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PureEpicness4Eva's MCSG Story

Feb 16, 2013
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Well, I seem to find loads of other people talking about their story, I think it is time for mine.

Starting Off
I first heard about Minecraft 3 years ago, from my friend at school. When he told me about it, I didn't really seem bothered about it, and it didn't really appeal to me. A few weeks later another friend told me about it, so I thought, "If everyone thinks it is a good game, I may as well give it a try." So, I downloaded the free version first, where it was just single player, and you could not download Mods, texture packs and you could not go on multiplayer. I instantly became addicted after that, playing Minecraft in all of my spare time. So, I played that for a few months (I now have no idea how, since I find Survival extremely boring now), so then I finally thought I needed to buy the game. So, I bought it, with the username, "PureEpicness4Eva," and don't ask me how I got that name, I have no idea, and I started to play minigames like CTF, and I got really addicted to these too. I also started to play Tekkit and other mods with my friends, where we went on that all the time together. At this point, The Hunger Games hadn't come out yet, so the journey I have had there, is still to come. From playing CTF a lot, I slowly progressed with PvP, and I actually became known as one of the best archers on there (I don't know why, I thought I was pretty bad still). So, my adventure with PvP, had finally start to begin.

Hunger/Survival Games
So, after many months of playing CTF and other games on Minecraft, finally Hunger Games came out. The very first time I started playing Hunger Games, was not actually on MCSG. It was on a server called Citi Build. I became very addicted to this, and I even got to meet AntVenom and ChimneySwift on there. They were the main people I watched on YouTube at that time, and I screenshotted them too, xD. I played the Hunger Games on there for a while, and I had no idea that there was a better Survival Games server here, MCSG. I actually did not find out about MCSG until a while later from some nub, DerpyDash11. I knew Dan irl, so that was the way that he brought me into MCSG. When I first came on with him, I recognised the server, mainly because of the lobby, and I had actually been on here quite a bit before. To know the time I came in, I am going to quickly try and describe the lobby it was then. It was quite a large lobby, with cakes in the middle and quite long parkours on the side, with a lot of cobwebs-I remember getting really annoyed when I failed and got stuck in them. The main thing I remember was there was a secret tunnel, and when you went all the way through, there was something about Gandhi, with loads of signs. It would be helpful if one of you could find out when it was. So, I started playing this a lot now, and I very rarely went on Citi Build, because I found this so much fun. The main way I actually progressed in Survival Games and PvP was from Dan, so I thank you for that. From then on, I just kept on playing MCSG, getting more wins, and then about 3 months later was when I first started making loads of new and awesome friends.

Meeting Everyone!
A few months after I started playing MCSG, I finally started finding loads of awesome people, and exploring the awesome community within MCSG. The very first person I found who became one of my closest friends, was harryboi13. I actually don't talk to him that much because we had a fall out, but I am willing to talk to him again. So, I actually met him in a really weird way, and nooby. I randomly teamed with him in a game (Survival Games 1 if I can remember correctly) and we added eachother on Skype. From then on, I played with him and I actually met lots of other cool people from him, such as Shaunypie87 and eventually finding probably my best friend now from him, who I will say later. So, from DerpyDash11 and Harry, I started to meet lots of people, and I finally joined my very first clan made by Dan, Team Twist. At first, I had no idea what clans were and Dan started explaining everything within MCSG that you might not know about from just playing on the servers. One person that was one of the first to join the clan, was Oulaps, originally known as adam8488 and I became good friends with him. Sadly, later on, Team Twist disbanded and I was free to join other clans, so, me and Harry together joined #InfernoElite. I still remember how good the clan was and I got to meet lots of new friends from there, such as Minialan (we had a fall out a while back, because of his immaturity and I think he quit MC anyway), jmullins783 and more like thingy182. I had an awesome time with everyone there, participating in clans wars, but then as all clans eventually do, it disbanded. My next clan, had to be the best clan I had ever been in, and I was invited by Dan. It was, Netherians. Now what an awesome clan that was. The members in there, like ExKing, _zeX99_, iProGames and more, just made it such an awesome clan, to play in, but to also just have fun in. Thanks for making that such a good time. So, once that disbanded, I didn't really know what clans to join, I was kinda lost. I won't go to explain every clan I joined now, it would take too long, but after that, I made my own clan #Oculus. Now, this was where all the action started happening. This clan, was where I met my now best friend, Eruzia. Harry actually asked him to join, and I am thankful that he found someone....weird.....but also a great friend to play with. So, one game, our last one actually, we were playing #ZenithV2 and the people playing were Eruzia and Harry. So, at one point, they were going in for the fight, Ryska_ryssen and someone else, can't remember. So, Eruzia went for one, Harry went for the other. In the fight, Harry killed the other one, and Eruzia got killed, and it ended up Harry against Ryska_ryssen. We asked him to run away because he was quite low but he didn't listen. He tried to go in and killed him but then died. After that, we went quite mad at him, then he quit. Later, when the game finished and we went into the lobby, we saw him giving away his password etc, and quitting MC. Luckily, I quickly got his password and changed it before anyone else did. So, if you are going to come back Harry, just call me and I will give you your password, I did not want anyone to steal your account completely. So, shortly after, we disbanded, I joined other clans, some of them were good, some not. And here I am now, in #TheForce.

I am amazed how far I have come in PvP. Just recently, I got to #11 ranked on MCSwish, which is a great achievement. After a long time, I now have 423 wins which is a good place to get. I am now trying to get 500 within the next 2 weeks. Probably not going to get that though. I guess the rest of the adventure will continue then...

Some People

Eruzia: Where can I start. You are such and awesome person to play with, even though you are slightly weird....maybe a lot. We have never fallen out, you are a really good person to joke with.

DerpyDash11: Thanks so much for your help, even though we have fallen out quite a bit. I am actually better than you now though...it's your lag though, isn't it ;)

Harry: Pls come back. ;-;

Shaunypie87: We had some good and funny times together, thanks!

boodavis01: I beet u evrytim nub <3

jmullins783: The Russians ;)

There are loads more I can't remember most of you though. Reply if you think you should be here but I will decide.
Last edited:


May 12, 2012
Reaction score

DerpyDash11: Thanks so much for your help, even though we have fallen out quite a bit. I am actually better than you now though...it's your lag though, isn't it ;)
M8 - We have only fallen out in game, I think we're pretty good friends in real life. But thanks so much for remembering me <3 It seems that you can beat me with rods, I can rek u m8 with my bow skills, we both have our perks.
Happy new year, man.

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