Okay guys, before causing all this drama, you need to know the full story behind everything. KitPvP is still in beta. Everything is still being set up, and the reason that we want you to play on it right now is so that we can test everything. One of the things that still hasn't been perfectly configured is NoCheatPlus. Do you want to have people forcefielding all over the arenas, LeafyGreenTea style? I really don't think you don't.
Heres something very similar to what happened with OnlyMathias. He said the truth, he wanted to tell what was happening and trying to make the community better, however MCSG doesn't wants to, so they removed his opinion and banned him.
If MCSG doesn't like it —or to be more clear, the mind behind MCSG which isn't Chad— then they will delete it.
Please don't make comments like this without knowing everything about the situation. We're not trying to make the community into our own playground where we can bully everybody around, we're trying to improve it. The reason posts which cause drama are removed is because 1)They cause flaming 2)There is a crazy amount of false and completely untrue rumors in them 3)Very often, staff information is leaked.