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The Rebels (US Clan)

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Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: ScrewYouGumby2
Age: 18
Donor: diamond
Got Skype/TS: yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) will pm if needed
Got a mic: yeah
Timezone: -7:00? I'm two hours behind eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Less than I should, if you see me on teamspeak I would love to have the chance to play with you guys.
PvP Strengths: People tell me that I am good with a flint and steel, I don't really analyze my own game-play enough.
PvP Weaknesses: Ever since I took a break my fishing rodding has been awful.
Past Clans (If any)
Titans: I joined on the second day that the clan was open and received officer later that week. I was in the clan until it disbanded. Empire: Not quite sure when I joined this clan as it was quite a while ago but I was in this clan until it disbanded as well.
EU Legends: Not that impressive but I was kicked for inactivity, the timezone change wasn't good for me because I was never able to play with the members.
Cobras: My first clan, I played with two current rebels in this clan, LiningHawk and GipperGaming.

I think that my past clan experience has proven my loyalty to clans, I have been in only four in the past year.

You cool?: I think so.
Best puppy picture:
sry maddy

Extra: I know that I am not very active on your teamspeak, and this may eventually lead to my denial. Whenever I connect to the lobby everyone is in a channel that I cannot access or there are a few people scattered in small groups. I have quite a bit of experience with a fair bit the members in this clan. All I ask from you guys is the chance to prove myself worthy of being on this team. If any officers see me on teamspeak and are willing to play with me I would appreciate the opportunity.


Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: ScrewYouGumby2
Age: 18
Donor: diamond
Got Skype/TS: yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) will pm if needed
Got a mic: yeah
Timezone: -7:00? I'm two hours behind eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Less than I should, if you see me on teamspeak I would love to have the chance to play with you guys.
PvP Strengths: People tell me that I am good with a flint and steel, I don't really analyze my own game-play enough.
PvP Weaknesses: Ever since I took a break my fishing rodding has been awful.
Past Clans (If any)
Titans: I joined on the second day that the clan was open and received officer later that week. I was in the clan until it disbanded. Empire: Not quite sure when I joined this clan as it was quite a while ago but I was in this clan until it disbanded as well.
EU Legends: Not that impressive but I was kicked for inactivity, the timezone change wasn't good for me because I was never able to play with the members.
Cobras: My first clan, I played with two current rebels in this clan, LiningHawk and GipperGaming.

I think that my past clan experience has proven my loyalty to clans, I have been in only four in the past year.

You cool?: I think so.
Best puppy picture:
sry maddy

Extra: I know that I am not very active on your teamspeak, and this may eventually lead to my denial. Whenever I connect to the lobby everyone is in a channel that I cannot access or there are a few people scattered in small groups. I have quite a bit of experience with a fair bit the members in this clan. All I ask from you guys is the chance to prove myself worthy of being on this team. If any officers see me on teamspeak and are willing to play with me I would appreciate the opportunity.
Pending. Please be active on the TS to move onto the trial phase.


Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: ScrewYouGumby2
Age: 18
Donor: diamond
Got Skype/TS: yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) will pm if needed
Got a mic: yeah
Timezone: -7:00? I'm two hours behind eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Less than I should, if you see me on teamspeak I would love to have the chance to play with you guys.
PvP Strengths: People tell me that I am good with a flint and steel, I don't really analyze my own game-play enough.
PvP Weaknesses: Ever since I took a break my fishing rodding has been awful.
Past Clans (If any)
Titans: I joined on the second day that the clan was open and received officer later that week. I was in the clan until it disbanded. Empire: Not quite sure when I joined this clan as it was quite a while ago but I was in this clan until it disbanded as well.
EU Legends: Not that impressive but I was kicked for inactivity, the timezone change wasn't good for me because I was never able to play with the members.
Cobras: My first clan, I played with two current rebels in this clan, LiningHawk and GipperGaming.

I think that my past clan experience has proven my loyalty to clans, I have been in only four in the past year.

You cool?: I think so.
Best puppy picture:
sry maddy

Extra: I know that I am not very active on your teamspeak, and this may eventually lead to my denial. Whenever I connect to the lobby everyone is in a channel that I cannot access or there are a few people scattered in small groups. I have quite a bit of experience with a fair bit the members in this clan. All I ask from you guys is the chance to prove myself worthy of being on this team. If any officers see me on teamspeak and are willing to play with me I would appreciate the opportunity.


Dec 2, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: ScrewYouGumby2
Age: 18
Donor: diamond
Got Skype/TS: yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) will pm if needed
Got a mic: yeah
Timezone: -7:00? I'm two hours behind eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Less than I should, if you see me on teamspeak I would love to have the chance to play with you guys.
PvP Strengths: People tell me that I am good with a flint and steel, I don't really analyze my own game-play enough.
PvP Weaknesses: Ever since I took a break my fishing rodding has been awful.
Past Clans (If any)
Titans: I joined on the second day that the clan was open and received officer later that week. I was in the clan until it disbanded. Empire: Not quite sure when I joined this clan as it was quite a while ago but I was in this clan until it disbanded as well.
EU Legends: Not that impressive but I was kicked for inactivity, the timezone change wasn't good for me because I was never able to play with the members.
Cobras: My first clan, I played with two current rebels in this clan, LiningHawk and GipperGaming.

I think that my past clan experience has proven my loyalty to clans, I have been in only four in the past year.

You cool?: I think so.
Best puppy picture:
sry maddy

Extra: I know that I am not very active on your teamspeak, and this may eventually lead to my denial. Whenever I connect to the lobby everyone is in a channel that I cannot access or there are a few people scattered in small groups. I have quite a bit of experience with a fair bit the members in this clan. All I ask from you guys is the chance to prove myself worthy of being on this team. If any officers see me on teamspeak and are willing to play with me I would appreciate the opportunity.
Gumbys back?! :O add me on skype, jspwn1


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
According to the first post
"VIP (ex-rebels)"
The definition of "ex" is technically (on a phone so I can't put websters definition) old; of past circumstances;etc.
Therefore we move to the next argument.
I was a rebel 2 times (once with Zeno the other more recently with bran) so since I am not currently of the characterization "Rebel"(technically I am "Forgotten") and I was in the past (past meaning before current time not limited to any certain time measurement (second, year, millennia, etc.)).
All this said my argument shows I should be a VIP
Ty for reading
It was hard to type on phone so I made it short
I really want VIP I hate leading cheer


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
According to the first post
"VIP (ex-rebels)"
The definition of "ex" is technically (on a phone so I can't put websters definition) old; of past circumstances;etc.
Therefore we move to the next argument.
I was a rebel 2 times (once with Zeno the other more recently with bran) so since I am not currently of the characterization "Rebel"(technically I am "Forgotten") and I was in the past (past meaning before current time not limited to any certain time measurement (second, year, millennia, etc.)).
All this said my argument shows I should be a VIP
Ty for reading
It was hard to type on phone so I made it short
I really want VIP I hate leading cheer
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