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I agree!From what I've seen there is no 1v1 servers (unless I'm just stupid) so I don't like it. On FFA I get teamed on constantly.
There's MCSwish but it's horrible.From what I've seen there is no 1v1 servers (unless I'm just stupid) so I don't like it. On FFA I get teamed on constantly.
Only euThere's MCSwish but it's horrible.
Dave said they're working on a 1v1 feature.From what I've seen there is no 1v1 servers (unless I'm just stupid) so I don't like it. On FFA I get teamed on constantly.
There is a US MCSwish.Only eu
You know you can use the signs as quick warps right? But I do agree about the equipping armour thing. Will be fixed soon though I hopeThe fact that after I die I have to walk all the way back to the arena. It's really monatanous and not to mention you aren't pre-equipped with armour. It preys on your lack of attention for details so when I enter the arena again I forget that I need to equip my amour and get brutally murdered. Then I have to walk all the way back. Those two problems is what greatly turns Kit PvP into Kit Walk and Equip or Die PVP.
There's MCSwish but it's horrible.
We're currently recording all of our plugins and bringing US back online. Stay toond duudOnly eu