Title or the pack: MinedAndCrafted5's PVP pack
Link and name of the pack you wish to be edited: Defscape 64x64, R3D craft, custom swords
What blocks do you want to be changed? None, I want them all defscape.
What items do you want to be changed? I want the axes to be R3Dcraft 64x64, and the swords to be from this link: www
.mediafire.com/?bkq4dbb77bb3m45u this doesn't have a stone sword texture, so that can just be defscape 64x64 oh and the bows pulling I want to be from this pack: including the pulling one:
What color should the hearts be? Red plz
What color should the armor bars be? Silver?
What imag would you like for the pack? My head, if possible!
Who would you prefer to make the pack? Who ever can have it done soonest
Edit: the media fire link isn't work. You can go to
www.youtube.com/huahwi123 and then on his video how to edit a texture pack, it's the link that says custom swords.