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♕ Insanity (US Division)

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Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: I have a few usernames, so I'll list them. mwinkles/Mwinkl3sHD/Vulza/AviVulza/Shootaround/FireFading.
Name: My name in Real Life is Mathew, but You can call me Mat
Age: I am currently at the age of 12, I will be turning 13 in 2/3 months.
Wins: I have... Over 650/700+ wins. I've counted them, so here: 53+244+91+95+278+22+100(I didn't list my super-alt)
Timezone: My timezone is PST.
Times Available: Not much on the weekends, unless my school has break. (A.K.A winter break, summer break, fall break, which is short, Etc.) I can play quite a lot on the weekends, which I most certainly do. But back to the weekdays, I can probably play 1 hour to 1 1/2 hour after 4:30pm PST. I do have Church on Sunday's for a good 2 hours, so take that out.
Skype: My Skype username is Mwinkl3sHD.
Past Clans: Aviate, Prod, TheAvryn (my own clan), CyanVolts, and some others I am not too happy about, so I wish not to list them. If you want me to, I will (Via PM or IM)
Additional Information: I have listed two other "requirements" and I will list them below. Next, #Aviate4Lyfe. Lastly, I have put a good 1/2 an hour into this application.
PvP Strengths: Fishing rod, FnS, Flat out sword PvP (Straight on, no other tools)
PvP Weaknesses: Bows (I am very good at shooting moving Targets, which seems very strange, but true.), teams of 3+ (Who are Stacked) Teams of 4+ (With not-as-good stuff). Good players. :3
Thank you, as I stated either I spent a good 1/2 an hour into this, so wish me luck :D.
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