(All-Around Builder Application.)
Minecraft Name:
Skype Name:
Time Zone:
Please fill out the corresponding sections so that we can figure out what your strongpoints are:
Terraforming: What part of terraforming are you best at (pick one from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ ] Drastic Terrain Changes (Cliffs, Holes, etc)
X] Gradual Changes (Mountains, Larger Hills, etc)
[ ] Terrain Variation (Different Materials with splatter commands, etc)
Provide pictures or videos of the one category you chose above:
Redstone: What part of redstone are you best at (pick one from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
X ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles of redstone and using them effectively)
[ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
[ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners on the team)
Provide pictures or videos of the one category you chose above:
Building: What part of building are you best at (pick 2 from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
X ] Color Schemes (What blocks go best with each other, etc)
X ] Original Ideas (No boring, old, overused building designs)
[ ] Use of Depth (More to a building than what appears to be)
[ ] Block Variation (Using a lot of different types of blocks but not too many)
[ ] Good at Space Management (Building inside a set border/limit)
[ ] Exceptional at Interior Designing
[ ] Creating Well-Themed Structures (A library actually looks like a library)
Provide pictures or videos of the two categories you chose above:
http://imgur.com/kicCTdp,RPILV7e,42Afy80,VSUtSML#2 <Unfinished…
Are you in another build team?
No, This is why I'm willing to join yours.
Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)?
Have you ever helped with another map that has made it onto the servers (if so, which one/ones and tell ALL of what you did on it)?
Yes, Castle Defenders by: ACtennisAC, I helped with the castle walls/roofs, and the mountains around the map.
Are you willing to do a trial of each if accepted?
If your application is accepted, you will be given a basic trial as everyone else would. If you pass this, you will be placed in the “Exceptions” category. From there, we will assign a set period of time for you to have to prove that you will work hard and productively. After the set amount of time is up, we will discuss whether or not you will get a spot on the team. If you don't, you are unfortunately declined and must reapply after two weeks if you wish to get on the team.
Did you read the statement above?
Will you adhere to all rules that we say?
I will, and always will.
I, (
Kevin “aka” Angeroo), promise to listen and obey all rules set out before me. I will follow the application process exactly how I'm supposed to and will not cause any hindrances towards the build team.