nooby at the time and played a fair amount for about a month before my trip). I played some few games of Minecraft and I did win them, but it didn't feel the same, even with friends playing them with me. I don't really know what happened to me - I went through a state of mind where I just felt sad for no reason at all. I honestly can't explain it. Maybe it was the fact that Phoenix disbanded again and I had no clue what had happened, or it was the fact that I realised how much time I'd really spent on MCSG, I wasn't sure. It was a rough time for me, although I kept it to myself.

Time went on and MC became less and less fun whilst League was becoming a new thing for me. It was at this time that I decided to quit MC competetively and play only for the sake of having fun, whether I won or lost. I did indeed become an MCTF2 mod in May which I forgot to mention earlier and became an official staff member some time in July as well. I fulfilled my mod duties and eventually Nick resigned as a mod. He did talk about it and we agreed that we'd resign together and start the clan together one day. I wasn't ready to resign yet but he was. I wanted a taste of the mod life before I mad rash decisions. He couldn't wait for me and so I was left in the dust. Phoenix had started and as everyone celebrated in joy I was left alone again, watching them, unable to join the clan. Being in the Skype chat and playing with them didn't feel the same. It felt different once more. That feeling I got. It wasn't long before I resigned as a staff member in October and joined the clan. I met new people such as kooksey99, CoDsNo65, attentionseeker, and StigJam89 (who I had indeed gotten banned 3 times prior to him joining the clan not too long before. Issues have been worked out since then). New friends were made but I still felt like my relationship with others was not as strong as they had with each other. I guess that was to be expected, looking at the amount I played. They're definitely good friends, although at time I couldn't help but feel a bit lonely when I was in their TS channel and they were playing MC while I was playing League by myself.

Time went on and my laptop was beginning to die - 1.7 came out and I got 20-30 fps consistently, even with this new 1.7 optifine. It's made MC virtually unplayable, and with the bugs in the game, annoying players, the competetiveness of Au and all the hackers (alongside all those people who always targetted me because I was a 'pro') I was driven to the point of quitting MC. Summer had arrived in 2013 and I was reminded of the 2012 Summer, probably the best Summer of my life, not just because of how it went down with MC but the fact that I went to the Gold Coast with friends, went to the beach heaps and made lots of IRL friends too. With the bad weather this Summer and all the changes from MC and the fact that I didn't go to the Gold Coast this year everything felt different. More depressing, and saddening to me. I had fun playing League of Legends with others like me who had basically quit MC for Lol, including ShaunDepro , SideMullet , FossilBricks , ausparady , derfzarn , WitheredGold, Mattando7 and Ninga. I did get to go to the beach this Summer like 7 times and did have fun. Once being #22 in the world and #1 in Au, I've fallen to the 3rd page of the leaderboards since then and been replaced by those who once looked up to me, as they themselves have told me. It made me feel privileged. Life goes on.

Nowadays I rarely play MC but still talk to everyone in Phoenix and play lots of League. Perhaps if I get a laptop one day I can make a return. We'll never really know I guess. Life goes on. I'd made friends and lost friends. I'd risen to the top and fallen to the bottom. My MC career has been competetive and dramatic - I had many rivals/enemies and had many ups and downs. I guess it's fair to announce that I am indeed leaving MCSG now, marking the end of my story. I'll still be forumming but don't expect to see me in-game at all. I won't be listing names and people - you know who you are, especially those of you in Phoenix. You're all special to me, especially Lebron12. Lebron is love, lebron is life :) Hope you all had a pleasant read. I don't usually open up this much but this music has sort of triggered something in me to spend an hour typing this. Peace :p

A litte P.S: The name Gustav Mahikano was made when Nick asked me to apply for the Rebels via the forums. I tried to think of a funny name because I never expected to go on the forums and only made an acc to be in a clan (hah, look at me today :p The complete opposite). Gustavo was born. Serious mod Kytria came out but retreated - he wasn't being himself and felt like Mod had changed him as a person. I felt like I needed something new, and what better than Gustav Mahikano, no? :)
i can see you get straight A's in school. Nice story ;)

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