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My Time at MCSG v2



I think I've created like five of these threads now but oh well xD There might be different stories or dates because I remember stuff clearer some days....

This one is going to be everything I remember from my almost two years with this community c: Some of it may be inaccurate so I'm sorry if it is.

One day I discovered there was such thing as the Hunger Games. IN MINECRAFT. Now, I had been playing Single player Minecraft for a while in random's accounts who's passwords I got off the internet and friend's accounts. I found out through looking at Minecraft songs and found CaptainSparklez POV of the first ever 'Survival Games/Hunger Games'. I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and started looking for servers to play Survival Games. I found Kit PvP which they called 'Hunger Games', I found servers with the SG1 map but you had to go around and fill all the chests, until one day I found MCSG.

My first game, no one would join so after about 30 minutes of waiting I left, but then one day I thought I'd give it another go and this time I waited about ten minutes and BOOM we were in the arena.

I thought it was the most amazing thing, how there was no one flying around, no one having to fill up chests and it was the same as the video I saw on CaptainSparklez's channel but it was colourful with plugins and all this awesome stuff. I think I came about thirteenth in that came, I was pretty chuffed.

After my fourth grade violin exam my mum said I could get my own Minecraft account as a reward for finishing all of Level 1 violin. I had started a trend at school where would get our name and put an animal after it for nicknames on websites and things. Lucylion sounded and looked bad. Lucylioness sounded and looked bad, but since my nickname at school was Lulu I settled on Lululioness.

I instantly went on to play MCSG and back then I didn't know the difference between US1.mcsg.in and EU1.mcsg.in and I thought they were just servers so I played on EU with a two bar connection *facepalm* I hadn't won a game yet, and I was sad even though I'd been playing for about a month.

I discovered the forums when I wanted to find out how to get a coloured name and I presumed upgrades had something to do with it. MCSG had a wall you'd spawn in front of with quick details about the server and the website for upgrades so I went and checked it ouuuuuttt. I made an account and found out the upgrades cost money and you didn't get them for being good at the game and I was also sad. I discovered you could post on forums and then my forum journey began.

I started out as someone who did have fairly good grammar, but I was necroing 24/7 and people were like 'OMG NECRO!!!1!' and I had no idea what necroing was until VebbiHD told me in a profile post xD

I had also discovered teaming and teamed with everyone I could to increase my chances at winning (I know, it's sad, pls don't hurt me ;-;). I remember one game I camped at corn until refill with a five man team and we got refill and all had full iron and iron/diamond swords. I got backstabbed. I cried (well, I just raged over a video game for the first time).

One day, someone asked me to Skype team. I was like, 'OMG WHATS THAT?!?!' and they were like, 'We go in a Skype call and communicate as a tem like that' and so I thought I'd give it a try.

I got scared and hung up on them and deleted them off my contacts. After that, I got used to talking to randoms and met heaps of immature people with gross voices that were younger than me. And then I met some 17 year olds and got scared and hung up and deleted them off Skype. Over time, I'm just like YOLO (don't hurt me for using YOLO, pls) and just don't give them my address. Heck, I've spoken to like 24 year olds over TS (but it was A-OK because they were staff members ;)).

Everyone I had on Skype were 'Murican, but one day I added my first AU MCSG friend on Skype. His name was Gagaking (XxGagaxX ) and he's deleted me off Skype now because he quit MCSG :p. He thought I was strange and we didn't really talk until later. I met most of my Aussie friends through trying to create a parody, which went super well until I got bored of it halfway and abandoned it. This was Summer 2012/13 and I added my second Australian friend. His name was El Nickrai Taco Taco (at the time)/Nick and most of you know him was darkai202 . We still kinda talk now which is cool, and tomorrow it's our one year of being Skype contacts anniversary (if that's a thing lol).



Through Nick and Gaga I met heaps of cool people such as Billa Damoisawesome Saza AlLuc ausparady Kytria and we had a blast. Phoenix was formed, and I met more cool people like gianteye123 FossilBricks and later I met Wertea . I started spending more time with these swaggy people because I had just started high school and had no close friends xD I was basically in Phoenix, I was Head Cheerleader, it was basically auto-truce with me every game and I was in the Skype chat and read all da Phoenix gossip. I'm kinda glad they weren't writing their um... stories back then.

Life was good, and I discovered TS when some Phoenix people introduced me to it c: It lagged less and it was a lot easier but randoms could join your channel which was kinda annoying.


At some point Ninga bought me iron donor and I thank you for that man c:

One night, I was bored and changed my name to piano player and played piano in the chat where Ninga ARB1T3R and a few other people from Phoenix were in it. Ninga figured out it was me and then ARB with his almighty mod powers made a custom channel for people to join and listen to piano in it. It was sort of the birth of playing Music on TS, which is regular now with OMN and stuff like that. I started playing music on TS a lot and Sr.Mods and admins started coming in to listen which I thought was pretty awesome. I became friends with lots of Sr.Staff (Bicentennial_Man subv3rsion just to name a few) after that and one day I looked at my name on TeamSpeak and I had friend. I was like 'OMG COOKIE.... what does it mean?' and I realised it was friend rank and I was happy. I refrained from bugging Sub to give me my rank in game. It was ever lasting free donor and pink swag, I was pretty happy.

One day, Nick came with the news he'd got an age exception to apply for a staff position and I was pretty jealous. That then sparked the whole thing with age exceptions and everyone was like 'OMG must SEND email 2 CHAD !!1!!'. No one actually suceeded getting moderator except one other than durkrai (I believe) with that method so, lol. I was jealous though xD


Durkrai did end up getting moderator, so leadership was passed over to the one and only Jake (Billabongboy98). I still had my head cheerleader rank, life was good. Kytria had gotten moderator at one point some time then so... ya. I met AussieEntice (someone tag him, I forgot his forum name xD) and he managed to ruin my childhood in one conversation a long with some other cool kids. I got kicked out of the chat when durkrai got mad at me once when he was on a rage.

Then Phoenix disbanded due to a bad reputation and many members leaving or something. Singularity, Void and Biffs were formed of the remaining members. My good IRL friend Shinyigglybuff was leader of Div B. Person 1 got mad at Person 2 for Phoenix disbanding. I kinda sat and watched my 'family' separate as I wasn't technically in the clan. Singularity was disbanded and I was ejected from the chat.

After a while, Nick resigned from moderator and Phoenix was back, back again. I was never added back into the Skype chat. I was annoyed at that at first but now I'm glad because if I was still in the chat I'd have to read the stories they write, which I won't write here because I'd get banned off the forums c:

During that time I was making loads of friends on TS and earned a spot on Ling's Lounge and spent loads of time with them. We made maps and generally had a pretty chill time apart from when chatni and blakew447 were yelling at each other for stuff. I made friends with the one and only Le0 who's IMO the swaggiest New Zealander I know. The PMC contest happened. Our map made it into the final stage and got lots of hate which was kinda disappointing but it was fine :p

AT SOME POINT I MET attentionseeker

I had basically drifted so far away from Phoenix after that and no one ever came on TS anymore. Then one day I met some cool people from the clan Apex. Blake joined Apex, Shiny joined Apex and I met Weary croe97 Twilight Da_Goose22 flok and others. Apex was fairly chilled out c: I did miss Phoenix a lot after a while because Apex was so srs. Jks, ily Apex c: I spent heaps of time with you guys and improved my PvP a lot. I met NyanCaatt who is a super swaggy Swiftie c: I met other Australian players through you guys c: You're all full of da sweg and stuff. I also met DoubleEss and Gwenplays and Katielee and some point and found someone I could beat in a fair 1v1 (looking at you Gwen :'))

I then started talking to Phoenix a bit again but it's never really been the same since Singularity was created. Hanging out with Apex was fun, but nothing really interesting happens. There's a sort of Phoenix v Apex war and I'm sort of watching it unfold and hearing bad stuff about both clans from either side and I'm like all bottled up with da secrets. There's been a few new members of Phoenix and now there's an AS Phoenix.

Oh, and I met Fluffles19 CoDsNo65 @kooksey99

I'm still waiting for the Phoenix v Apex clan battle :rolleyes:

I now generally spend time with my IRL best friend Yoobie and play MCSG together and I rage at her sometimes and feel bad. I bought her gold donor for Christmas. It's pretty swaggy ;)

Thanks to every friend that's been here with me on my journey c:

TL;DR: I'm fabulous :cool:
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Read the whole thing.
Did you ever get your Friend rank in-game? xD

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