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Apex - AU Clan

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Jul 12, 2013
Reaction score
Just going to comment, because i'm cool like that and procrastinating from doing revision. AND I HAVEN'T WROTE ON THIS SINCE THE TEENS SO I THOUGHT HEY WHY NOT!
So I thought why don't I re-apply for Apex Head Cheerleader, that'll waste a good 10 minutes of me trying to be witty.

Minecraft IGN: emeraldchloe:rolleyes:
Age: 1337 (i know i'm hilarious)
Wins/Total Games: well i've played more total games than wins let's just put it that way.
Skype name: imcroe97sgirlfriend
Game rank: probably last knowing my stats
Past bans (if any): oma banned me for being too fabulous
Past clans (if any): umm hmmm i was head cheerleader for a clan called Apex

Why should I be head cheerleader for Apex:

um, because i think magic kolalas are cool and i've spent the past three weeks terrorising Apex team speak with my funny english accent. i'm pretty much the coolest cat going (if anyone get's that reference i'll laugh) also core49 is my boyfriend so i guess i have a very big advantage on this (otherwise he'll be an in trouble boyfriend)

hehehe macaroni

But in all honestly, I met all of Apex back in June and it has been the most sweetest thing watching this clan grow not only in skill, but in respect too and rightly so! they really deserve it. This clan has some of the most loveliest, fabulous(oma) people i have ever met and they're just the best to talk too! I can't think of a clan I'd rather be apart of.

*Goes up to collect her Mafta (Minecraft Award for Best Cheerleader)*

*camera zooms in as a tear rolls down her cheek*

Thank you to Flok, Oma and Croe for running such an awesome Clan; thank you to all the lovely members who make the clan and thank you for letting me have the title of Head Cheerleader even though i'm sleeping every time you guys are battling or whatever you munchkins do.

okay i've writtien a bit too much ^^

i love you all (joe a bit more than everyone, but you're all a close second :p )

if i don't get head cheerleader croe, flok i know where you live
oma, i have google earth and not afraid to use it

all my love

(i'm dyslexic so sorry if this makes no sense)
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District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Just going to comment, because i'm cool like that and procrastinating from doing revision. AND I HAVEN'T WROTE ON THIS SINCE THE TEENS SO I THOUGHT HEY WHY NOT!
So I thought why don't I re-apply for Apex Head Cheerleader, that'll waste a good 10 minutes of me trying to be witty.

Minecraft IGN: emeraldchloe:rolleyes:
Age: 1337 (i know i'm hilarious)
Wins/Total Games: well i've played more total games than wins let's just put it that way.
Skype name: imcroe97sgirlfriend
Game rank: probably last knowing my stats
Past bans (if any): oma banned me for being too fabulous
Past clans (if any): umm hmmm i was head cheerleader for a clan called Apex

Why should I be head cheerleader for Apex:

um, because i think magic kolalas are cool and i've spent the past three weeks terrorising Apex team speak with my funny english accent. i'm pretty much the coolest cat going (if anyone get's that reference i'll laugh) also core49 is my boyfriend so i guess i have a very big advantage on this (otherwise he'll be an in trouble boyfriend)

hehehe macaroni

But in all honestly, I met all of Apex back in June and it has been the most sweetest thing watching this clan grow not only in skill, but in respect too and rightly so! they really deserve it. This clan has some of the most loveliest, fabulous(oma) people i have ever met and they're just the best to talk too! I can't think of a clan I'd rather be apart of.

*Goes up to collect her Mafta (Minecraft Award for Best Cheerleader)*

*camera zooms in as a tear rolls down her cheek*

Thank you to Flok, Oma and Croe for running such an awesome Clan; thank you to all the lovely members who make the clan and thank you for letting me have the title of Head Cheerleader even though i'm sleeping every time you guys are battling or whatever you munchkins do.

okay i've writtien a bit too much ^^

i love you all (joe a bit more than everyone, but you're all a close second :p )

if i don't get head cheerleader croe, flok i know where you live
oma, i have google earth and not afraid to use it

all my love

(i'm dyslexic so sorry if this makes no sense)
Looks like a very bad case of procrastination, get back to work! :p


Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
This is for MTcraft, as his forum account doesn't seem to work.

Minecraft IGN: MTcraft
Age: 13
Wins/Total Games: 232
Skype name: Marshall Garside
Game rank: 2518
Past bans (if any): No bans
Past clans (if any): Pegasus
<<< Minecraft IGN:
Age: 13
Wins/Total Games: 232
Skype name: Marshall Garside
Game rank: 2518
Past bans (if any): No bans
Past clans (if any): Pegasus


Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
As you may have seen from the main thread page, there is a leader missing. A very good, organised leader. And an amazing friend.
He has his own reasons for leaving, and I will not share them, as common courtesy. But he left for very good reasons, reasons in which not many people would understand. I just ask one thing of everyone reading this. Just to show appreciation of this amazing guy, I wish you to like this post. If you appreciated him at any stage.

For, Omastar.
Apex, are all sad to see you go. I hope there are others out there that are too.


Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
As you may have seen from the main thread page, there is a leader missing. A very good, organised leader. And an amazing friend.
He has his own reasons for leaving, and I will not share them, as common courtesy. But he left for very good reasons, reasons in which not many people would understand. I just ask one thing of everyone reading this. Just to show appreciation of this amazing guy, I wish you to like this post. If you appreciated him at any stage.

For, Omastar.
Apex, are all sad to see you go. I hope there are others out there that are too.
Omastar out!


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I can't say I ever agreed with Omastars motives and decisions and I always thought of him as stubborn, however he had one amazing quality which I've never seen shine so brightly. Dedication, it was clear he loved Apex and I respect that. Sad to see you go Omastar.

Omastar out.
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