do you think you could make a really good and shaded Red Panda skin?
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online. do you think you could make a really good and shaded Red Panda skin?
Oh........ THANKS!
I dont do more than one for the same people. sorry :/
Template: I know you just made me one, but I want a diff one. :3
What you want: A panda
What you are going to use it for (Alt, main account, Machinama skit, Ect.): Main
How long you plan use it: Idek :3
Extra info: Can it have a sweater with it? Thanks.
Patience, he'll do itWait cooper are you going to do my reshade?
No it trying to be inpatient asking cause he said no more than one. Sorry if I sounded inpatient.Patience, he'll do it
:/Cooper, you know the skin you made me a while back? Is there a way I could pay for another