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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Tuct
Minecraft IGN: Tuct / xMiserable
Age: 14
Skype name: xmiserable
Wins: 68
Games Played: 173
How active are you 1/10: 9
How mature are you 1/10: 8
Why do you want to join #Rival: I would like to join #Rival because shanrrbananrr is a friend of mine and I think adding me to the team will make the clan more enthusiastic and I think I would be a great addition because of my chemistry with other players. I was also asked to apply by shanrrbananrr.

How would you help this clan: I would help this clan with the chemistry I have with other players and adapting to play with new people that have more skills then me. I have great teamwork with other players no matter who.

Tell us more about yourself: Im a nice/funny guy that is friends with most of the MCSG community. I dont fight with members often and im an open guy so I would most likely have no problems with any members. I have skills with the fishing rod and I am decent with FnS, I also have a nice combo that usually ends up killing the enemy while including the bow.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: shanrrbananrr and I just played a game with munish so I guess I know him/her...

P.S. If Green_Lu gets accepted then I will be able to work with him when battling other clans for certain tactics.

The reason I have so little wins is because I made this account 2 weeks ago and for the first day I had a 8/9 ratio and then I started slacking and did not play for a few days. I know I may look like a noob while looking at my win count but I know I have more skills than a player with 66 wins..
Accepted as trial member, expect a skype request soon, be active on Skype, and the owners will make the final decision.


Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
I bet we could even beat SectorSix If we have a clan battle against them!!!


Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Munish Bains
Minecraft IGN: Munishisawesome
Age: 16
Skype name: thedragonslayer4321
Wins: i don't remember
Games Played: like 3800
How active are you 1/10: 10
How mature are you 1/10: 9
Why do you want to join #Rival: Cuz I love the clan and came up with the name
How would you help this clan: I would help them by winning clan battles and not let anyone rage(I rage on little things a lot but I have learned how to stop!)
Tell us more about yourself: I like Pizza and Fairy Tail is the best ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Corey and Conner, I know both of them we are the three bros the tricycle!!I hope I could still be a Co-Owner!!!


Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Munish Bains
Minecraft IGN: Munishisawesome
Age: 16
Skype name: thedragonslayer4321
Wins: i don't remember
Games Played: like 3800
How active are you 1/10: 10
How mature are you 1/10: 9
Why do you want to join #Rival: Cuz I love the clan and came up with the name
How would you help this clan: I would help them by winning clan battles and not let anyone rage(I rage on little things a lot but I have learned how to stop!)
Tell us more about yourself: I like Pizza and Fairy Tail is the best ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Corey and Conner, I know both of them we are the three bros the tricycle!!I hope I could still be a Co-Owner!!!
Accepted: Co-Owner (It is Nice to have you back, Hopefully, You will be loyal, and stick with us for a while.)
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