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Lizzy's Resignation Letter


Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

This may come as a surprise to most of you and less of a surprise to people who are close to me, but as of today I resigned as a MCGamer Moderator.
I have a few reasons for doing so, which I will try to explain as good as I can so you can understand why I’m stepping down.

Firstly, I joined the server because of the Survival Games gamemode that I was obsessed with for a long time, I used to play it a lot. Even though I wasn’t (and still am not) too good at PvP I just loved playing with friends and I always had so much fun in Skype calls or Teamspeak. However, lately I noticed that I have barely played a game since I became a moderator because I was either busy moderating, spectating hackers or dealing with other drama that I will talk about next. Point is, I haven’t been able to enjoy playing the game since I became a moderator and I’m really starting to miss it.

Secondly, there has been way too much drama that I’ve been involved in and I don’t feel able or willing to deal with it anymore. My main goal was always to have fun and help others have fun as well and I think at the moment I will be able to do that better as a normal player rather than a mod. Also, the community has changed so much over the last months from when I first joined and I just need to take a step back at this moment because I have heard and seen too many negative things lately. I know that every community has its good and bad sides but I’ve seen too many of the bad sides for me to still continue as a moderator AND have fun doing it.

Thirdly, it’s my last day in New Zealand today and I’m flying back to Europe in a few hours, which means that my months of travelling are unfortunately coming to an end. L It also means that my Uni semester is starting again in a week and I won’t have nearly as much free time as I used to have. At this point, I’d rather spend the limited time that I will have left playing with my friends than with mod duties. I enjoyed dealing with all these things for a long time but now I want to go back to playing more and having more time for my friends.

One big reason why I hesitated and debated this decision for a long time was Open Mic Night. I absolutely LOVE this Teamspeak event and I am so happy and proud of what it has become. I always kind of thought of it as my ‘baby’. :p This is probably what makes me most sad about resigning because I won’t be able to host it anymore as a mod but I will fortunately still be there and help out, managing the order of participants etc. So don’t worry, you’re not loosing me at Open Mic Night! :3

I hope you can see my points. This doesn’t mean that I’m leaving the community, quite the opposite. You will probably see me even more active playing games now and I will make sure to come on Teamspeak as often as I can.

At this point there comes the long list of people who I need to thank:

Knaala : Hannah, I probably won’t be able to express with words how important you have become to me and I love you so much! There are so many things that I could say here but it still wouldn’t be enough so THANK YOU for everything that you have done for me and for ALWAYS being there for me… You know this is not a goodbye and we’ll be able to play and no-life even more now! <3
(I’ll make sure to tap you every day again! :3)
Minicraft132 : My little brother <3 There are also so many things that I could say about you and all the times that we’ve spent talking, laughing, playing and so much more but the essence is: I love you and you have become the brother that I never had, I wouldn’t want to change that for anything! Thank you for EVERYTHING! Mmm mmmm ;)
Serverr : Vinyyyyl!!! You are one of the funniest people that I know and you could probably make me laugh even when I have the worst day! Please never stop talking to me because I would miss you way too much! Idek, there are so many things that we've been through and you were one of my trusted 3 people who acually knew the password to my channel, #speshul ;) Ily <3
ewaldminny / bbrunibro : You guys were my first ever friends in MCSG that I actually added and talked to on skype. The amount of nights that we spent no-lifing on skype is probably over 9000 and I have never laughed as much in my life as I have with you and I think that it might have been even life-threatening in some cases… (Death by laughter, it’s a thing, look it up). Ilysm my bbys <3
XNexer : My other little bb brother! <3 You are probably the most talented, funny, sweet and at the same time inappropriate 13-year-old I know and I can’t describe how happy it makes me when you dedicate a song to me… ily bb <3
iSilverr : Silverrr, you were one of the people who believed most in me when I applied for mod and you always find a way to cheer me up and make me smile when I am not in the best place. We haven’t played a game in a long time and we should because you’re one of the few people I can actually beat in Pvp… and I love it :p Jk, ily <3
Ninetailefox92 : Being one of the few people who is the same age as me, you never let me tell you what to do… but neither do I and it’s great! <3 I hope we can play and talk and record much more in the future when I’m actually almost in your time zone :3
fuzypoo : fuzyyyyyyysidfyiasdyfao;sdf, I loved that time when I could tell you “I told you so!!! :p We used to play so much and I hope we’ll play and talk a bit more in the future again! <3
HyP3rKi113r : Hypeeer, you’re the reason I actually downloaded Teamspeak and I think you were also my first mod friend! You’ll always be my favourite and most handsome turtle! <3
DonutDudeMC : Donut, I’m hunry! :O But seriously, I haven’t known you for long but I already consider you one of my best friends and you know things about me that nobody else in MCSG knows… ily <3
Sp3ctrum_Visionz : I remember that after you stole two bans from me and I got mad at you, I just thought: Oh no, I hope he doesn’t hate me! And I’m really glad we became (Twerk)friends after that! <3
HugBabybear : Huuuuuuug, now we can play even more, you're one of the funniest people I know and ily a lot!!! <3
NyanCaatt : Piaaaa, I’m so happy that you got mod and that we became friends after you were one of the few people who said they would actually miss me when I wanted to take a break (remember?) Ily <3
Weary : Wearyyyy, come to the Airport tonight, plz I fan! I swear, I can’t leave New Zealand without meeting up when you have to be at the same airport 24 hours after me… I cri so much…erytim ;-;
KiraBerry : Kiraaaaa, remember when you were the priest at my MCSG wedding or when we were hanging out in the AU staff room? ;) I’m so glad that we have been talking more again lately and I hope it stays that way! <3
_nicole14 / marinanycole : Nicooooole, marinaaaaa!!! <3 I have been in sooooo many teamspeak channels on so many different Ts’s with you… even though we never get to talk for long because you always switch channels so much, ily <3
Reven86 : Revennub! <3 I haven’t talked to you for a long time (except in the hub) and I think we should!!!
Sixorr : There is this one screenshot that expresses what I think about you <3
soggypickle : Soggyyyyy!!! <3 I loved making 3 lizzypickles with you and I hope we can make many more in the future! ;)
Halo_0 : “I can see your halo, halo, halo” lel :D Spending your New Year’s Eve and my 1st of January together with you and Donut on TS resulted in probably one of the funniest conversations ever, ily <3
Fox : You combine two things that I love: Foxes and Mexico... te quiero mucho, I'm so glad to have you as a friend!!! <3
CraftyKratonite : Krafteeeeeh! <3 I will never forget the time you gave me my 2nd ever win… you’re probably the craziest Asian that I know and ily <3
Branbob83 : Brandoooon! <3 I’ve always wanted to tap you and you know it… :D
monsters689 : Puneet, my NZ buddy! <3 We never got to meet up but I hope we’ll still be able to talk from time to time, despite the time difference… L
Decemberr : Deceee, I’ve had a great time hosting and moderating Open Mic Night with you and I hope it stays that way! <3
Frondome: Frondoooome, we’ve had so many serious conversations and you were always there for me… even though I haven’t seen you around that much lately I hope you know that I’d always be there for you too <3
richa-da-3rd : Richaaa, ily despite everything, my singing buddy <3
Lululioness : Luluuuu, you are seriously the best singer I know and the most fab person ever! <3
Creepy_Crawler : I will only say one thing, even though I promised I’d never say that to you again but this is an exception: ;) (pls don’t hate me, Ily <3)
@MrMethusela: Justin, I miss you and I’d never hate you! <3 Hope we get to talk more again
Huahwi : Howie, you are way too good at Pvp it’s not even normal… even though you don’t want to teach me how to pvp…;-; <3
Mr_Gears : The only time I actually fought you I won, ‘nuff said <3
DQ : DQ, you’re weird but I like you… <3
TotalDramaTony : Girl, you ghettooooo ;) You’re sooo funny, I hope we talk more! <3
Cubes : You confuse me but it’s k :p <3
Lovelights : I know we don’t talk anymore but you were the reason I got really into MCSG, the forums and teamspeak a lot more and I found great friends through that, so thanks! :3

I’m sorry if I forgot to include anyone but I love you all! <3

TL;DR: Well, you missed out, don’t be lazy and go read the thread! :3

PS: OPEN MIC NIGHT at 8pm CST (http://tinyurl.com/OMN-US118), come along for my last ever OMN as a Mod before I officially resign and let’s have a good time!
(Feel free to dedicate songs to me, lel :p)
Last edited:


Oct 14, 2012
Reaction score
Never got to know you but I recognized you as a good moderator and it's sad that the staff team will be losing you. I wish you luck in the future and hope to still see you around !


Jun 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

This may come as a surprise to most of you and less of a surprise to people who are close to me, but as of today I resigned as a MCGamer Moderator.
I have a few reasons for doing so, which I will try to explain as good as I can so you can understand why I’m stepping down.

Firstly, I joined the server because of the Survival Games gamemode that I was obsessed with for a long time, I used to play it a lot. Even though I wasn’t (and still am not) too good at PvP I just loved playing with friends and I always had so much fun in Skype calls or Teamspeak. However, lately I noticed that I have barely played a game since I became a moderator because I was either busy moderating, spectating hackers or dealing with other drama that I will talk about next. Point is, I haven’t been able to enjoy playing the game since I became a moderator and I’m really starting to miss it.

Secondly, there has been way too much drama that I’ve been involved in and I don’t feel able or willing to deal with it anymore. My main goal was always to have fun and help others have fun as well and I think at the moment I will be able to do that better as a normal player rather than a mod. Also, the community has changed so much over the last months from when I first joined and I just need to take a step back at this moment because I have heard and seen too many negative things lately. I know that every community has its good and bad sides but I’ve seen too many of the bad sides for me to still continue as a moderator AND have fun doing it.

Thirdly, it’s my last day in New Zealand today and I’m flying back to Europe in a few hours, which means that my months of travelling are unfortunately coming to an end. L It also means that my Uni semester is starting again in a week and I won’t have nearly as much free time as I used to have. At this point, I’d rather spend the limited time that I will have left playing with my friends than with mod duties. I enjoyed dealing with all these things for a long time but now I want to go back to playing more and having more time for my friends.

One big reason why I hesitated and debated this decision for a long time was Open Mic Night. I absolutely LOVE this Teamspeak event and I am so happy and proud of what it has become. I always kind of thought of it as my ‘baby’. :p This is probably what makes me most sad about resigning because I won’t be able to host it anymore as a mod but I will fortunately still be there and help out, managing the order of participants etc. So don’t worry, you’re not loosing me at Open Mic Night! :3

I hope you can see my points. This doesn’t mean that I’m leaving the community, quite the opposite. You will probably see me even more active playing games now and I will make sure to come on Teamspeak as often as I can.

At this point there comes the long list of people who I need to thank:

Knaala : Hannah, I probably won’t be able to express with words how important you have become to me and I love you so much! There are so many things that I could say here but it still wouldn’t be enough so THANK YOU for everything that you have done for me and for ALWAYS being there for me… You know this is not a goodbye and we’ll be able to play and no-life even more now! <3
(I’ll make sure to tap you every day again! :3)
Minicraft132 : My little brother <3 There are also so many things that I could say about you and all the times that we’ve spent talking, laughing, playing and so much more but the essence is: I love you and you have become the brother that I never had, I wouldn’t want to change that for anything! Thank you for EVERYTHING! Mmm mmmm ;)
Serverr : Vinyyyyl!!! You are one of the funniest people that I know and you could probably make me laugh even when I have the worst day! Please never stop talking to me because I would miss you way too much! Ily <3
ewaldminny / bbrunibro : You guys were my first ever friends in MCSG that I actually added and talked to on skype. The amount of nights that we spent no-lifing on skype is probably over 9000 and I have never laughed as much in my life as I have with you and I think that it might have been even life-threatening in some cases… (Death by laughter, it’s a thing, look it up). Ilysm my bbys <3
XNexer : My other little bb brother! <3 You are probably the most talented, funny, sweet and at the same time inappropriate 13-year-old I know and I can’t describe how happy it makes me when you dedicate a song to me… ily bb <3
iSilverr : Silverrr, you were one of the people who believed most in me when I applied for mod and you always find a way to cheer me up and make me smile when I am not in the best place. We haven’t played a game in a long time and we should because you’re one of the few people I can actually beat in Pvp… and I love it :p Jk, ily <3
Ninetailefox92 : Being one of the few people who is the same age as me, you never let me tell you what to do… but neither do I and it’s great! <3 I hope we can play and talk and record much more in the future when I’m actually almost in your time zone :3
fuzypoo : fuzyyyyyyysidfyiasdyfao;sdf, I loved that time when I could tell you “I told you so!!! :p We used to play so much and I hope we’ll play and talk a bit more in the future again! <3
HyP3rKi113r : Hypeeer, you’re the reason I actually downloaded Teamspeak and I think you were also my first mod friend! You’ll always be my favourite and most handsome turtle! <3
DonutDudeMC : Donut, I’m hunry! :O But seriously, I haven’t known you for long but I already consider you one of my best friends and you know things about me that nobody else in MCSG knows… ily <3
Sp3ctrum_Visionz : I remember that after you stole two bans from me and I got mad at you, I just thought: Oh no, I hope he doesn’t hate me! And I’m really glad we became (Twerk)friends after that! <3
NyanCaatt : Piaaaa, I’m so happy that you got mod and that we became friends after you were one of the few people who said they would actually miss me when I wanted to take a break (remember?) Ily <3
Weary : Wearyyyy, come to the Airport tonight, plz I fan! I swear, I can’t leave New Zealand without meeting up when you have to be at the same airport 24 hours after me… I cri so much…erytim ;-;
KiraBerry : Kiraaaaa, remember when you were the priest at my MCSG wedding or when we were hanging out in the AU staff room? ;) I’m so glad that we have been talking more again lately and I hope it stays that way! <3
_nicole14 / marinanycole : Nicooooole, marinaaaaa!!! <3 I have been in sooooo many teamspeak channels on so many different Ts’s with you… even though we never get to talk for long because you always switch channels so much, ily <3
Reven86 : Revennub! <3 I haven’t talked to you for a long time (except in the hub) and I think we should!!!
Sixorr : There is this one screenshot that expresses what I think about you <3
soggypickle : Soggyyyyy!!! <3 I loved making 3 lizzypickles with you and I hope we can make many more in the future! ;)
Halo_0 : “I can see your halo, halo, halo” lel :D Spending your New Year’s Eve and my 1st of January together with you and Donut on TS resulted in probably one of the funniest conversations ever, ily <3
CraftyKratonite : Krafteeeeeh! <3 I will never forget the time you gave me my 2nd ever win… you’re probably the craziest Asian that I know and ily <3
Branbob83 : Brandoooon! <3 I’ve always wanted to tap you and you know it… :D
monsters689 : Puneet, my NZ buddy! <3 We never got to meet up but I hope we’ll still be able to talk from time to time, despite the time difference… L
Decemberr : Deceee, I’ve had a great time hosting and moderating Open Mic Night with you and I hope it stays that way! <3
Frondome: Frondoooome, we’ve had so many serious conversations and you were always there for me… even though I haven’t seen you around that much lately I hope you know that I’d always be there for you too <3
richa-da-3rd : Richaaa, ily depite everything, my singing buddy <3
Lululioness : Luluuuu, you are seriously the best singer I know and the most fab person ever! <3
Creepy_Crawler : I will only say one thing, even though I promised I’d never say that to you again but this is an exception: ;) (pls don’t hate me, Ily <3)
@MrMethusela: Justin, I miss you and I’d never hate you! <3 Hope we get to talk more again
Huahwi : Howie, you are way too good at Pvp it’s not even normal… even though you don’t want to teach me how to pvp…;-; <3
Mr_Gears : The only time I actually fought you I won, ‘nuff said <3
DQ : DQ, you’re weird but I like you… <3
TotalDramaTony : Girl, you ghettooooo ;) You’re sooo funny, I hope we talk more! <3
Cubes : You confuse me but it’s k :p <3
Lovelights : I know we don’t talk anymore but you were the reason I got really into MCSG, the forums and teamspeak a lot more and I found great friends through that, so thanks! :3

I’m sorry if I forgot to include anyone but I love you all! <3

TL;DR: Well, you missed out, don’t be lazy and go read the thread! :3

PS: OPEN MIC NIGHT at 8pm CST (), come along for my last ever OMN as a Mod before I officially resign and let’s have a good time!
(Feel free to dedicate songs to me, lel :p)
That's what I call a good letter. Anyhow, best of luck in the future! :) Hope to see you around :p

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