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Apex - AU Clan

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Jul 18, 2013
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With the recent addition of moderators being allowed into clans, it has made this much more complicated, and therefor have to be controlled by Sr Staff. Even though you may have created the concept of mods as referees I don't see how that may affect this situation at all.

Also, if I may add, Apex haven't been the only ones with reasons to not participate at certain dates, however we seem to be the only ones that are getting told off about it.
What was the reason it was postponed when we actually had a planned date (10th of January)? Cause your internet was capped? Nek minut, finds blakew447 in-game. The whole Apex vs Phoenix clan battle is a joke and whoever has postponed it, Phoenix or Apex, its been held off for about 5 months. Yet with all this happening you were able to do plenty of clan battles in-between.


Aug 24, 2012
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With the recent addition of moderators being allowed into clans, it has made this much more complicated, and therefor have to be controlled by Sr Staff. Even though you may have created the concept of mods as referees I don't see how that may affect this situation at all.

Also, if I may add, Apex haven't been the only ones with reasons to not participate at certain dates, however we seem to be the only ones that are getting told off about it.
"We can't do it we're in exams"
"We can't do it people go out for the holidays"
"We can't do it one of our members Internet is capped"
"We can't do it.. (Guys we're out of excuses) cause Benny said so"

Tell me how we've been the ones postponing it? We even were going to participate without our best member but hey.. Apparently Bowser can't make it so the battle has to be off? I'm smelling something fishy here.

The fact this is Kaine's tournament means he has the right to end it. He was kicked out for being "Biased" haha, that's a great joke!

We want to end this, we're doing it now. You guys have to stop running, seriously. Deleting posts which are against you to protect you can't last forever. I'm personally sick of this. Hurry up and let's finish this, we've been waiting for around 3 months now.

I mean no disrespect, you've seen this post. I hope it thinks in. Please stop postponing, what's the worst that could happen? Posting a loss on your clan page certainly won't be the end of the world.


Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
With the recent addition of moderators being allowed into clans, it has made this much more complicated, and therefor have to be controlled by Sr Staff. Even though you may have created the concept of mods as referees I don't see how that may affect this situation at all.

Also, if I may add, Apex haven't been the only ones with reasons to not participate at certain dates, however we seem to be the only ones that are getting told off about it.
Yes it is complicated that moderators are allowed in clans now, but i was still a mod when that rule was made. Senior mods have to spectate clan battles if a moderator is in the clan, it doesn't influence a whole clan tournament.. how many clan tournaments have been controlled by the senior staff? barely any. So that does not change the fact that it has gone on long enough with nothing done. When every single clan tournament is run by the senior staff of MCSG then you have a case, until then you do not. so once again ill say either accept the two weeks or ill end my tournament now.
Kaine, I Invite You to Come on to the MCGamer TS to discuss this Matter
Can't right now benny you will have to privately message me on Skype


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
"We can't do it we're in exams"
"We can't do it people go out for the holidays"
"We can't do it one of our members Internet is capped"
"We can't do it.. (Guys we're out of excuses) cause Benny said so"
Exams are far more important to us than a clan battle, I don't see how that's a poor reason at all? And yes, some of our members went places for the holidays, that's not anyones fault. And, I mean no disrespect to you at all, but you guys postponed because Billa's internet was capped, and Benny couldn't make it to the battle at one date that would have been good, but Sr Staff have to be there for clan battles with Staff members participating, that's a rule.

Tell me how we've been the ones postponing it? We even were going to participate without our best member but hey.. Apparently Bowser can't make it so the battle has to be off? I'm smelling something fishy here.

The fact this is Kaine's tournament means he has the right to end it. He was kicked out for being "Biased" haha, that's a great joke!

We want to end this, we're doing it now. You guys have to stop running, seriously. Deleting posts which are against you to protect you can't last forever. I'm personally sick of this. Hurry up and let's finish this, we've been waiting for around 3 months now.

I mean no disrespect, you've seen this post. I hope it thinks in. Please stop postponing, what's the worst that could happen? Posting a loss on your clan page certainly won't be the end of the world.
If you're trying to accuse us of something, I can tell you know, we want to do this as much as you guys do so I don't see why we would do that...

If you truly mean no disrespect, why would you post this on our wall? Message flok or croe on skype or the forums, instead of publicly harassing us like this.

And to everyone else, please stop posting on our thread regarding the matter.
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