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DerpyDash11's MCSG story!


May 12, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys, I think that it is about time for me to write about my time here at MCSG, and It's an interesting story :)
EDIT : writing this, I recall a lot more than I thought, so even more story time!

Let's begin at the very start of my Minecraft adventure.
2010, July 2010 to be more precise :
My friend Nick, or Berkin, (whom i still speak to this day) who I met through Halo : Custom Edition in 2007 had asked me if I was playing Minecraft! Berkin was playing for roughly a week or two before he asked me about it, he showed me a video and I actually can find it :

I thought it looked... not great to say the least. I mean, a whole world of blocks? this is 16-bit madness, but hey ho, I thought let's give it a go. I instantaneously became addicted! I mean, a whole world of blocks? this is 16-bit awesomeness! Berkin and I created a first server with hax - such as /give commands and we created an Obsidian tower. Looking back on it, it was god awful! But it was my first experiance, the nostalgic memories mean a lot to me, as this game has seen me through the best, and hardest times of my life.

My father got diagnosed with cancer at the start of my first year at high school - he would have died if he wasn't treated as well as he was; Dad was so very lucky. Through this traumatic time I spread through PC gaming! I had always been a gamer, but I became enclosed in this fantasy world where life and death didn't matter, it helped me just get through life. We all have our reasons for gaming and I guess this is a big part of my life now, not to get through it, just to enjoy it! As dad had cancer, my sister moved to Coventry to begin her paramedic degree, so just think back on it ; Mom pressured for money as Dad was in hospital, meanwhile Becky, my sister, was away doing her university course. Being online gave me a bunch of new friends, spending my time through Guild wars 1 *COUGH* OMG 5,500 hours *COUGH* and Halo CE with Berkin, mixed with some Minecraft..

Berkin and I heavily modded Halo CE and he started some Java development, he is an astounding person, and my inspiration. I also wish to become a Computer programmer -Computer science-

My life progressed and dad eventually recovered, and I got through some school stuff, and I progressed through gaming.

Minecraft was now a big part of my life, I had an awful computer with a 20gb hard drive and 2gb of ram - surprisingly it ran pretty well, say 30 fps..
It was my 13th birthday and I had my first holiday in years, Me, Mom and Dad went to the coast for a week, my sister came for a while. Dad had just got better and I was given my first laptop! I instantly downloaded Skype and a copy of Minecraft that I had stored on a USB drive - parent's organized it - the download was atrocious, the Haven we stayed at had awful downloads but I got it done.
I played Minecraft for a fairly long time now, It had gone into the full version - November 2011. I had been watching YouTubers from the very start and I got to grips with all the new features and all, but then at a party my laptop dropped and died! The tech guys at PCWorld were useless and we ended up with a new computer - this was the computer I first played MCSG on. I played MCSG for the first time in April 2012. Just by chance, I decided to message my friend Ninga the IP to a server - He found it the same day! Ninga was a pro at the game as soon as he logged in, me... not so much. These were the beta days of MCSG, I was laggy, and yet I still solidered on and played more and more! I got better, I started getting high in the leaderboards, then meeting my friend pokerflush123 ! He was number 3 in EU! through poker I met people like Roseria , Leech and other friends who some I speak to today!

After getting better at the game It was about November 2012 out of beta at this stage... This was one amazing time, a magical time, amazing - I met one of my best friends of the community Angryjukebox - I was much better than you at the time yet I think I taught you a little bit of MCSG and I'm glad you're here now. We; angry and I met an awesome guy called BlueMoonP .. I've never heard his sweet danish voice, but he was a god damn tank, maaan, don't mess with blue!

Eventually me and angry were good enough for a few clans (Other than slime army I was in at beta..) Angry met some people .. not sure about their names but they held the clan #Chaos.. I believe. I was invited as a guest as Angry would be happier if I was, so of course, I accepted.

I met more and more friends, one being scorpion262 - he was amazing! I met him in december and heard his squeeky voice for the first time on December 24th! Christmas eve! Germans get a present early, and he rolled a headset! I don't speak to him much anymore, but we were great friends -he was Austrian not German.

I think somewhere along the line my laptop broke - OH WAIT Yeah, October 2012, my birthday, Dad bought me a nice external HDD for my Xbox and pc. It worked for a while but I don't really know what happened, but a computer died trying to read whatever was on it..

CHAPTER 3 : Full swing of MCSG!
I did meet some damn awesome people in these stages of my MCSG career, yet I kept playing and getting better, as players quit, I lost friends - but then... my god.. I met some awesome people, they were amazing. Willowcraft4
And many more ... These guys are MCSG to me, we have had our moments but I think we stand as good friends.

Charlie, you fa..-mazing person, I loved you ever since I first talked to you, you hated me in a good way, not as much as Joe, but still.
Sky... You, me and charlie were an unstoppable force, back when SG Ancient Japan was on the servers we got about 35 wins in one day!
Joe; I ... I like .. you... you have nice... eyes... No - I met you just before you went on a Ski trip, you introduced me quickly to Charlie and over those two weeks charlie and I bonded.. Like mother and daughter, boyfriend on girlfriend... charlie is my girl. When you came back, initially I didn't really like you as I do now, I thought that you were too cool for us, then we did the dropper video, and I got to know you more <3
video :

Becoming a moderator!
I was pretty happy, as me, charlie and sky became moderators. I was immature and stuff happened. I regret it all, but hey, that's the past. Charlie and Sky sort of left Joe and me, it was kind of odd, it started off me and sky, + charlie and joe, since they became moderators it sort of changed.
Our friendship was becoming fragile.. and eventually it snapped.
Charlie and Joe fell out, Sky didn't like me, Willow banned JayJay, Jay defended me, there's some videos of it on Joe's channel if you are interested..
Eventually, after my demotion, after sky quit, we all got back on track.

Clans and teams.
We as a group made a few clans, Sempiternal, Reborn, Death Angels and Prototype.. we were very successful, and we were very happy with each other, until I got annoying. I eventually got kicked, or left reborn/DA, and I joined Netherians... OMFG _zeX99_ you are an amazing leader. The clan was so organised and fun. Netherians closed down and Joe accepted me back <3.

I'm a bit fuzzy what really happened here, but I will try to remember.

CHAPTER 4 : Now.
Now, and more recently I have been amazing friends with Torn_On_Denial and Benkeeper <-- they ran my own clan, Valiant, where I met some amazing people like, mice9 Mobsterminator ZainAftab - we were successful, and I haven't really been in a real clan since, unless you count forgotten. Valiant disbanded because of people falling out and just having no passion for the clan.

As of right now I am great friends with a lot of people.
I will mention them here with a comment (tell me if I forget you.(not already mentioned people.))

Zietra - BB ILY - leljks, you're always someone to talk to, you look nice, smell nice, and I'm glad you're there for me.

ExKing - we don't talk a lot but hey, we're friends... right..? right... gui..ze...?

Ryska_ryssen - I didn't forget you and Cynix, just didn't mention it. you are an awesome teacher and a fun person!

MajesticalMajesticButter - Pure, I know you IRL and you're pretty nice.. but I brought you into the world of MCSG.. you're now better than me, I doff my hat to you good sir.

vaporouspeanut - I think that's it... Dylan, you little sneaky leprakorn.

pevasty - you still owe me for that avatar ;)

Jarni - I ALMOST FORGOT MY FAVOURITE WHALE! M00xooo00asdnfnannn

GuyK we first met in Netherians I believe. I think we should twerk more, you're a good friend.

CHAPTER 5 : My Future
My future of MCSG and Life in general seems good, I am trying hard in school, I suck at MCSG, and at writing extraordinarily long pieces of text on a web forum.

I hope I have informed you a little bit about me, and maybe we will be friends ;)

Thanks all for reading, I will update this occasionally, so be sure to like it if you did, maybe a follow :3

Thank you all <3
Last edited:


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
I'm.... Im... not there.... That has genuinely made me tear up... Nice to read it dan.... Yeah...


May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Happy Birthday, sorry about your dad. :c

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