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500th Post - MCSG Story - Giggity69Goo


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys, Giggity69Goo here! I just wanted to say this is my 500th message on MCSG!!! This may not be a big deal for most people on the forums since the most special Forum rank is "Active Member". But, I'm just excited because I am only 500 posts away from Active Member!!! Now without further ado, here is my MCSG story.

MAY 2012
I just got Minecraft after watching Youtubers like Lewis and Simon from Yogscast and others in Machinima. I was so excited when I got the game, and was ready to do EVERYTHING! But my main goal was to play Survival Games because it seemed like the most interesting game in Minecraft!

JUNE 2012
After researching for a month, and being a nub typing in Direct Connect "hunger games" :p I finally found a Youtube video that posted the server in the description: us20.mcsg.in. I actually got into the server and was so happy it wasn't a scam!

So I played my first game on SG1 since the only maps were SG1 and SG2 and there was no voting. I found absolutely nothing and ended having to jump off a cliff at the end of a game...satisfied with 11th place. Later on I kept playing and realized SG2 was my favorite map by far (and still is today).

JULY 2012
So this month SG3 and Voting came into MCSG. Everyone always voted for SG3 but nobody had a route on it so you would basically win if you found at least 5 chests anywhere in the map.

This was also the time I started to "skype team" with others. I was such a nub because the first guy I skyped with he told me go to us10.mcsg.in and I was like "...what", not knowing there were other MCSG servers besides us20.mcsg.in! So then I really got into MCSG and won my first game on SG2! I was so happy! I won it after about 200 games and about 100 of them I died to @ArenaMaster being a hacker (that was the rumor XD I didn't believe it though). I also thought everyone who had diamond swords would be hacking too! But after my first diamond sword then I realized...wow I'm a total noob.

I really got into skype teams and making new friends. There were always friendly people and we would actually do well. I believe this is also when MCSG V2 came out and everybody's stats were reset XD. I used to play for a while with DQ Theoretical and -K2skier-
. Sadly after that month we didn't talk much and if you guys are reading this I hope that sometimes we can play again like old times (though I don't think that will happen). Anyways this was the month where I made a ton of friends and I was becoming a part of the community.

I decided to get Twitch and there was this one guy who would play on the Project Ares (oc.tc) servers and I got really into that and I was playing it most of the time! I still play on it a bit (and I don't wanna be warned for advertising here but...) Click HERE to check out the website.

It was a new year and yet again a new ban for me on oc.tc for a week. I decided to get back into MCSG for the week and I think it was the best decision of my Minecraft life. I was actually winning games and doing well and soon forgot about oc.tc for a while. It was unbelievable how much I improved in MCSG from Project Ares.

Not much happened throughout these months...just LOTS of MCSG gameplay.

JUNE 2013
So summer came along and I was really excited that school was going to be over. There was only one problem... I got grounded, and it wasn't one of those "you learn your lesson right after it happens and everything goes away" punishments. This was for most of the summer. I was on my climax of doing well (because at the time I thought 32 wins was pretty damn good). So then I had to take a break.

JULY 2013
So at the end of the month I was good enough to get my computer back. I got into MCSG yet again and it was amazing! That's all I can say.

These were both a good and bad months for me. The good part was that I got my 100th win! Click HERE to watch it! The bad part was that after numerous amounts of times I was declined to be a moderator due to a small ban in September of 2012. I was really upset at the time but realized I can't just stop here! I kept playing and playing and then improving and improving! Also I got teamspeak and on the first day I met zorrodc and he told me about this story in 2012 where we found each other on the small house in SG1 and while he was dying of starvation I gave him a cooked pork chop and he was just soooo happy! Anyways the people on Teamspeak are some of my best friends on MCSG!

Again not much happened this month besides lots of MCSG gameplay! Also this was the month where I was seriously into the forums and actually started posting different things! The first thing I posted was a thread asking if anyone wanted to join my Youtube Group...I don't think anybody signed up and the thread was locked XD

Another big month for me as I got my 200th win! Click HERE to watch it! Also I started making lot's of friends on the Forums and MCSG!

Well we are up to date now. I still play with friends on Teamspeak today so if you ever want to find me there and wanna chat you are more than welcome to! Throughout this month there was also lots of MCSG gameplay, I got into #Chrome, and I've been getting grounded due to my teachers complaining about missing homeworks at school.

A Few Awesome Friends To Give Recognition!
Ocean43 - If you don't know him you have to meet him. I'm not the only one who says that he is by far the nicest guy on MCSG! AND I PROMISE YOU I WILL GIVE YOU A SELFIE SOON XD
zorrodc - One of my first big friends on MCSG... we haven't talked in a while and I hope you read this because we should
CrimsonRed - Like I said before, we gotta catch up on things! But you're still a great friend!!!! You need some recognition in this ;)
RC_4777 - You are a great person on the forums! Whenever I ask a question and make a thread you're always there to help and give a 100% complete answer! ;)
TheCornStealer - You're an awesome friend on the forums!!! One of my favorite followers!
ToeKnee - We got off to a rocky start, but now you are an awesome friend!
billyguy1 - ^^ Besides the rocky start part XD
Yin - Too much to write about you in this... I hope for once you get an alert for being tagged in this XD
Sarauh - Another cool forum buddy! We also need to catch up on things! XD
Halo_0 - <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Lemonz87 - HALEY... I had to add you in this <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
MaxTheKokiri - Can't tell if you're LeafyGreenTea Huahwi or Max... XD Lol you're really funny boi we gotta start actually playing MCSG together and not just talk on teamspeak!
Fox - mah "girl" XD let's see whose hotter :p

MysterioussAli - another great forum friend...don't worry I'm still the mudkip you knew;)
Theoretical DQ -K2skier- - Like I said before, I wish we can (someday) play like old times. It was really fun and some of the most fun I had on MCSG
ChadTheDJ - Who can forget Chad for making this awesome server and community. You probably won't read this but if you do I just want to say thank you so much because without you I don't know what I would be doing on Minecraft these days. You're the heart of this community and I will never forget you if I at some point depart from MCSG (That won't happen in a LONG while though).

Thank you all! Hope you liked my MCSG story! Sooner or later I will get 500 more posts, watch out! XD As always thanks so much for reading! Also, if I forgot someone please tell me and I will edit this and add you!
Last edited:


May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Congratulations. We should play a game in the future, since I'm fairly certain we're not going to finish that map. :p

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