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Henry's MCSG Story

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May 13, 2013
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Hey guys,

For those of you who don't know me (scrubz), my name is Henry. Now, I didn't know if I wanted to do this or not, since most stories are so long, but my 1 year anniversary on the forums is coming up in a couple months, so I thought I'd do it. So yeah..let's get started.

So I played minecraft for a while before MCSG even came out. But one day I was looking for a new server to play on when I came across one that was like The Hunger Games. Right when I saw it, I knew I'd love it. So, I hoped on and began playing. As most people are when they start, I was a complete noob. I pretty much had no clue what I was doing and I remember just walking around looking at the pretty map. And oh yeah, for all you new comers, we didn't have Sg4 and all that yet, it was straight up Sg1 (I feel so weird saying that xD). I was so much of a noob I didn't have my first win till Sg2 came out, but I was really happy because I won the second time I played it c: Btw, this map got voted ALL THE TIME, I started to miss Sg1 a little :3. Anyways I'd say I was getting pretty decent at the game, had about 5 wins at the time (Still a complete noob.) By the time I got 10 wins, this new server called "The Hive" came out. Tons of people from mcsg were heading over to the Hive, so I decided to go too.

Right when I started playing Hive, I didn't like it that much, but I stuck around. As most of you know, the Hive lagged like CRAZY, so me being a noob and lagging at the same time wasn't really fun. I decided to quit Hunger Games in all. After about 3 months, I starting getting bored of just playing survival all day, so I decided to come back to Hunger Games. I had the choice, Hive or Mcsg. I thought for about 10 minutes (lol) but, I finally chose MCSG, and I picked the right choice c: Getting back into MCSG was pretty challenging. Maps like Sg3, Sg4 and so on were added, so once again, I had no clue what I was doing on those maps. Luckily, it didn't to long to get back into the game. I had about 25 wins or so, when I noticed something that would change my life forever. And that was, the MCSG forums.

When I logged on the forums, it was opening a whole new world for me. There was people to talk to, fun threads, and so on. On that first day I said to my self, "Henry, you will one day become one of those popular (or famous) people on the forums." And I wasn't gonna give up. Over time, I got 50 wins on mcsg and decided to join my first clan, #Brotherhood (was owned by andrewn12 ). That didn't really last to long.. I left in the first day because I wasn't used to talking to people over the internet. Just like the forum goal, I also made a goal to be less awkward and speak to more people. So after 10 wins later, I decided to apply for a clan called #United. I made lots of awesome friends like Captain and Cupcake who were really my first friends on mcsg. I stayed in the clan for a while, but it soon disbanded sadly :c But, things were still looking up for me. The "Forum Fairy" *cough, LIKE SPAMMERS, cough*, must've visited me, because soon I was getting 100 likes, to 200 likes, to 300 likes (I had about 345 messages at the time :3) I was so happy, and really all I could say was life was going pretty well c:

Later on, I somehow managed to rack up 100 wins and got 50 followers c: This was the time I was starting to meet amazing people such as ThappleTree, Beyoncé, billyguy1, TheRealAussie, and much more. It was also pretty scary, because most of them were pretty popular, and still are. And then it happened. I got 500 likes, and 500 posts. I literally never thought I'd get that far, and that was only the beginning. So over time I met some other cool catz such as ToeKnee, DQ, Virtual, and WertQuadNine. I started to become a little more confident and felt like I did actually mean something on these servers. So I started to get pretty addicted to this. I got Diamond Donor, and in no time got 200 wins. Oh, and I also got 1,000 likes! :D Anyways, at about 250 wins, I had to cut down on the MCSG. My grades were ok, but not as good as they used to be, (I usually get all A's, but I ended up getting a B in reading. Oops.) So, I got 300 wins and decided I'd be leaving for a while. I made a thread on it a while back, but I'm too lazy to find it. You can just try to find it if you want :p. Anyways, after about a week, I said, and I quote, "I can't leave home." Hah. Funny right. But yeah, I just couldn't leave mcsg. So now, I was pretty popular on the forums. I forgot to mention I got Active member and 3,000 likes, sorry ;3. The only problem was that now a lot of my friends were leaving, like ThappleTree for example. So I decided to make some more friends c: I thought it'd be cool to try something new other than just mcsg, so I decided to get into to skinning. Props to Fox for really helping me out c: I also met this really cool guy that I love like a lot and his name is PixelPancake and yeah. ily. Anyways, I did skinning for a couple of weeks, and I do have to say, it was pretty fun c: But I got into back into mcsg. So many breaks.. After a couple more months, I got 1,300+ posts on the forums, and over 5,000 likes (Seriously I don't deserve that many likes mah gawd). So this sorta brings me to the current place I'm in right now. I currently stand at 450+ wins on mcsg and in the 800ths on the leader boards. Really, all I can do is thank all of you. Friends, like spammers (mah gawd) and even the haters. Lately I've been meeting some awesome people like Cscoop, Ginger, Jacob, and all them sexies. So yeah, that's basically it. BUT, I do have some super awesome people I wanna credit.

Virtual: Virtual, if we get into a fight, argument, or whatever, we never stay made at each other. I seriously think the record is 10 minutes. I've been friends with you for months and months, and I just want to thank you for being awesome. And sexy

WertQuadNine: What up bacon. This everyone is my favorite pig in the world. Wert, you're such a cool and funny guy to be around. Wether it's recording some dumb video or just playing around for fun, we always have a good time.

Spike11: Spike, we haven't known each other for a while, but even so, you're a really cool and nice friend, and I hope we'll always be friends c: <3

ToeKnee: Wolf, scrub. <3

billyguy1: Billy, just recently you've gotten over 10k likes. wat. I respect you as a player, forumer, and you're a great friend

Beyoncé: Sydney ^-^ Although we don't hang out as much together, we've always been great friends, and I hope that never changes.

Zaex: Almost forgot you. Ily. Like. For real. Srsly. God.
@EveryoneElse: Ily all.

So yeah. That pretty much wraps up my story. I'm really sorry if you weren't mentioned in the thread, pls don't hate me <3 Well, that's my story. I love you all, and goodbye.


liek if u read this
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I'm so jelly, forumers be like "I know dis person, and dis person, and dis person. And I met them all by the time I hit 500 posts!"
And them I'm like "Uh.. I have 2k posts, and I know like 5 other forumers. And none of them well. ;_;


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score

Ok. Now to read.

Edit: Wonderful story! I'm like you but I've been here for a year and a half and never became famous/well known because I made some original friends (ilysm ever1) den climbed back into my hole wif dem.
Last edited:
Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
I'm so jelly, forumers be like "I know dis person, and dis person, and dis person. And I met them all by the time I hit 500 posts!"
And them I'm like "Uh.. I have 2k posts, and I know like 5 other forumers. And none of them well. ;_;
Story of my (MCSG) life.

Gustav Mahikano

Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
Generally asking for likes and follows results in it :p Not really a 'forum fairy' xD

Interesting story though, I actually had no clue you were one of the old time players :p

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